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The Little Liar
The Little Liar: A Novel | Mitch Albom
16 posts | 14 read | 8 to read
Beloved bestselling author Mitch Albom returns with a powerful novel that moves from a coastal Greek city during the Holocaust, to America, where the intertwined lives of three survivors are forever changed by the perils of deception and the grace of redemption. Eleven-year-old Nico Krispis never told a lie. When the Nazis invade his home in Salonika, Greece, the trustworthy boy is discovered by a German officer, who offers him a chance to save his family. All Nico has to do is convince his fellow Jewish residents to board trains heading to new homes where they are promised jobs and safety. Unaware that this is all a cruel ruse, the innocent boy goes to the station platform every day and reassures the passengers that the journey is safe. But when the final train is at the station, Nico sees his family being loaded into a large boxcar crowded with other neighbors. Only after it is too late does Nico discover that he helped send the people he lovedand all the othersto their doom at Auschwitz. Nico never tells the truth again. In The Little Liar, his first novel set during the Holocaust, Mitch Albom interweaves the stories of Nico, his brother Sebastian, and their schoolmate Fanni, who miraculously survive the death camps and spend years searching for Nico, who has become a pathological liar, and the Nazi officer who radically changed their lives. As the decades pass, Albom reveals the consequences of what they said, did, and endured. A moving parable that explores honesty, survival, revenge and devotion, The Little Liar is Mitch Albom at his very best. Narrated by the voice of Truth itself, it is a timeless story about the harm we inflict with our deceits, and the power of love to ultimately redeem us.
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Though this is fiction, it is based on some true facts. I learned that there were Greek Jews who were sent to concentration camps. I never learned this is school, or if I did, I forgot about it. Albom always writes a good book, and this one was no different. I cried through some of it. Highly recommend.

😊Happy Reading 😊

#libbyapp #carlislepubliclibrary #lonokecountylibrarysystem #audiobook #mitchalbom #thelittleliar

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Fantastic! Fiction that both entertains and educates, this made up tale allows readers a psuedo behind the scenes look at what life was like for those so deeply and personally affected by the utterly awful brutalities and indignities suffered at the hand of the Nazi regime. With real accounts serving as the backdrop, it also tells the story of strength, perseverance, and unending hope in the face of this sickening persecution.

All the stars!

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This was my first Mitch Albom book, and I liked it. He says in the author‘s note, that he wanted to tell a different kind of Holocaust story, and he managed that. The setting alone — Greece — is unusual. I never think about Greece being invaded. The story being narrated by Truth, although reminiscent of The Book Thief‘s narrator Death, is interesting. Albom ruins the story a little at the end, and one action by a character was predictable.

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I went into this one blind, as Albom is an automatic read for me. I'm glad I did, because although I adore historical fiction, WW2 and Holocaust stories are not my favorite. This one may have opened me back up to the era. I love how the story is told with four protagonists but one narrator, Truth. This ranks up there with The Time Keeper and Have a Little Faith!

TheBookgeekFrau I feel like this is such an underrated read. Albom is an auto buy for me, so I read it when it first came out and loved it. But you're the first person I've seen since who read it. 8mo
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Go and read this book and buy it for everyone that you know! Holocaust told through Truth. Why haven‘t I seen this anywhere? It‘s in the same feels like The Women only another terrible war. Truth be Told!

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This book is different from any others I have read about events related to the Holocaust. It follows the story of four people whose stories intersect before, during, and after the war. Nico and Sebastian are brothers, Fannie is their friend, and Udo Graf is the German officer whose evil lies and manipulations seals the fate of the other three.

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I'm going to be in the US Virgin Islands for 6 weeks. I'm not leaving for over a month yer, but the most important task is taken care of. I've got all of these ebooks on standby, three per week. Think that's enough? I probably won't finish all of them, but it's good to have choices. I like to decide on order so that when I'm on vacation, I don't even have to decide what comes next; I finish one and automatically start the next.

kspenmoll What a fabulous, long vacation! Pictures please! Enjoy enjoy! 9mo
Ruthiella You‘ve got your priorities straight! 😃 9mo
DebbieGrillo @kspenmoll We own a condo there that we rent on airbnb when we're not there. It lets us stay a bit longer. elnidostj.com 9mo
See All 9 Comments
Crazeedi Sounds magical! Enjoy 9mo
MissyD Priorities! Enjoy your trip 9mo
catsuit_mango I love that your description of amenities includes a library :) it sounds heavenly. And of course the tbr list is always the first packing list to be done ! 9mo
Read4life I just returned from five weeks in St. Thomas which included a few trips to St. John. Enjoy! 9mo
DebbieGrillo @Read4life what's your favorite thing to do on St. John? 9mo
Read4life @DebbieGrillo My kids love snorkeling but I‘m a sucker for Cinnamon Bay and just relaxing in the water. Our cousin usually takes us to St. John on his boat but we also took the car ferry this last trip. 9mo
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Another beautifully written masterpiece to add to my Mitch Albom collection❤️❤️

Crazeedi I didn't realize he wrote so many books! 9mo
angel1 @Crazeedi and all of them are so good!! I believe this new one is my favorite 😍 9mo
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Narrated by the voice of Truth, this story happens in a coastal town in Greece during WW II. Young Nico is duped into a lie, telling his family to get on the (Nazi) train, that they would all be safe and together again. When he realizes the truth, he spends the rest of his life searching for truth and redemption, as he assumes many identities. Poignant and moving 😔

#20in4 Readathon Day 1
#Rushathon Day 29 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 10mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
Eggs @Andrew65 🙏🏻📚😍 10mo
Eggs @DieAReader 🙏🏻📚😍 10mo
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An excellent story, and I learned a lot!


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ShyBookOwl Right to the point! I like it. 11mo
TheBookgeekFrau @ShyBookOwl Pretty much! 😆 11mo
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Current read

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Can't wait to start this later

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