Woke up to a winter weather advisory. We‘re only expecting three inches or so which isn‘t too bad. Enjoying this start to the snowy season with, what else, another Cork O‘Conner mystery!
Woke up to a winter weather advisory. We‘re only expecting three inches or so which isn‘t too bad. Enjoying this start to the snowy season with, what else, another Cork O‘Conner mystery!
1: C. S. Lewis: On Writing (and Writers)
2: Jennie Marts: Take the Honey and Run — night book
3: William Kent Krueger: Manitou Canyon — walking
4: Beth Evans: I Really Didn‘t Think This Through
Cork‘s daughter‘s getting married in 2 weeks! Meanwhile there is a missing person case to solve which Cork can‘t say no to…
#MarchMadnessReadathon Day 31
Another great book from Krueger - and the next book in the series has become available from my local library so I don‘t have to wait to start in on the next adventure. 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 for this one.
Me thinks it's time for the author to explore A new series. Very good writer but is starting to sound too much the same with each book.
I use whatever is handy! Crafts from the 3yo, a Valentine, a ticket to supper with my favorite author 💙 #bookmark #riotgrams
Cork O'Connor series # 15. It takes place in the beautiful Boundary Waters National Forest of northern Minnesota. #nativeamerican #nationalforest #Minnesota
I love Cork and have followed this series since the beginning. I recently heard William Kent Krueger talk about this book at my local book store. I love the themes that run through all of his books - family, spirituality, and the environment - all wrapped up in a really good story.
One of my top 5 authors and I TOTALLY lost my mind getting an ARC. I felt like Miss America waving saying "thank you! Thank you!" 15th book and fans won't be disappointed! Full review on the blog: http://scrappymags.com/2016/08/30/book-review-manitou-canyon-by-william-kent-kru...