Its over! I got my grades for both classes finally!
School restarts on the 29th but I am only taking one class!
#NurseLife #NursesofLitsy #StudentLife
Its over! I got my grades for both classes finally!
School restarts on the 29th but I am only taking one class!
#NurseLife #NursesofLitsy #StudentLife
Turned in my last two assignments for the quarter (for the 2 classes I am taking)... Now I wait for the final grades. I have 2 weeks off of school then back :(
Next class- Evidence-Based Practice
#NursesOfLitsy #NurseLife #StudentLife
I am nearing the end of the this semester (it ends the 12th). So, I have 2 assignments left in Policy and 1 assignment left in Informatics. I can do this! I am exhausted but.. I can do this.
Made the decision to only take one class next semester because of the whole MRI, Angiogram, potential surgery, etc. But... I am still .. gonna try! Keep reminding myself I will make a great Nurse Practitioner
#NurseLife #StudentLife #NursesOfLitsy
About halfway done with what is due Saturday. Trying to get most of it done today as I am headed to Boston tomorrow for the Van Gogh Immersion thing (late bday celebration!)
My view. I love #VTLeafPeeping
#NurseLife #NursesOfLitsy #SchoolLife
Okay (as you can tell by the number of posts) I have officially finished procrastinating and will start my homework! Ugh!!!
#NurseLife #SchoolLife #NursesOfLitsy
Procrastinated and just generally hated my school work! But yeah finally finished today's assignment!
#NurseLife #SchoolLife #NursesOfLitsy
Electricity is now working!!! So excited to be able to use this space to do my homework and to get caught up in general office type stuff (like #LitsyLove) Anyway super excited!
@Jb72 - I wrapped my file cabinet in cute paper so that I can use it shortly! I didn't do the best job, but it will ultimately be in the closet once I set it up
Set up my office to find that one of my switches is faulty and now I have to wait for an electrician! Ugh! School is stressful enough as it is!
Also, hoping that when all this is set up I will finally catch up with #LitsyLove - So sorry I have been MIA!
#SchoolLife #NurseLife #NursesOfLitsy
This class will be the death of me! Ugh!!!
#SchoolLife #NurseLife #NursesOfLitsy
So, school is back in swing :( I am trying to get some reading done for my Policy and Advocacy class and its dry dry dry! Having such a hard time focusing on just life! Ugh!
#SchoolLife #NurseLife #NursesOfLitsy