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Embassy Wife
Embassy Wife: A Novel | Katie Crouch
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Katie Crouch's Embassy Wife is a page-turning thriller following two women abroad searching for the truth about their husbandsand their country ...
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Embassy Wife: A Novel | Katie Crouch
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This was a fun novel about US Diplomats living in Namibia during the Trump administration. Nothing too deep, but I enjoyed it. Still #ReadingAfrica2022

Embassy Wife: A Novel | Katie Crouch

A truly original setting.

Embassy Wife: A Novel | Katie Crouch
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After taking a back seat to Amanda‘s career for years, Mark drags the family to #Namibia so he can work on his Fulbright. But there may be another reason he‘s there. Meanwhile, Amanda meets the embassy expat community in this delicious skewering of Americans abroad that I absolutely loved!


Librarybelle All of the reviews of this one have me intrigued…I‘m going to have to grab this one on audio, as these are the type of books for me that are perfect to listen to while adulting! 😂 2y
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Embassy Wife: A Novel | Katie Crouch
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Definitely entertaining and at times “informative”, but mostly silly over the top antics of an ex-pats life, in this case #Namibia Amanda & Persephone are stationed in Africa, as both their husbands are employed by the US State Department. Persephone takes her “servitude” to such extremes, whereas Amanda is counting the seconds until she can return to the states. They both befriend Mila, a Namibian diplomat‘s wife & the escapades begin.👇🏼

Cinfhen This is pure fluff, but a pleasant distraction and fulfills #ReadingAfrica22 #Namibia @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB Audio narration was enjoyable but like the book, a bit of a caricature 3y
Librarybelle “Pure fluff, but a pleasant distraction” is just what I need! 3y
Cinfhen Hope it fits the bill @Librarybelle 💜 3y
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Embassy Wife: A Novel | Katie Crouch
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This audio is pretty zany & a bit mindless but perfect for my #CovidBrain and it‘s a lighter look at #Namibia #ReadingAfrica2022 #Hoopla 🎧

Librarybelle Mindless is good! 3y
BarbaraBB Seems perfect under the circumstances indeed. I keep thinking of how you got infected with your booster. So far people with a booster have hardly got it. But Israel is always my prediction for Holland. 😳 3y
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Cinfhen My booster will reach its 6 month period at the end of February so it was on the lower end of effectiveness @BarbaraBB but the good news is that I‘m only having flu symptoms & nothing like chest or breathing pains. It‘s basically like any other bad winter cold. 3y
Cinfhen Mindless is VERY good @Librarybelle xx 3y
BookBabe @Cinfhen sorry you‘re not feeling well! Praying for you. 🙏🏻 3y
Simona @BarbaraBB At my work we have to taste every second day (regardless the status) and it is very surprising how many people with the booster get sick, but fortunately with mild symptoms. 3y
Simona Take care @Cinfhen ❣️ 3y
Cathythoughts Take care Cindy 😘 3y
mrp27 Feel better soon. 3y
Megabooks 💕💕💕💕 3y
BarbaraBB @Simona Really? We‘d probably be surprised how many people are infected here without knowing it then! 3y
Bookzombie I haven‘t been on in a couple of days. Sorry to hear you have Covid. I hope the symptoms aren‘t too bad and pass quickly. 💕 3y
Ruthiella Hope you feel better soon! 🥴❤️ 3y
Cinfhen I had a good nights sleep @Ruthiella @Bookzombie @Megabooks @mrp27 @Cathythoughts @Simona @BarbaraBB @BookBabe THANK YOU ALL for your prayers and good wishes 💜Hopefully the worst is behind me🙏🏼 3y
Cinfhen @Simona @BarbaraBB I know SEVERAL people who were asymptotic and had no clue they had Covid but only found out during a routine test for either travel, or work function that required pre-testing. I‘m glad you‘re both staying safe♥️ 3y
TrishB @Simona @BarbaraBB we have to test to go onto campus too. We‘re very clear that the booster doesn‘t stop you getting it- just much less likely to end up in hospital! Glad you‘re feeling a bit better Cindy ❤️ 3y
Cinfhen Thanks @TrishB xx 😘 3y
BarbaraBB We have to show our QR (3G) to get into events, museums, theaters, restaurants etc (all of which have just reopened today) but no pre-testing. But our government still doesn‘t have a clue and changes its policy weekly so we‘ll be probably pre-testing in a few weeks too 😉. Happy you‘re feeling a little better Cindy! 🤍 @Simona @TrishB (edited) 3y
Cinfhen The rules keep changing here too and truthfully nothing has changed the course of the pandemic @BarbaraBB it just keeps spreading & morphing but fewer people are dying, so that‘s a HUGE relief 😅 3y
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Embassy Wife: A Novel | Katie Crouch
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Embassy Wife: A Novel | Katie Crouch
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Amanda has left her tech job to support her husband's Fulbright project, and Persephone is the wife of a diplomat. Then shenanigans ensue. The husbands are shady.
This is the second book in a row I've read that was set in southern Africa, and you know because of all of the mentions of milk tarts. I did feel I learned some about the place, although mostly through the gazes of white people and expats. I found it enjoyable and a little silly.

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Embassy Wife: A Novel | Katie Crouch
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So excited to read Embassy Wife getting great reviews Perfectfor the long holiday weekend💕📚

Embassy Wife: A Novel | Katie Crouch
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Fun and original story about the spouses (overwhelmingly wives) of US Embassy employees in Namibia. Wonderful characters and an interesting look at the country from the POV of outsiders. #ARC #Netgalley

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