Scenes from a sick day. Read this in a couple of hours for #readharder2022. I‘m not the biggest romance fan, but this was cute. I really like Vivian and love London, so I enjoyed this overall. I also enjoyed this delicious lentil soup.
Scenes from a sick day. Read this in a couple of hours for #readharder2022. I‘m not the biggest romance fan, but this was cute. I really like Vivian and love London, so I enjoyed this overall. I also enjoyed this delicious lentil soup.
I hit a reading wall w/my 1st read of 2021 & decided to pick this up. Sweet & fun, it was a delight. A woman in her 50s travels to England w/her daughter for Christmas. She never expects to fall in love on the trip. I liked that the main characters are more mature & so thoughtful w/each other. It was a treat to see Vivian's delight in discovering a new country.
“Life gets busy, w/so many things that aren‘t actually important but feel important.”
What. A freaking adorable. Book. This was my first Jasmine Guillory, and what an introduction! I loved the setting, the romance with conflict but almost no drama, the royal-adjacent situation, the adorable characters... everything. Yes to royal(ish) romance, and YES to more romances (and books) with main characters over 50.
Festive treats with a festive book
The amount of colors / patterns going on in this picture is incredible 😅 but I'm enjoying some relaxing reading and Youtube and doggie snuggles after Rise of Skywalker this morning and some sensory overload.
Finally starting this holiday read (also my first of Jasmine Guillory's books)
Attended my very first Jólabókaflód party and had such a great time! Got yo meet a new fellow litten and got to hang out with my book club peeps... and talked about books all night. ?
Walked away with these gems. Might start one of them and read into the wee hours.
Thanks to @Soubhiville for the fun gathering!
Super cute holiday romance featuring an over-50 couple. Fun, fast, and just what I needed today! #catsoflitsy
Finally got my hold in! Newest Jasmine Guillory was good, but definetly different than the preceding titles in The Wedding Date series. This one just felt like a more mature romance to me. Yes, they went to bed together extremely early on and their relationship stood the test of time and distance as do the rest of her characters. While a little descriptive in a few minimal scenes, overall I'm tagging as a closed door romance, and I liked that.
Reading Envy Podcast Episode 174: Cozy Holiday and TBR Explode 4
Jenny decided to do a bonus episode recommending some cozy holiday reading and finishing up the 2019 TBR Explode project.