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Swift the Storm, Fierce the Flame
Swift the Storm, Fierce the Flame: A Novel | Meg Long
5 posts | 4 read | 2 to read
On a planet on the brink of total destruction, teenager Remy is determined to find her missing friend, Alora, but the only way to track her down amidst the chaos is to team up with a traitor to stage a revolution.
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There was a lot to really like, including a some great action sequences, good character interactions & fantastic world-building. Unfortunately, I got dragged down by the pacing. I didn't connect to the characters as well for whatever reason, & struggled through the middle chunk of the novel. However, my interest in the series was amped back up by the final 1/4 & I am definitely going to be reading the finale. This baby ends with a kick!

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3¾⭐I loved CTNFTW, and was all set to love this…but I really only liked this one. The MC in this book is Remy (bk #1 side char.) instead of Sena and therein lies the crux of my problem, it doesn‘t have nearly enough Sena and Iska. Otherwise, the world-building is great. The ending wasn‘t a cliffhanger but it did lead you to believe that there could be more adventures in store for these characters. So….why isn‘t this labeled as a series??? ⬇⬇⬇

AudiobookingWithLeah I also took issue with the MC‘s constant toting of her “geno-path” abilities. Like seriously, we get it, you‘re super special and much more so than a mere human. All in all…I think I liked Remy more when I wasn‘t inside her head. 2y
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I adored last year‘s COLD THE NIGHT, FAST THE WOLVES- and was thrilled for this sequel that picks up shortly after the first book‘s conclusion. Though Sena and Iska are still major characters, Remy narrates this installment and her backstory and goals provide the main plot. Some of the twists here are more expected- but I love the jungle setting in such contrast with Tundar! The emphasis on friendship makes this stand out in the YA Fantasy genre!

ShelleyBooksie Gorgeous dog! ♡♡ 2y
TorieStorieS @ShelleyBooksie Thank you! Hard to believe he will be 15 this year!! 2y
dabbe Sweetest face! Want to kiss that nose! ❣️🐾❣️ 2y
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TorieStorieS @dabbe Thank you!! He gets lots of boops on that nose! But he prefers to do the booping himself- his favorite way to wake up my husband is to put his cold nose right in his armpit!! 🤣 2y
Monica5 Beautiful Furbaby ❤️🐾 2y
TorieStorieS @Monica5 Thank you! He loves to have his picture taken! 😍 2y
Bette Gorgeous boy. He sure doesn‘t look 15. 🐶❤️ 2y
TorieStorieS @Bette Well he has a few months to go yet- but he definitely doesn‘t act like a super senior dog! Hoping that we will be calling Guinness for his lifespan! 2y
Maria514626 That face! What a sweetheart! 2y
TorieStorieS @Maria514626 Thanks!! He gets away with plenty of mischief on account of that cute face! 🤣 2y
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Let the silver bells ring! #BingoBoard

#BookSpin 14 - Swift the Storm, Fierce the Flame by Meg Long

#DoubleSpin 2, #OokBOokClub - Raising Steam by Terry Pratchett

#DiverseCozy - In the Winter Woods by Isabelle Adler

#Roll100 - Dragonquest by Anne McCaffrey, Doctored Evidence by Donna Leon, Other Lands by David Anthony Durham

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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This teen/YA sci-fi/fantasy was a good follow-up to Long‘s debut novel (which I recommend reading first). This is Remy‘s story, a genetically engineered corporate agent, who is focused on finding a friend that she failed to save in a coup between the syndicate and the corps two years earlier. Together with her friend Sena and her wolf Iska, and her ex-partner Kiran, who she doesn‘t trust, they must lead a revolution against the corp who is 🔻

robinb tampering with Mother Nature to secure more power. There‘s great world-building here (hot, muddy jungle), a great range of characters (both good and evil), a mystery or two and a cliffhanger, which I assume (and hope) leads to a next installment. Perhaps a little slow in spots with some occasional frustration with Remy‘s stubbornness, 🔻 2y
robinb but then again I enjoyed her fighting spirit and improvisations. Will definitely look out for future adventures. 4.25/5⭐️ For those interested, I‘m tagging the first in series. (edited) 2y
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