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The Eden Test
The Eden Test: A Novel | Adam Sternbergh
12 posts | 9 read | 11 to read
Adam Sternbergh brings his wit, humor, and a Hitchcockian sense of dread to What Have We Done, a chilling, surprising, and wholly entertaining portrait of a marriage on the brink. Seven Days. Seven Questions. Forever Changed. Thats how The Eden Test, a week-long getaway, advertises itself for couples in trouble. And thats what Daisy, a talented actress, has signed up for, in the hopes of saving her marriage. Its a tall order, seeing as her husband Craig plans on leaving her for another woman. In fact, his bags are packed in the back of the car as he drives to the cabin in the woods in upstate New York. But spending time together is nice and Craig enjoys the solitude of the cabin, the nearby lake, and the apple orchard. Hed even like the quirky small town, if it wasnt for a few locals calling him a city idiot. Maybe this could actually work? But Craig doesnt know that Daisy, one of the best actresses no one has ever heard of, has her own secrets, including a burner phone shes been using to text someone else. Their marriage was already under duress but now the lies and secrets are coming so fast its hard to keep up...
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The Eden Test: A Novel | Adam Sternbergh
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It‘s not great literature or anything, but a good page turner about a couple spending a week in a remote cabin in the woods to try to save their marriage. Secrets come out slowly, and the story builds to its necessary conclusion. You could save it for the summer and have a good beach read!

The Eden Test: A Novel | Adam Sternbergh
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#BookReport 26/23

A good week! I adored Anthony, and enjoyed Yellowface and The Trees Grew. The tagged one however, I hated. Don‘t waste your time on it!

Cinfhen Agreed, Eden Test was a massive disappointment 😤 12mo
LeahBergen Darn! I thought The Eden Test sounded interesting. 12mo
BarbaraBB @LeahBergen believe me, don‘t bother! 12mo
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The Eden Test: A Novel | Adam Sternbergh
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I am sorry Meg, but I am with Cindy on this one 🤷🏻‍♀️

The premise was good and I enjoyed The Blinds so I was looking forward to a new Sternbergh. But I found the plot non-plausible and unbelievable and the characters to me felt flat and stereotype. I did want to finish it, to see where it went with this couple doing a week long kind of challenge in a cabin in the woods of upstate NY to test their marriage, but I finished it rolling my eyes.

Cinfhen Your photo is BEAUTIFUL and I 💯 agree with your review!! 12mo
Megabooks Can‘t win ‘em all! 🤷🏻‍♀️ lovely photo!!! 🤩 12mo
BarbaraBB @Megabooks Doesn‘t happen to often though, that you and I don‘t agree on our books! It as about time I suppose 😂 12mo
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BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Yes, your review could have been mine. A book to forget about soon! 12mo
CatMS I liked it, not as good as the Spademan series but entertaining. 12mo
swishandflick I love watching where the 3 of you fall on the same book 😆 @Cinfhen @Megabooks 12mo
Hooked_on_books Gorgeous photo! I didn‘t like The Blinds at all, so it‘s good to know I won‘t miss anything by skipping this one. 12mo
Cinfhen @swishandflick hahaha 😂😂I find it entertaining as well 😂Has Aardvark dropped any clues yet??? #InquiringMinds 12mo
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The Eden Test: A Novel | Adam Sternbergh
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#UnpopularOpinion Somewhere between a so-so and a pan this book was MAJORLY DISAPPOINTING! I read & loved The Blinds and was sort of expecting another book on that level but this book felt amateurish and obvious. Nothing here really shocked or surprised me. And the premise of The Eden Test had potential but the author took the cheesy route instead of a more clever approach. Oh well! And I don‘t get the cover image- at all!?? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Cinfhen Curious to see what you think @BarbaraBB ??? I know @Megabooks was kinder than I was xx 12mo
Megabooks Yeah, I really enjoyed this one! 🤷🏻‍♀️ you and I have just felt differently about a lot of books this year. 💜 12mo
Cinfhen Still enjoy reading and seeing all of your reviews and recommendations though xx @Megabooks 12mo
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Megabooks Same dear friend!! 😘 12mo
BarbaraBB I have another 100 pages to read but aren‘t that enthusiastic either. I have no idea where it is leading but it all seems so implausible so far. I‘ll let you and @Megabooks know my verdict 😉 of course! 12mo
Cinfhen Totally get your lack of enthusiasm @BarbaraBB 😁 12mo
janeycanuck Oh no! Sorry to hear it didn‘t work for you 😕 12mo
Cinfhen @janeycanuck I know you really enjoyed it😁 sometimes books just land differently- im still glad I picked it up! 12mo
BarbaraBB The cover indeed. A stock photo obviously but of what? A hug? Or do I miss something? 12mo
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The Eden Test: A Novel | Adam Sternbergh
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Strernbergh is really good at those mindf*ck plot twists, and while this wasn‘t a crazy as The Blinds, I appreciated the intimacy and tenderness he created between these characters. He masterfully manipulated who I rooted for and sympathized with as the book went on.

Daisy has set up a weeklong retreat with her husband where they must answer and discuss a question each day. Sounds simple enough, but the retreat exposes many new feelings…and lies.

Cinfhen Great review! I keep expecting a twist similar to “the Blinds” - 12mo
Megabooks @Cinfhen oh, there are definitely some great twist! Keep at it!! 12mo
BarbaraBB Just started this one today! I loved The Blinds too. Great review. 12mo
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The Eden Test: A Novel | Adam Sternbergh
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Started yesterday and already half way through. Loved Adam Sternberg's Spademan books "Shovel Ready" and "Near Enemy" which are sci fi, and "The Blinds" which is a contemporary speculative Western. "The Eden Test" one is a mystery/thriller and I am liking it.

CatMS Read this in 2 days, liked it. 13mo
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The Eden Test: A Novel | Adam Sternbergh
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#TreatYoShelf #ImpulseBuy #BookMail #CoverCrush #BluesAndGreens I think that sums it all up 💙💚

BarbaraBB I just bought The Eden Test too! And I will buy Irene just hoping the price will go down in the coming months. 13mo
Megabooks I‘m coming up soon at the library for Eden! 13mo
Cinfhen I‘m looking forward to both of these books @Megabooks @BarbaraBB I‘m pretty sure Irene is part of the official #SummerCampToB23 - right?! 13mo
BarbaraBB Yes it is the last #campTob book! 13mo
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The Eden Test: A Novel | Adam Sternbergh
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This book is effed up!! It has some serious Gone Girl vibes.

Cinfhen Ohhhhh!! Now I‘m curious AF 13mo
janeycanuck @Cinfhen I think it's the closest comp I've read in a long time. 13mo
Cinfhen Do u think it would work well on audio?? 13mo
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janeycanuck @Cinfhen Yes, I think so. I just listened to a sample and the narrator was quite good. As long as you like a thriller on audio, you should be good! (edited) 13mo
Cinfhen I saw lots of mixed reviews for the audio so now I‘m back to considering print #BookNerdProblems 13mo
janeycanuck @Cinfhen They are the best kind of problems to have 😁 13mo
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The Eden Test: A Novel | Adam Sternbergh
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Here‘s my #bookspinbingo list for June, with a couple open bonus spots for some mood reading. I‘ve been going pretty hard with the monthly goals and themes this year to hit specific stats and help lower my unread owned TBR, but I think I‘m going to remove the barriers in June and just read WHATEVER I want. 😂

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!!! 13mo
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The Eden Test: A Novel | Adam Sternbergh
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I have been thinking about this book for a while since I saw it on Libby and finally, I said forget the mixed reviews on Amazon and Goodreads and give it a try. Well, I've been entrenched in the story all last night and today. I've done nothing else 🙃 Right now, I'm on day five of the week-long anniversary trip and I'm riveted to my seat waiting to see what happens next! Excited to update with a review! It's been a busy book week for me!

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The Eden Test: A Novel | Adam Sternbergh
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Daisy and Craig are two profoundly screwed up people. They are approaching their 2 year wedding anniversary and they both know something has to change. Daisy has an anniversary surprise of biblical proportions in store for him at an isolated cabin retreat designed for couples at a crossroad in their relationship. There are many twists and turns that lead to some high stakes decisions if they decide their marriage is worth saving. ⬇️

MatchlessMarie I enjoyed reading this one but if there is a sequel I hope it involves seeking much needed therapy 😂 I finished the tagged book last week but I finished Good Omens today. Thanks @5feet.of.fury for mentioning a full cast audio. I ended up switching to the one pictured here but I will eventually want to listen to them all I think. 🤩 #ThingsInCommon #Netgalley #ARC 1y
Clwojick Great review! I have Eden on NetGalley too! 1y
5feet.of.fury @MatchlessMarie yay! Glad you enjoyed! 1y
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The Eden Test: A Novel | Adam Sternbergh
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This #DomesticThriller takes place at a private retreat for married couples with an overtly Old Testament theme- called The Eden Test, over the course of 7 days, couples are given 7 questions to discuss. Daisy & Craig may not always be particularly likable, but as the story unfolds, it‘s hard to tear away from! Readers will enjoy discussing this one, even when the final twists turn this into something more unbelievable but no less entertaining!