Fun read with twists and turns!
Creepy page-turner that keeps you interested until the end. The book moves between current day and the childhood years of Helena. Helena and her family lived in isolation is Michigan‘s Upper Peninsula. Helena believes her childhood is completely normal until she learned how brutal her father actually is. After 20 years, her father escapes from prison and she is forced to face the the past she so completely buried.
This book is absolutely heartbreaking!
Picoult never disappoints! Enjoyed this read immensely and was happy it didn‘t leave me in a pool of tears like most of her books.
Always up for making new bookish friends! #LitsyFollowBackTrain
Lunch break!
This book was awful! By the time I realized how truly awful it was, I was too invested to DNF it. However, I really do wish I had stopped reading it.
I loved Hawkin‘s The Girl on the Train and was excited to read this one. Unlike her first book, this was simply a hot mess . . . or a cold, wet mess as the case may be. There were far too many POVs to keep track of and there really wasn‘t a plot. Save yourself the time and agony and skip this one.
I‘m really struggling with this book. My brain isn‘t capable of keeping track of all the POVs but I‘m too far in to quit now. Please tell me it‘s going to be worth it.
Definitely an interesting read. I can see similarities between the Appalachian community that Vance grew up in and the rural Midwest community I grew up in.
Started my #24in48 with a little Brad Meltzer. I‘m not a comic book fan so this book started a bit slow for me but ended with me in tears. Meltzer‘s final message is a powerful one that we should all live by.
I finally got around to reading this book after meeting Lauren Graham on her book tour. I fell in love with Lorelei . . . I mean Lauren . . . when she was on Gilmore Girls. I always thought she would be an awesome BFF and after reading this book I‘m convinced I need to figure out how to get her into my circle of friends.
This was how quickly I flew through this book. It was such a fantastic read . . . intense, suspenseful and a real page turner. I‘ve recommended it to everyone I know.
Rob Lowe is such a great storyteller and has lived such an incredible life. Love Life was an entertaining, amusing, poignant look into Rob's life.
I wanted to love this book because I adore AC. I did not love this book. I think if I'd read it instead of listening to the audiobook I might have a different opinion. The audiobook seemed forced and more like a reporter interviewing a stranger rather than a son having a conversation with his mother. Left me feeling disappointed.
Some lunch break reading and a spot of tea. Soothing for the soul.
This might be one of the saddest reads . . . just heartbreaking.
I can't even begin to imagine the terror Elizabeth Smart felt during this ordeal. Her strength and resilience is an example for us all.
Fabulous read! Leah is open, honest and funny about her life and the nightmare that is Scientology. You can tell she is sincere in her desire to help others leave that church.
This book was funny, heartwarming, sincere. Did I mention it was funny? Like laugh out loud funny! If you need a chuckle, this is a great read.
Read this in preparation for my own Holy Land pilgrimage and loved it! One of my fave quotes, "But it was true. I was constantly surprised how the storied names of biblical locales popped up in the most familiar of circumstances: on a simple map, on a graffitied street sign, or in everyday conversations. 'The traffic to Bethlehem was terrible last night!' said a Jesuit over dinner one night. Which still didn‘t beat 'Gehenna is lovely.'"
Curled up under my Cowboys blanket on this cold Saturday getting a little positive perspective on life.
I wanted to like this book but found it disjointed and just plain boring.
"He [Patrick Swayze] made Tom Cruise look lobotomized." I really can't stop giggling at that.
"Calm, focused, undistracted, the linear mind is being pushed aside by a new kind of mind that wants and needs to take in and dole out information in short, disjointed, often overlapping bursts—the faster, the better."
Such a great read! With quotes like the following, how could I not love this creepy, intense book? "The problem with books is that they end. They seduce you. They spread their legs to you and pull you inside. And you go deep and leave your possessions and your ties to the world at the door and you like it inside and you don't want for your possessions or your ties and then, the book evaporates."
Growing up in Kansas, I've known about the Clutter family my entire life. I finally decided to read the book and was blown away. Capote did a tremendous job telling this story and I even learned a few facts I didn't know. Glad I picked picked this up to read!
I wanted to love this book so much but it was just ok. I felt like the author spent much more time talking about RBG and less about O'Connor. It definitely wasn't a satisfying read . . . left me wanting more.
What do you do when your flight home is cancelled until tomorrow?
America has faced hardships in the past but we have always mounted a comeback! We defeated the Nazis, the Native Americans, the environment, we even defeated the Metric System! Kilos? Sorry, that's drug talk. This is America! Where we eat fruit by the foot, not muesli by the meter.
Loved this book! I wasn't sure what to expect when I started it but found it to be a page turner . . . needing to know how the families were connected. Definitely recommend!
Laughing . . . there is no better way to begin and end a work day. I listened to this on audio during my work commutes and laugh I did! Jim Gaffigan never fails to entertain me and this book did just that.
Loving this book! Pretty sure it's going to be a long day at work tomorrow because my need to read is stronger than my respect for sleep.
I'd heard such good things about this book but just couldn't get into it. I kept reading thinking it would get better but it didn't.
Such an inspirational read! Connor and his organization are doing amazing things to help children get back to their parents.
An entertaining, loving tribute to Joan Rivers by her daughter, Melissa.
This is a brilliant, exhausting, terrifying, infuriating read. It is a powerful examination of the realities of rapes on college campuses. We must do better to support victims of rape and to prosecute those who commit the crime.
Run . . . do not walk . . . to the nearest bookstore, library, etc. to purchase this book! I laughed hysterically while listening to this during work commutes. I am convinced Jenny Lawson is my spirit animal!
"Reading and prayer are both acts of worship to me." RIP Mr. Conroy
Happy Birthday, Mr. Hosseini!
Great read! Lawson talks about the issues of depression and anxiety in such a humorous way that it lifts the stigma of both.
One of my favorite reads last year! It was funny, suspenseful and just plain entertaining.
I wanted to love this book but I didn't. He talked about all of the problems and issues but didn't talk about how to make it better. There was no hope or vision for the future.
Humorous read! The love Joan and Melissa had for each other comes through loud and clear in this book. It was a lovely tribute by a daughter to her mother.
There was fighting the sway of things or improvising some fashion of riding it out. And then there was the sway of things beyond fighting and improvisation. It was almost impossible to know the difference between one and the other.