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Orlando: A Biography | Virginia Woolf
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I don‘t think that I have ever said this on Litsy before:
I GOT BOOK MAIL!😆 Many thanks to @EclecticReaders for this lovely gift. The #11thHourReadathon was a wonderful way to end my reading pleasure for 2019 and then to be gifted a book of choice on top of that..I‘m ecstatic and grateful!💕

Lcsmcat Loved this one! You have a treat in store. 5y
EclecticReaders Yay! Glad it arrived and hope you enjoy it! 5y
Tanisha_A 😍 5y
UwannaPublishme Yay for you! 🎉👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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Thanks to everyone who participated in this year‘s #11thHourReadathon! @Nute You‘re the lucky winner of one of the books we read this year! Please send us an email with your book choice and mailing address to eclecticreadersbookclub at gmail dot com

Nute Wow! Absolutely amazing as I rarely win any thing like this. And the gift of a book...I have to keep making sure that this post says my name. I‘m very thankful! 5y
Megabooks Woo hoo @Nute !!! 🎉🎉 5y
EclecticReaders @Nute Glad to make your day! Don‘t forget to email us with your book choice and address! 5y
Nute Email sent just now. Thank you again! 5y
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The Man in the Queue | Josephine Tey
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Didn't manage a lot yesterday night. I was so tired, l eventually had to surrender to my bed.

Tried to read a bit of Hazel&Holly, which has been a challenge. The pace is so glacial, l have to take the book a bit at a time.

I've been meaning to read Tey since l read Nicola Upson's novels, where Tey appears as a character. But not even the entriguing beginning kept me awake.

I'm in my avarege with readathons.

EclecticReaders Any reading time you get in is great! Awesome job! 5y
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Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern
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Friends. I don't know what happened to the weekend but my grand plans for #11thhourreadathon turned into parties w/friends & the Nutcracker ballet w/my niece. Nice things but I only read like 2 hours. 🙈 Anyway, my #bookreport is late too, but here it is: I am sad to say I bailed on the Water Dancer--it was me not the book. I wanted to read Starless Sea more, so that's what I'm doing. Loving it & should be able to finish this week. #weeklyreport

KarenUK This one seems like it is a ‘read slowly and savor the beauty‘ kinda book...... 5y
emz711 @KarenUK ☝👆🖕 5y
valeriegeary @KarenUK yes, I'm definitely trying not to devour it. 😊 5y
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#11thHourReadathon - End: This story is what happened for five hours from beginning to end.
1960s. School year in Philadelphia with “the bosoms” - possibilities & potentialities. Warm summers in North Carolina with her father and his people - Jim Crow Laws & restrictions. Time spent with and without her father. A father who could have seen his disability as an excuse to fade from life is instead larger than life and pushing living to the edge.👇🏽

Nute It is the recollection of church, education, music, stories, friendship, dreams, expectations, happiness...civil rights. It is the honest telling of a young child‘s awe for a parent shifting and morphing through pain, anger, confusion and disappointment to an adult child‘s realization of family dynamics filled with appreciation, acceptance, understanding, hope and love.👇🏽 5y
Nute It‘s impossible to get it perfect. She never fakes it! It‘s an African-American family BEING a family. It‘s a father loving his child. It‘s a daughter who grows to realize that her father‘s love though imperfect sustained her well-being. It‘s an ordinary story told extraordinarily!
Highly recommended!
EclecticReaders Sounds great! 5y
Nute @EclecticReaders It‘s a very good memoir! 5y
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Impartial Witness | Charles Todd
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Worked at my sister's Christmas present while listening to the tagged book.
I'm really enjoying it, though l think the first book in the Bess Crowford series was even better.
But once again the characters are fantastic, the psychological side is so human, and the historical setting is first class.

Don't know whether l'll finish during the #11thHourReadathon, but l'll certainly finish this week.

Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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Not a super high total for a 24-hour readathon, but I‘m pleased with it considering we had holiday festivities to attend in the middle of this. 🎅🏻

I wasn‘t able to finish either book I have in progress, but they are heavy reads, I made great progress, and should be able to finish both today. 🤞🏻


EclecticReaders That‘s awesome!! 5y
jmtrivera That's great! 5y
JazzFeathers 👏👏👏😁 5y
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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Good morning friends! Our 11th Hour Readathon is over! Hope you were able to get a lot of reading in during this 24-hour period. And you were closer to completing your reading challenges. Remember to take a screenshot of you time to be entered for the drawing! #11thHourReadathon #EclecticReaders #ReadingChallenges #Readathon

IMASLOWREADER i didnt know we had to time ourselves lol...i did get a lot of reading done tho finished one book & started another one yay...thank you for hosting this readathon 5y
EclecticReaders @MizDoniaBuding Spending time reading is the most important part! Thanks for joining us! 5y
IMASLOWREADER can‘t wait for the next one (edited) 5y
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The Last Hours | Minette Walters
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Final total for #11thHourReadathon . I‘m also playing g catch up for #LiteraryCrew and am about to start the prior week‘s section.

This is such a good and haunting book. In many aspects, the revolutionary ideas presented on disease prevention are way ahead of its time, and yet it‘s these ideas that may make some survive the Black Death. I‘ll post a little later with my thoughts on the book, as the #buddyread moves into its final week of reading.

Librarybelle Thank you for hosting, @EclecticReaders ! 5y
CoverToCoverGirl I can‘t wait until I get to finish it today! 5y
Sace I'm going to savor this last section. So glad we'll be continuing! 5y
EclecticReaders You're welcome! That's a great time! Thanks for reading with us 🥰 5y
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The Hobbit | J.R.R. Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #ThereAndBackAgain

Started the #11thHourReadathon very late yesterday, but still managed to finished The Hobbit.

And once again l absolutely loved it. This last part really made me think and feel, and l confess l even shade a few tears, in that episode you know.
Bilbo's pure heart and willingness to be useful was so endearing. And also so inspiring.

Loved it. Just loved it once more.