I have a few, but today my pick for #FavoriteTitle is this one.
I have a few, but today my pick for #FavoriteTitle is this one.
#booktober reading snacks challenge.... honestly, I don't eat when I read whenever possible. too distracting! So here's a picture of a very tiny foster kitten enjoying his snack! @RealLifeReading
The story is set in the time of the war in Rodhesia, Zimbabwe today. Narrator of the story is 8-year-old girl and she is focused on what is happening in the family, we felt the war only by the arrivals and departures of the father on the battlefield and through comments made by grandfather. The story is an interesting blend of beliefs, traditions, and tragedies.
#book7 in #bookisholympics and #goingforgold is completed‼️
I came back from work earlier than I expected and that's why I'm back in the game for #goingforgold
I have 7 hours and 30 minutes to the finish line.