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Eats, Shoots and Leaves: the Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation
Eats, Shoots and Leaves: the Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation: 2012 Day-to-Day Calendar | Lynne Truss
10 posts | 11 read | 6 to read
This word-lover and wordsmith's calendar is based on the punctuation sensationEats, Shoots and Leavesthat hit #1 on best-seller lists and has sold more than 3 million hardcover copies worldwide. With such observations as "people truly do not know their apostrophe from their elbow," Lynne Truss has made "the history of punctuation a subject at once urgent, sexy, and hilarious" (John Walsh,The Independent).
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Mini used book haul from last night. The organizer of my writer‘s group is getting rid of some books so I grabbed these three.

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jdiehr Yes! 3y
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Which is it? Is a woman, without her man, nothing? Or a woman: without her, is man nothing?

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All spelling and grammar errors in my reviews, blurb vs and quotes ate entirely the result of ducking autocorrect overriding my excellent command of the English languages (once deliberately not reflected autocorrect I ties blurb - hissy shots you know! ).

AmyG Ha! 6y
merelybookish 😂😂 6y
Weaponxgirl I get this all the time! My best so far was me trying to talk about a failed attempt at making sauerkraut and telling a friend how I now had moody cabbage in jar. (I actually want an illustration of it) 6y
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Bookwomble @Weaponxgirl Moody cabbage would certainly make very sour-kraut 😆 6y
arubabookwoman My best one was when I posted a quote from the book by the former FBI Director and it referred to the book by James “Comedy.” 6y
Bookwomble @arubabookwoman Ha, ha! Sometimes it's so wrong, it's right! 😅 6y
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#sundaygrammarlaugh Oh, the irony. 🤣🤣

BookNerd1975 😂😂😂 6y
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This could be construed in a couple different way. 😂👏🏻 #LitsyHumor

kspenmoll 😂 love these posts!!! 7y
bookwormkara You're not allowed to leave ever😵 7y
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Okay, so then I'll come by and "put my trust" in the company. ??? #LitsyHumor

Reviewsbylola 🤣🤣🤣 7y
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Our haul from the big book sale in town! Not pictured are the ones my teen son chose - mythology, history, science! #happyplace #iwenttwicetoday

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Because it's not really up and not really down. 😂👏🏻 (Why are apostrophe's so easily misused?) #LitsyHumor

Zelma Stop that. You'r going to make us all crazy. 😉😝 7y
Emily92Bibliophile With all these grammatical error posts, I am now super conscious and critical of poorly worded signs in the public 😂 7y
Hooked_on_books Technically, these are quotes, not apostrophes. And you misused the apostrophe, though that may have been done ironically. 7y
MrBook @Hooked_on_books 😂😉👍🏻 7y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 7y
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When you're husband is telling you about the new MacBook touch bar, you make a joke because you realize we're one step closer to communicating in only emojis and his response makes you realize our civilization is completely doomed 😂

saresmoore "Space gray" ??And yes, we are doomed. 8y
LauraBeth @saresmoore I'm more concerned he doesn't know the difference between loss and lost 😂 8y
Arbol @LauraBeth I'm willing to bet that was autocorrect. Blast you, Autorcorrect!!!! 8y
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saresmoore Maybe the fact that I've begun to overlook texting typos is further proof that all is, in fact, loss... 😜 8y
LauraBeth @Arbol I've known him for 20 years - it wasn't auto-correct! 8y
LauraBeth @saresmoore 😂😂 I see what you did their 8y
Arbol @LauraBeth hahahaa! Maybe that's why he's looking forward to emojified language. 8y
Cortg We saw the commercial last night. My son was hopeful his new Mac Air under the tree would have this feature. I told him not to get his hopes up, we went for a cheapest version. 8y
LauraBeth @Cortg you can tell your son that a Mac engineer said the touch bar is "eh" ? the new Mac airs without the touch bar are really nice! 8y
thelizflynn 😝😝😝 8y
auntie_jenn i keep saying we're coming full-circle...back to hieroglyphics! 8y
Gina Hehehehehehe. Bibliophiles will always exits as we are old souls who remind others of the past and magical thinking. 8y
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