This is a wild ride of a thriller with a total gut punch of an ending. It‘s best to know very little going into this one. The twists and surprises are fantastic. It‘s not quite a 5 for me, but very close. 4.5⭐️
This is a wild ride of a thriller with a total gut punch of an ending. It‘s best to know very little going into this one. The twists and surprises are fantastic. It‘s not quite a 5 for me, but very close. 4.5⭐️
Things I was not anticipating? Publishing to enter the chat on the Ultimate World Cruise by sponsoring an influencer on the boat. But I think it opens the door to some interesting discussions. https://youtu.be/VhrkmWYE0QQ
Obsessed. It‘s the best word I can find to describe how I felt while reading this. I couldn‘t put it down. I burned through the pages in 3 nights. (And as a full time working mom that‘s a feat for me!) I don‘t want to say too much about it as to spoil anything as I highly recommend going in blind. #thriller
I ended up really enjoying this! Was it way longer than it needed to be? Yes. Was it pretty unrealistic? For sure. Was the dialogue and character development somewhat cringy at times? Yup. But it was also action packed and such a wild ride! I loved how short each chapter was, which really kept me turning those pages. I‘d definitely read more by this author! 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Ready to go! My plan is to at least finish the tagged book and then tackle 11-22-63 and my #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin. Wish me luck!😉📚💜
The description had me thinking this might be an exploration of ghost ships a la Marie Celeste & the set up drew me in quickly. But we find out what's going on about 30% in & I was not thrilled. I should have stopped then because each new shocker (& there are a lot of them) made me more unhappy. Plus, everything about the end from finding out the truth about 2 of the passengers, to Pete's explanations, to the last !@#$% chapter pissed me off. UGH!
This is the second Will Dean book I‘ve read and this one was just so thrilling and I couldn‘t put it down. While reading there were several times when I thought I knew what was going on and I was wrong every time. I just couldn‘t get enough. This book made me want to scream so many times. This is definitely one of my favorite books of the year. I received a copy of this book from Goodreads in exchange for an honest review!
This was a tough call because I liked the book once it got going. It just took way too long to get there with character back stories that didn‘t pull me in. I‘m all about shorter chapters, but 133 was a lot when many just seemed like a paragraph break. It is an interesting take on reality entertainment and the last sentence (don‘t go read it!) was great.
This was a over the top survival type thriller set on an ocean liner with a plot that was highly implausible... and yet I could not put it down. While it is not going to win any literary prizes, I found it to be entertaining and I kept turning the pages into the wee hours, as I had to know what happened next. It also had some interesting social commentary on current entertainment practices but to say more would include spoilers. 4/5 stars.
I really liked this book in the beginning. It has you gripped immediately. I was constantly wondering what happened and looking for clues everywhere. But, the book reveals what happens before the 50% mark. The things that happen in this book are way too far and in-between. If I had to listen to them collecting rain water one more time... I'm giving 3 stars because I did really enjoy the first half of this book. 3/5
I am again in the minority with a Will Dean book. I did not enjoy this book. Yes it had some very intense things going on but it was so unrealistic. I didn't for a second believe one bit of this story. Not that any of it was true but still. Usually you get a realistic sense with a book.
3/5 stars
Full review: https://tinyurl.com/2m8cyrjw
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