@Bourriquet76 say what I don‘t want to be that age again! 😝🤪🤣🤣
@Bourriquet76 say what I don‘t want to be that age again! 😝🤪🤣🤣
It‘s a little scary when it‘s 100% correct.
1. A goalie mask phone personally signed to me by Curtis Joseph.
2. My son loves Nick Offerman so he‘s getting a couple of his books.
3. Older. Come to the dark side we have cookies!
4. Yep!
5. 👍🏻
Via Daily Quotes on fb 👍🏻 🌊
Creepily accurate. (I'm 33)
Lucky catch... I happened to look and.... Violá
This is a book for swimming nerds, which I am! You get the expected behind-the-scenes Olympic dirt (including a makeout session w/ Rowdy Gaines!), but it's more a book about performing your best regardless of age (including great workout tips). I hadn't realized that Dara didn't just compete at the 2008 Olympics at age 41, she swam faster than she ever had before. Incredibly inspiring.