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The Feminist Bookstore Movement
The Feminist Bookstore Movement: Lesbian Antiracism and Feminist Accountability | Kristen Hogan
6 posts | 3 read | 24 to read
From the 1970s through the 1990s more than one hundred feminist bookstores built a transnational network that helped shape some of feminism's most complex conversations. Kristen Hogan traces the feminist bookstore movement's rise and eventual fall, restoring its radical work to public feminist memory. The bookwomen at the heart of this storymostly lesbians and including women of colormeasured their success not by profit, but by developing theories and practices of lesbian antiracism and feminist accountability. At bookstores like BookWoman in Austin, the Toronto Womens Bookstore, and Old Wives Tales in San Francisco, and in the essential Feminist Bookstore News, bookwomen changed peoples lives and the world. In retelling their stories, Hogan not only shares the movement's tools with contemporary queer antiracist feminist activists and theorists, she gives us a vocabulary, strategy, and legacy for thinking through today's feminisms.
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#readingresolutions #feministfriday The two books on the bottom were in my storage stash, the others, shelves.Tagged book still on TBR.

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I got the feminist pin for my daughter and the rest are mine. #pins #bookishpins #advocatepins

Bibliogeekery 😍😍😍 7y
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For those of you who were wondering what my Progressive Postal Book Club is reading...this is my book this month!

GardenJess Progressive postal book club sounds way cool! 8y
maximoffs @BookishMarginalia I'm very excited. @GardenJess this only my second book that I've received (our second month) but it's absolutely opening my eyes to new books and topics I wouldn't have explored 8y
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GardenJess Is there a link? A friend and I were joking about starting a rabble rousers book club the other day but the idea has been marinating. 8y
maximoffs @GardenJess we're in a private Facebook group? Just because we wanted to make sure people felt safe discussing these topics away from everyone else's eyes. But I post about the books here and there's a post on my blog about it! Http://Rachelreading.wordpress.com 8y
GardenJess Thanks! 8y
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First up for #NonFictionNovember is The Feminist Bookstore Movement by Kristen Hogan. It's fantastic so far, focusing on the book women and their queer anti-racist organizing. Hogan is a white lesbian but so far is awesome about her own privileged position and puts women of color front and center.

#nonfictionnovember2016 #nonfiction #academic #feminism #intersectionality #antiracism #socialjustice women of color #queerstudies

RealLifeReading Sounds interesting! 8y
Bibliogeekery Ooo, sounds fascinating! #queerbooks 8y
WOCreads @RealLifeReading @Bibliogeekery It's very good so far!🙌💜 8y
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I took today off so I could have a nice long weekend... and since I have nothing better to do I decided to do a little #bookstoretourism in my fair city. I want to visit as many independent bookstores I can this weekend. First up was Resistencia Bookstore in the SE side of town. This bookstore focuses on indigenous cultures and political activism. It's small and welcoming and I'm definitely going to go back for readings in the future.

Lacythebookworm Bookstore tourism is the best!! 8y
MrsV I wish we had an independent bookstore where I live. All we have is a Barnes and Noble. We used to have a Book-A-Million, and Borders. We do have buy/trade/sell type outlets, but that's it. Good thing we have a pretty good library system. 8y
Eyelit @MrsV I'm really lucky that Austin has so many (at least 9)! 8y
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marixa I drove by this one last month, and really wanted to stop and browse. Now I shall! 8y
Eyelit @marixa I'd recommend calling before visiting - their posted hours are 11-2 but when I got there at 12:30 they were just opening up (it's mostly volunteer run) 😄 8y
marixa Good idea. Thanks for the tip! 8y
Dragon Bookstore tourism sounds like something I would enjoy. 8y
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