I loved reading through all of this. I loved the pictures of the food and park maps throughout the book. I haven‘t tried any of the recipes in the book yet. But I am excited to try a few when I get to school.
I loved reading through all of this. I loved the pictures of the food and park maps throughout the book. I haven‘t tried any of the recipes in the book yet. But I am excited to try a few when I get to school.
Well, I‘ve read it and picked out which recipes I want to make now. Some fun Disney insider information regarding the parks and food, but there are a lot more sweet than savory recipes. There‘s also a lot of deep frying (which I‘ve never done at home) and ice cream making (definitely don‘t have an ice cream maker), so that rules out a chunk of recipes. We‘ll see how the recipes turn out!
Whaaaaaat?? Those crafty Disney folks. Did not know that.
I posted my review to this earlier today, having read the eDoc through NetGalley. I enjoyed the recipe I prepared, but really wanted an easier to flip though physical copy. I contacted my local bookstore about ordering it and she happened to have a damaged copy available that she offered me at a discount. It just has a scuff on the cover (under my thumb) so I was happy to take it off her hands!
For the sake of this review, I made one of my favorite things: Chili. The ingredients were affordable and easy to access and the meal was simple to prepare. The final product was bursting with flavor and while I‘ve rarely met a chili I didn‘t like, this is definitely one of the best recipes I‘ve had!
My full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3682543178
I cannot go to Disney Land this year, so I am bringing the park to me.
I think this recipe for California Adventure‘s carnitas tacos would have worked better with shredded meat, but it still smells good!
#DinnerByTheBook #NetGalley
With 240 pages, numerous full-color, full-page illustrations, and even maps of the park marked with the location of each of the tasty treats, this is sure to be a treasured volume in your kitchen cookbook library for years to come.
Releases Nov 10 from Adams Media, a division of Simon & Schuster. A big thank you to Ashley Craft, Adams Media, and NetGalley for providing a complimentary copy of this publication in exchange for this honest review.