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Twisted 1. Twisted love
Twisted 1. Twisted love | Ana Huang
9 posts | 12 read | 3 to read
l tiene el corazn de hielo. Pero por ella, quemara el mundo. Aunque Ava Chen y Alex Volkov se conocen desde hace aos, l siempre se ha mostrado distante y fro. Pero ahora que el hermano de Ava se ha ido y lo ha dejado encargado de la proteccin de ella, Alex parece algo menos indiferente.... Y su relacin, poco a poco, se va haciendo ms estrecha, hasta que llegan a confiarse sus secretos y traumas ms profundos... A ella, su madre intent ahogarla en un arrebato de locura; mientras que Alex presenci el brutal asesinato de toda su familia. Tras compartir sus ms ntimos pensamientos, su relacin dar un giro. No pueden negar que existe una fuerte atraccin entre ellos, pero ninguno de los dos se atreve a dar un paso adelante. Finalmente, Ava admite la pasin que est surgiendo, y, aunque Alex intenta resistirse tanto como puede, las chispas acaban saltando... y prenden un fuego ardiente. Sin embargo, cuando todo empezaba a funcionar entre ellos, unas sorprendentes revelaciones sobre la verdad de su pasado dinamitarn su relacin y pondrn en riesgo sus propias vidas. Una de mis mejores lecturas del ao. La qumica entre los protagonistas es brutal, muy adictiva y explcita. Tenis que conocer a Alex Volkov y su corazn de hielo! kay_entreletras Una historia que nos llena de aprendizaje y nos muestra la oscuridad y la luz de la vida. Para m un 10/10. jud_books
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Usually, I need more than “Beauty and the Beast“ for me to buy into a romance.

This one did have a protective “big brother“ mixed into the storyline.

Yet what intrigued me was the catch-line, “He Has A Heart of Ice...But For Her, He'd Burn The World.“

What kind of lady does that make me!?! 😂🤔.

Anyhow, my review has some spoilers. Therefore I will hide the bulk of them in the comments of this post. 👇

AnnCrystal This had a reader's warning, yet I do believe it should have highlighted at least one thing extra. ⚠️📚👇
AnnCrystal Child abuse in the two attempts to murder a little girl, by drowning and suffocation.

While I usually avoid any form of abuse, I have accidentally discovered some writers who are good at respecting both their characters and readers while writing sensitive scenes. This story hinted at childhood traumas, yet I took a chance and Ana Huang did a grand job.

Although it did get a little difficult and uncanny. Be prepared, mentally. 👇
AnnCrystal I usually skip pass sex scenes, and don't really weigh them in my reviews. Yet, I couldn't help take notice of something here...which brought this book into the “so-so“ category. This might not be entirely fair since I didn't “actually“ read, read...👇
AnnCrystal Alex Volkov is disrespectful and borderline abusive.

Fortunately, there were not too many sex scenes.👇
AnnCrystal This was a multi-layered, character-driven story. No RomCom here, this is a complex drama told with a dual perspective (from Ava's and Alex's POV).

Chapter 33 was unexpected and astounding. My favorite part was pages 312-313 when Alex sung a love song for Ava.

Story was excellent (except for the sex scenes).


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Plus side of working an overnight, all the time to read!!!


OMG. I just finished twisted love and thought. What if Alex Volkov had a soft spot for cats? Imaging a scene where Ava sees that the impassive (at least, on the outside) Alex freaking Volkov had a soft spot for cats because [spoiler] his sister had a cat!? Aaaahhhhhh 😭. I need this tho.

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Good book so far

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This is a Book Tok influenced read lol. #49of2023

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