Bite-sized Book Chats: The 12th Episode
A playlist of all episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU-61cZp1pQdBH5V0Zb9q-2ujl4PY8nhf
Chat #1: with Sarah, an Australian in the Netherlands
Anthills of the Savannah by Chinua Achebe
Chat #2: with Q from Washington, DC
Dreamland by Rosa Rankin-Gee
Good Behaviour - Molly Keane
Mad Puppetstown by M.J. Farrell (Molly Keene)
Chat #4: with Georgia from York
A House in the Country by Ruth Adam
A Woman's Place: 1910-1975 by Ruth Adam
Beatrice Webb: A Life by Kitty Muggeridge, Ruth Adam