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Big Bad Wolf
Big Bad Wolf | Nele Neuhaus
11 posts | 5 read | 1 reading | 8 to read
On a hot day in July, the body of a sixteen-year-old girl is pulled from the river Main near Frankfurt. She has been brutally attacked and murdered, but no one seems to miss her and no one seems to know who she is. Investigations lead to a rural children's home in the mountains, and to a TV presenter whose research took her too close to the wrong people. As investigators Pia Kirchhoff and Oliver von Bodenstein dig deeper, they uncover a web of lies and deceit in the midst of a middle-class idyll. And then the case gets personal . . .
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Big Bad Wolf | Nele Neuhaus
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Book haul from BBW 2020

Louise Nice haul! Flowers for Algernon is so moving. (edited) 4y
rwmg @Louise Yes it is, I remember reading it as a teenager. It's been on my mind to choose it for my book club, but as one of our members is struggling with a parent with Alzheimer's, I did wonder if it would cut a bit too close to home. 4y
Louise Wow, yes, it‘s very considerate of you to think of that. 💕 4y
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Big Bad Wolf | Nele Neuhaus
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Deifio Second hand market? 😍 4y
rwmg No, new books. TBH I really don't know how they do it when I think of the cost of hiring the venue for 10 days and importing the books 4y
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Big Bad Wolf | Nele Neuhaus
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Time to buy books

Big Bad Wolf | Nele Neuhaus
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#SoaringScores Day 19: We went to our first #BigBadWolfUAE Book Fair here in Dubai this morning. And as I scoured the huge venue and finished off with a cart-ful of books, I ask: #DidIMakeTheMostOfLovingYou. Evidently, I loooooove Big Bad Wolf. Too bad, I will miss the one in Malaysia - but the one here in Dubai is not too shabby.

Jee_HookedOnBookz Wow the Wolf is traveling the world! ❤️ 5y
batsy Whoa! Very cool that they have one in Dubai, too 5y
CrowCAH Shopping carts full of books!!!! 5y
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Bad Wolf | Nele Neuhaus
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Another really good book in this series. They are pretty much standalones, with the police the connecting thread between the books, including their personal lives. Previous cases are mentioned, but really just in passing. The book is divided into days and there are snippets from different characters‘ points of view during each day, so there are a lot of characters to follow, which can get a bit confusing, cont in comments...

LibraryCin but overall, it wasn‘t too bad for following and the story was certainly enough for me to really enjoy it. 5y
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Big Bad Wolf | Nele Neuhaus
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Husband needed to find a suitcase late last night when one of our luggage gave out because it was all booked out. After much pleading hand gestures and hand signals against a closed glass door, a Samsonite employee took pity on this hapless husband of a book hunter and sold him a suitcase, despite the fact that their store is already closed. Tales of a book hunter. Book hunting adventures indeed. Now safely home in Singapore with our new babies.

hgrimes 😅😂🤣 5y
Chrissyreadit Wow!! How amazing! 5y
Nute Golly! That is a moment worth talking about. So happy that the store clerk had a heart of kindness. 5y
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DivineDiana There are good people in this world! 5y
Moray_Reads Good lord! No wonder the suitcase couldn't take it! That is a very impressive haul 5y
Cinfhen OMG!! My hubby NEEDS to see this photo!!!!! That‘s an awesome haul!!!!! And it all fit in one suitcase?!?!!! Amazing 5y
GatheringBooks @Cinfhen three suitcases actually. one was fairly old and got all booked out the night before we leave. so it was kind of like a huge panic moment of sorts for us. all good though. husband is a magician!!! walked in the rain to find a suitcase at nearly ten pm! 5y
Cinfhen He‘s a saint!!!! 5y
Cinfhen Glad you & your books are home safe & sound 5y
GatheringBooks @Cinfhen a master chef, suitcase-toting, bookshelf-making hubby, and all around book hauler. 5y
Cinfhen Which book in that stack are you most excited about???? 5y
batsy Wow! Look at that haul! 5y
Cinfhen I totally forgot that your hubby whips up the most amazing meals....#LuckyLitten 😘😘 5y
GatheringBooks @Cinfhen oh gosh. ALL THE BOOKS! the graphic novels are insane. found a Pablo Picasso graphic memoir created by french artists (an international/translated title), a europa edition novel and an NYRB that is worth only 2 dollars (like 1.45 USD). all these are brand new titles. will be posting my book haul soonest! :) 5y
GatheringBooks @batsy have you been to the fair yet???? 5y
GatheringBooks @Moray_Reads i agree. i have been working our suitcases ragged with all my book hunting. i am super guilty. 😭😭📚📚 5y
batsy No, I've stayed away because I haven't made a dent in any of my previous piles, and I'm majorly running out of book storage space 😭😭 5y
GatheringBooks @DivineDiana i agree! last night was nothing short of a miracle 5y
GatheringBooks @batsy gosh. i admire your resolve. seriously. NEW TITLES THO! Diff from last year - perhaps 80% thereabouts. A lot of super recently published ones like Fire and Fury, for example; and Saenz‘ The Inexplicable Logic Of My Life. 5y
batsy Oh god!! There's still a day left... 🙈🙊 5y
GatheringBooks @Nute there were two store clerks actually. one of them said no and was shaking her head; but the other guy laughed at hubby‘s pleading gestures and seeming desperation and let him in despite the fact that they are closed. so yes i am eternally grateful. plus hubby needed to walk in the rain to get the suitcase from a mall that is 15 mins away on foot. i am a lucky book hunter. 5y
GatheringBooks @batsy i went not once but Twice. Six hour bus ride from Singapore. You are a few minutes away. And it is open for 24 hours, plenty of time to change thine mind. The bargain section is a revelation!!! 5y
GatheringBooks @Chrissyreadit this is definitely one for the books, pun intended. 😂😭🧚🏼‍♀️ 5y
batsy Oooff... You're dangerous 😂 5y
GatheringBooks @hgrimes i am just so very grateful they are all back home now. 5y
GatheringBooks @batsy let me know how it goes! tag me if you do change your mind. would love to see your haul. will be posting mine on our site possibly early next year. 🧚🏼‍♀️💕📚 5y
batsy Will tag you if I do! And I can't wait to see your haul when you feel like sharing 😁🙌🏽 5y
Simona Go @batsy ... just go! 5y
hgrimes @GatheringBooks I‘m glad too! Book people problems! 5y
batsy @Simona Uufff Simona!! 😈🙈🙉 5y
RealLifeReading Be still my heart!! 5y
RealLifeReading @batsy go go go!!! 5y
Simona @batsy Go just browsing ....😜 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Wow, no wonder the suitcase gave way! 😄 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @batsy did you go??! Or are you there now? 😅 5y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm No, I didn't! I couldn't during the day because of work appointments and it's too far & without access to public transport for me to go alone at night :( I'm sorry to let everyone down 😂 @RealLifeReading @Simona What about you, J? Did you get to check it out? I do wish the location was more central :/ 5y
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Big Bad Wolf | Nele Neuhaus
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Day 2 of Massive 24-hour book fair here in Malaysia. Bought way too many books - again!! I swear am not buying any books any more ever at all. (Right).

julesG 😁👍 5y
BookishTrish We believe you! 🤞🏻 5y
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Big Bad Wolf | Nele Neuhaus
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#ThisRemindsMeOf... 🛒ful of books I got from the Big Bad Wolf Book Fair in Malaysia last December. Can‘t wait to go back again this year.

JoeStalksBeck Nice! 6y
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Big Bad Wolf | Nele Neuhaus
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I'm with @Cinfhen - whilst I like the ease of e-books through libraries I am left feeling #😡 when they don't buy books I have recommended and especially when you see some of the books they do buy! Grrrrr..... I even have some books I recommended in 2015 they still haven't bought, and some of the books they haven't bought are popular books, e.g. The Natchez Trilogy by Greg Iles. #emojinov

LeahBergen That‘s surprising. The Orenda won several Canadian book awards. 7y
Andrew65 @LeahBergen That's what I don't really get, they seem to buy less popular books and not buy many of the better ones. Some books they almost buy large parts of some series in one go but many of the other books don't get a look in. 7y
jpmcwisemorgan Have you asked why? Does it have to do with the cost of the books? Maybe they‘re able to get the books they‘re buying more cheaply or they‘re donated? I know after my mom died we had people donate to the local library and they asked how to spend the money. We gave our preferences but a lot their decisions were also based on what people are reading. Or are the people making this decisions letting personal preferences determine what they buy? 7y
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Cinfhen @MarriedtoMrT commented on my post about the exuberant cost of Ebooks for libraries....it‘s like $90 a book...so I‘m guessing it‘s a budget decision or which book companies offer better deals 🤷🏼‍♀️it sounds like a form of extortion ~ terrible! 7y
Andrew65 @jpmcwisemorgan @cinfhen This was just a recommendation online for ebooks so not spoken to anyone about it. May have to do with the cost of books, I suppose $90 wouldn't be altogether surprising seeing as it is loaned out time and again. It may be related more to the companies selling the books as still see them buying less popular books. Of course some people have different tastes or don't have Littens advising them what books to read! 7y
Andrew65 @cinfhen I wonder how much they pay for physical books. 7y
jpmcwisemorgan On a sort of related note, @Andrew65, do you read cozies? In book form? I see there‘s one above that you recommended to the library. 7y
Andrew65 @jpmcwisemorgan I do read some cozies as a break from the other books and sometimes a palette cleanser. Especially useful when very busy at work and don't have much time or energy for reading. I tend to read books in both physical and ebook form, it depends how I can get hold of it. 7y
jpmcwisemorgan I do the same thing! 7y
Cinfhen I think the article mentioned physical books are very nominal and a certain amount are gifted....it‘s definitely some sort of bullying by publishing houses.... 7y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen with a big reduction in costs for e-books, they don't have to be physically produced, you'd think the price would come down. Totally naive viewpoint obviously! 7y
Cinfhen Right???? It's a scam!!!! 7y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen Oh yes! 7y
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Bad Wolf | Nele Neuhaus
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A member of my book club is a big fan of Nele Neuhaus so I thought I'd give this a try. I enjoyed her Snow White Must Die. #weekendgiveaway. Thanks @Liberty

Andrew65 I also enjoyed 7y
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New arrivals 📖📚📦📪🆕⬆