Poor Andrew, thought he was getting away from his alcoholic and dysfunctional mother, only to find out the grass isn't always greener behind the white picket fence. I'm working my way through Ania Ahlborn's disturbing books, loving them all so far!
Poor Andrew, thought he was getting away from his alcoholic and dysfunctional mother, only to find out the grass isn't always greener behind the white picket fence. I'm working my way through Ania Ahlborn's disturbing books, loving them all so far!
Whew, last night was rough. I was up most of it, trying to take care of my sick boyfriend. Luckily he is finally getting some sleep, so now to dig in and read all day.
I think I‘m officially in “read all the horror” mode, until at least December (or I run out of what I have on my shelves). 🖤
Ps. I‘m in love with my new coffee mug. 💀
Andy left home for a new start with Mickey, a former childhood friend, so he moves into his dilapidated home. Across the street is a Leave It to Beaver style couple who seem perfect, but Andy learns the truth as the couple takes a special interest in Andy.
The story was okay, it lacked suspense & it was predictable. This isn't a supernatural book, so I wish the story felt more realistic. Andy is also much too naive.
Much, much better than The Bird Eater. Ahlborn is at her best when she stays away from the supernatural! Parts of this book did feel a bit rushed, but other than that I liked the story.
This was a meh. Read it in one sitting. Definitely be prepared to suspend your disbelief. Was an okay quick read to pass the afternoon but wouldn‘t recommend. Rather disappointed as I‘d had this one on Mt. TBR for quite some time and was looking forward reading it. WARNING: EVERYONE in this book is constantly “chewing on the pad of his/her thumb” to the point I was concerned it was perhaps contagious.
Day 2 of #noteworthyNovember: I‘m OB-SESSED with Ania‘s work. I was supposed to start The Silence of the Lambs today, until I read this sneak peak. The things I choose to read in the #dark...
Just dropping a line to say this creepy tale is available on Kindle Unlimited! I got a two month trial going on right now so taking advantage. A friend of mine loves this author so I wanted to check something out for Halloween!
Started this before bed last night. Drew moves in with childhood friend Mickey to escape the smothering codependence of his alcoholic mother. Mickey's place is the sore thumb in a street full of pretty, picket fenced houses and none more perfect than the next door neighbors'. Harlow looks like a cookie cutter 50s housewife but there's clearly something sinister next door...
This book is insane‼️ @Read.Em.And.Eat #reademandeatathon
⭐⭐⭐⭐ I zipped through this, and for the most part, enjoyed it. I just hope I never have neighbors like that anywhere near me! For your sake, I hope you don't, either.
Starting this one tonight. Love thy neighbor lol