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The Frederick Sisters Are Living the Dream
The Frederick Sisters Are Living the Dream: A Novel | Jeannie Zusy
6 posts | 5 read | 3 to read
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine meets Early Morning Riser with a dash of Whered You Go, Bernadette in this very funny, occasionally romantic, and surprisingly moving novel about how one womans life is turned upside down when she becomes caregiver to her sister with special needs. Every family has its fault lines, and when Maggie gets a call from the ER in Maryland where her older sister lives, the cracks start to appear. Ginny, her sugar-loving and diabetic older sister with intellectual disabilities, has overdosed on strawberry Jell-O. Maggie knows Ginny really cant live on her own, so she brings her sister and her occasionally vicious dog to live near her in upstate New York. Their other sister, Betsy, is against the idea but as a professional surfer, she is conveniently thousands of miles away. Thus, Maggies life as a caretaker begins. It will take all of her dark humor and patience, already spread thin after a separation, raising two boys, freelancing, and starting a dating life, to deal with Ginnys diapers, sugar addiction, porn habit, and refusal to cooperate. Add two devoted but feuding immigrant aides and a soon-to-be ex-husband who just wont go away, and youve got a story that will leave you laughing through your tears as you wonder who is actually taking care of whom.
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This is such a sweet book! It truly is. But why is it that every novel about a woman who cheats and/or leaves her husband, part of the story is always the guilt and shame she feels? Why can‘t there be a book about a woman who cheats joyfully? Who cheats and has the best sex of her life which she refuses to regret? A woman who leaves her husband, never cooks again, lives on cheese, crackers, and novels and revels in being alone? Recommendations??

MizzGraham Yasss! I can already tell by this comment we should be friends 😁 11mo
HettyG It just seems like a recent theme in all my reading! 😂 Yes to friends! 11mo
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Eleanor Oliphant vibes. Written in four parts is this story that doesn't really have a typical story arc but golly if I didn't instantly feel like I knew these characters. Maybe it's because I have people in my life that I could picture in each of their roles and made me open my eyes a little wider, maybe it was the complete trust they shared as sisters despite so many different locations, lifestyles, childhood memories... Not sure but it works.

CBee Doggie! 😍 1y
Tamra Sweet labby face! 😍😘 1y
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Um, this just isn‘t working for me like I expected. And I‘m seeing that others took a few tries to get into it as well…. I‘m just really not into stream of consciousness style of writing…. So I‘m bailing now, but may try again another day.

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I guess the third time really is the charm - After two unsuccessful attempts to connect with this book, I found my groove on the third and final try. And I‘m glad for it. I ended up really enjoying The Frederick Sisters Are Living the Dream by debut author Jeannie Zusy.This is an honest, realistic look at family obligations, expectations, frustrations, grievances and ultimately love. A twee bit too long - #NowAvailable #ARC

Cinfhen Thanks for the slight push @robinb - it‘s a good #BorrowNotBuy @Megabooks or a #DailyDeal @TrishB 💕💕💕 2y
robinb Great review and totally agree with you. 😊 Must be a #60sBaby thing! 😉😉😄 (edited) 2y
Cinfhen Must be @robinb xxxx 2y
TrishB Thanks 👍🏻 2y
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#NetGalley #ARC #NowAvailable I started and stopped this book twice. Hoping the third time is the charm 😉

TrishB You‘re better than me! 2y
Megabooks 🤞🏻 I probably would‘ve given up! 2y
Cinfhen Im glad I stuck with it @Megabooks @TrishB as im more amused than annoyed - it took a bit to adjust to the author‘s tone & style @robinb you were right!! 2y
robinb @Cinfhen Yay!!! I was really feeling the pressure! 😂😅 And yes, I started out annoyed but the amusement won me over. 2y
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15% in, I almost gave up on this one, but I‘m glad I stuck with it. This debut novel centers around three sisters (in their 50s), Maggie, Ginny and Betsy. Ginny has some special needs, and after having a serious diabetic episode, Maggie moves her closer to her in NY to oversee her care. Bets is a free-spirit famous surfer who lives in CA, owns a surf shop and rarely visits (or calls). Maggie is separated from her (also free-wheeling) husband🔻

robinb and has two sons, one in college and one in high school. She is separated because she cheated. This is a story about caregivers, why/how they do it, how much they give of themselves, how the responsibilities affect their relationship with those they care for as well their other relationships, etc. I almost gave up on it because it felt monotonous and a bit disjointed in the beginning, 🔻 2y
robinb but I think maybe I just needed to adjust to the author‘s writing style. As you‘d expect, lots of emotions in this one…humor, anger, frustration, guilt, envy, sadness, lots of love, etc. And sometimes I felt frustration myself when characters did not act/react the way I wanted/expected them to, but I feel that‘s what the author was aiming for. Things were tied up a bit too neatly, but it was definitely an interesting story. 4.25/5⭐️ (edited) 2y
Cinfhen Ohhhh, I started and stopped this one at about 25% mark but I‘m about to try again. Good to know it picks up. I was also put off by the authors tone /style 2y
robinb @Cinfhen Yes, it was definitely one of those that started off not so great. But I think as I went along, I became less frustrated with certain aspects and was able to actually see what the author was trying to show me. I'd love to know what you think in the end if you go back to it. :) 2y
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