Here's my first #Bookspin #DoubleSpin #BookspinBingo card for 2025
Thanks @TheAromaofBooks !
Here's my first #Bookspin #DoubleSpin #BookspinBingo card for 2025
Thanks @TheAromaofBooks !
With the #readyourkindle picks in, I can complete my #BookSpinBingo card for June. I can see my first bingo already ...
Thanks @TheAromaofBooks !
May continued my April reading slump thanks to work and life. I'm hopeful things will pick up a little in June.
#BookSpin #DoubleSpin #BookSpinBingo
Work blew up early in April, and isn't likely to settle down soon, so my April #BookSpinBingo card is embarrassingly bare and the forecast for May isn't much more promising. But dang me if I'll go Bingocardless for that flimsy reason.
#BookSpin #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks
I love this moment of the #BookSpinBingo month when a blackout seems possible. All I have to do is read about a book a day, and I've read a book in a day before .... Reality will settle in another week or so, but it's looking like a tremendously fun and enlightening month right now.
Excuse me but I have a day to read a book in.
Thanks @TheAromaofBooks !
Thanks @thearomaofbooks
Here's my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin #BookspinBingo list for March.
Thanks for hosting @TheAromaofBooks !
And here's my card for February #Bookspinbingo . Bottom corners are placeholders for titles to be determined by @CBee 's #readyourkindle challenge.
I didn't score a bingo in January, but this month I have a strategy. Good luck, y'all!
And thanks @TheAromaofBooks !
Here's my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin #BookSpinBingo list for February. Good luck everybody!
And thanks @TheAromaofBooks !
I basically dropped out of #BookSpinBingo the last couple of months because of ... you know ... life and ... stuff ... Anyway, I'm stepping back in for January, and we'll see how 2024 goddess.
(Heh. I intended to write "see how 2024 goes" but autocorrect said, "Nah you mean goddess" and I don't think I meant goddess but Dear Universe if that's what you have in mind for 2024 then I Am Here For It.)
Here's my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin #BookSpinBingo list for November. Good luck everybody!
Here's my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin #BookSpinBingo list for October. As usual for October, I'm trading Perry Rhodan for John Sinclair Ghost-Hunter.
Thanks for hosting again, @TheAromaofBooks !
September was s disappointing reading month, but I did score one #BookSpinBingo and got both my #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin reads in. Just under the wire but still.
Thanks @TheAromaofBooks !
And here's my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin #BookSpinBingo list for September
Good luck everybody!
And thanks, @TheAromaofBooks !
My August #BookSpinBingo card is the closest I've been to a blackout for a long time. (Mostly thanks to short books.) I also finished both my #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin reads.
Almost ready for September: just have to post my list.
And here's my #BookSpinBingo card for August. Have a good month, everybody,!
And, thanks @TheAromaofBooks !
And here's my July list for #BookSpin #DoubleSpin #BookSpinBingo
Only one bingo on my #BookSpinBingo card for June, and I didn't quite finish my #DoubleSpin read, but it was an okay month ...
And here's my #BookSpinBingo card for May. I did not do well keeping up with Perry Rhodans this month, but I did score one bingo at least!
Thanks @TheAromaofBooks !
At this point it's unlikely I'll finish another, so here is my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin #BookSpinBingo list for June.
Thanks for keeping this game going, @TheAromaofBooks !
April had some disappointments, but I scored one bingo ... And have lots of things to move to the May card
My #BookSpinBingo card for April. Nice to have the #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin reads in the same column this month. Good luck everybody!
And thanks @TheAromaofBooks !
And just like that, it's time for another #BookSpin #DoubleSpin #BookSpinBingo list. Here's mine for March.
And here's my #BookSpinBingo card for February. Good luck everybody!
And thanks @TheAromaofBooks !
Here's my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin #BookSpinBingo card for February. A lot of short stuff on here, but it's a short month.
December BookSpin wrap: I completed both the #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin reads, and scored one bingo on my #BookSpinBingo card for December. Could have been better but it's sometimes been worse. Getting ready now for January.
And here's my #Bookspinbingo card for December. Feeling good about this month. Good luck everybody, and thanks @TheAromaofBooks !
Here's my #Bookspin #DoubleSpin #BookSpinBingo list for December. Weighting it with shorter books this month to strategize more bingos, heheh
Thanks for doing this again, @TheAromaofBooks !
Here's my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin #BookSpinBingo list for November.
Thanks for another month @TheAromaofBooks !
Here's my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin #BookSpinBingi list for October. Lots of holdovers from a lackluster September. And from August too, tbh.
And here's my#BookSpinBingo card for September. Good luck everybody!
And thanks @TheAromaofBooks