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Via @librarybelle
August's #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead selection is the tagged novel, a novel about Lady Macbeth.
This sounds so good-l'm looking forward to reading it with the crew!
This is a low key buddy read. Read at your own pace. I will post periodic checkins throughout the month, and discussion questions will be posted on
August 31st.
All are welcome!

Librarybelle Thanks for the repost! 3d
dabbe Can you add me? I'd love to try! 🤩🤩🤩 3d
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Librarybelle Will do, @dabbe !! 2d
dabbe @Librarybelle 🩵💙🩵 2d
dabbe @LitsyEvents 🩵💙🩵 2d
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thanks @librarybelle for letting me join the #literarycrew #buddyread

Librarybelle You‘re welcome! ❤️ 6d
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August‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead selection is the tagged novel, a novel about Lady Macbeth. This sounds so good—I‘m looking forward to reading it with the crew!

This is a low key buddy read. Read at your own pace. I will post periodic checkins throughout the month, and discussion questions will be posted on August 31st.

All are welcome! Please comment below to be added or removed from the tag list!

ariagrace can i be added? 6d
Librarybelle Of course, @storiesforevertold ! Welcome! 6d
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kspenmoll This sounds great! I can‘t wait! 6d
Librarybelle @kspenmoll 😁❤️ 6d
tpixie Oooh good! I don‘t think I‘ve ever really read Lady Macbeth so I‘m gonna have to also read both the adult and kids version I own!! Plus this!! (edited) 6d
Librarybelle @tpixie That sounds like an awesome plan! 6d
Jerdencon I didnt get a chance to get to this months book but already reserved this one! 6d
AllDebooks I read the #ARC and was blown away. Incredible story. This is published as Lady Macbethad in the UK. 6d
Librarybelle Good to know, @AllDebooks ! 6d
Mollyanna Just got a notice that my hold is ready to pick up. This sounds intriguing. 6d
Cuilin So looking forward to this one as I I just read another Lady Macbeth retelling 6d
Librarybelle @Cuilin And I‘m waiting for a copy of All Our Yesterdays to come for me at the library! 6d
Cuilin @Librarybelle Enjoy, it will be fun to compare them. 6d
Sargar114 This seems so interesting, hopefully my library has it! 6d
Librarybelle I hope so, @Sargar114 ! 5d
julieclair Excited for this! I just love our buddy reads! 5d
Librarybelle @julieclair Yay!!! This should be good! 5d
TheBookHippie I‘m going to join for this! Put it on hold at library! 🤞🏻 3d
Librarybelle Yay, @TheBookHippie ! Welcome! 3d
tpixie Yes! @book.blossom @Librarybelle welcomes all! 3d
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River Sing Me Home | Eleanor Shearer
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We‘re half way through the month, #LiteraryCrew !

I‘ve seen mixed reviews on this month‘s reading. Anything to share so far?

Discussion on the 31st!

CatLass007 I didn‘t get very far with this one, although what I did listen to was good. I‘m just not in the right frame of mind for it right now. I‘ve learned that I‘m a mood reader in my old age. 1w
Librarybelle @CatLass007 Nothing wrong with being a mood reader! 1w
CatLass007 ❤️ 1w
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julieclair Library hold of the audiobook just came in today! 1w
Sargar114 I‘ve only just started a bit slow going 6d
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Untitled | Unknown
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At first, I was hesitant to post my results from The NY Times list…I‘ve only read 8 on the list, plus a DNF (H is for Hawk). Very small showing compared to most everyone else!

If The NY Times ranked cozy mysteries, my score would be higher! 😂

However, I own copies of many from the tbr list.

I‘m currently rereading Wolf Hall for #LiteraryCrew (I know…I am so far behind on that), and my favorite has to be either Persepolis or Pachinko.

brittanyreads Do not feel bad...I haven't read a single one! 👀 To be fair I'm only mildly interested in 11, though haha 2w
vlwelser There is an awful lot of stuff on the list that holds 0 appeal. You should be proud that you only read 8 of them 2w
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TheBookgeekFrau That list does nothing but make reading look like a heavy-weight, never-ending chore 😂 2w
tpixie I‘ve only read 7. I should have marked want to read- but I didn‘t even recognize the majority! 2w
Librarybelle @tpixie There were several titles I was unfamiliar with too. 2w
CaramelLunacy I have only read 6, but I was disappointed in 5 of those...so I think my tastes and those of the "literary greats" asked are just very different 2w
Librarybelle So true, @CaramelLunacy …my tastes do not always mesh with the “literary greats.” 2w
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River Sing Me Home | Eleanor Shearer
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I don‘t know if it‘s the audio or what. But it‘s a bail for me. Sorry #literarycrew I‘m out for July

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 2w
Librarybelle Oh no! 2w
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Untitled | Unknown
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I'm updating the spreadsheet we use to admin the @LitsyEvents page and share all your great events/games/buddyreads/readathons/competitions, etc.

It would be a great help if you could help me out by tagging the details of your events, hosts, dates/times, info about the group/event.

Additionally, if you no longer run an event, please let me know so I can remove it from the taglist.

Please tag me @AllDebooks or @LitsyEvents #LitsyEvents


Avanders Thank you for taking this on! 🙏🏽 3w
TheBookHippie Monthly
#Childrensclassicread2024 - I change the year at the end of the hashtag yearly - we've been going since 2019.
#SUNDAYBUDDYREAD is every Sunday since 2017. #JournalingPrompts just started this year is once a month. #litsolace with you and the quarterly seasonal card swap ... phew
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AllDebooks @TheBookHippie thank you x 3w
Librarybelle Thanks to @dabbe for reposting this so I remembered to add mine! Monthly is #LiteraryCrew , with discussion on the last day of each month. This is a read at your own pace #buddyread , with titles selected by the group and announced at the beginning of the year. The other monthly is #NancyDrewBR . The group is reading the Nancy Drew books in series order, with discussion on the 15th of each month. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 2w
Librarybelle ⬆️⬆️⬆️ This is our last year of reading around the world, but @BarbaraBB and I are hosting #ReadingOceania24 , also listed on Storygraph, in which participants read a book set in or by an author from each of the countries in Oceania, plus Antarctica. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 2w
Librarybelle ⬆️⬆️⬆️ I am also hosting the #192025 challenge, which has participants read one book originally published each year from 1920-2025. The challenge ends on December 31, 2025, and it began in July 2022. 2w
dabbe @Librarybelle 🩵💙🩵 2w
TheSpineView Thanks for tracking all of the events. I am sure it is a monument task! I host a variety of things. Daily is #PoetryMatters photo challenge. I cohost with @Andrew65 the #SeriesLove2024 and I believe it is the 4th year and I plan to continue it in 2025. I also host the #LitsySciFiBookClub and plan to continue as long as there is interest. I also just started #BDBBookClub #BDBBuddyRead which is in the 2nd month. This book club is reading... 2w
TheSpineView ...the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J. R. Ward in order and will run through the entire series as long as there is interest to continue. Lastly, is the #Two4Tuesday game played every Tuesday. It is in it's fifth year with no plans to stop. 2w
AllDebooks @TheSpineView Thank you. This helps enormously x 😊 2w
AllDebooks @Librarybelle thank you x 2w
tpixie Thanks for doing this! @AllDebooks I appreciate you coordinating all of these! 2w
Cuilin So glad others have reposted this as I would have forgotten to come back and check it out. I host #BookedInTime a monthly choose your own book for the prompt, I cohost #NoPlaceLikeHolmes with @Dabbe a Sherlock Holmes, buddy read and starting in September #WhatTheDickens yearly or biannual Charles Dickens buddy read. 2w
dabbe @Cuilin ... Tag me for the #WhatTheDickens! I would love to join that! 🤩🤩🤩 (edited) 2w
AllDebooks @Cuilin thank you x Count me in for #WhatTheDickens please 😊 2w
Cuilin @dabbe @AllDebooks so glad you‘re both joining. I‘ll tag you 🩷 2w
julieclair I host #SeasonalCozies - each month everyone chooses a cozy mystery to read based on a holiday that month or season of the year. I will continue this next year if there is interest. I also host #ReadOrDonate - each month everyone chooses a book to read that has been sitting on their shelves forever. If the book remains unread at the end of the month, it must be donated somewhere. This will continue next year. Both of these started this year. 24h
AllDebooks @julieclair thank you. I didn't know about either of these. Great ideas x 23h
julieclair And lastly, I host #MonthlyMagazineBlitz - each month everyone reads all the magazines they own from that month - no matter what year they are from. The magazines are then donated to local organizations that can use them. The goal is to clean out our stacks of back issues. This started this year, and will not continue next year, as (hopefully!) we all will have decluttered our magazine piles. 23h
AllDebooks @julieclair good grief, do I have a lot of magazines to get through. I've just decluttered the office and found over 50 unread mags. 😱 Please tag me in from August 😊 14h
julieclair @AllDebooks I feel your pain, LOL. Happy to add you to our determined little group! 😃💪 13h
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Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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Hello #SheSaid!

How are you all doing this week?

Liking the new book, it‘s a definitely a shift from our last book and normal non-fiction, but I‘m enjoying it…I‘ve always liked mythology, so for me it‘s a fun read. I was hoping for more of a Circe-type deep dive, but we are still at the beginning.

See you in the comments!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa It also reminds me that Greek mythology is basically all 1 big trigger warning for women. 3w
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa But I like how she is handling those parts without ignoring them or breezing over them 3w
MallenNC I don‘t remember a lot from studying Greek myths in school but I remember the basics of this story. I like how she is telling it, especially as it gets further into the narrative. It‘s doing a good job of making the reader consider who the monsters really are in these stories. (edited) 3w
DGRachel I really love how Haynes writes. I appreciate that while she has hit on some of the horrible things, she didn‘t dwell on it or go into detail. 3w
vlwelser This book is so girl power and I love how she keeps calling out Zeus and the other dudes for being very rapey. And how they point out that Perseus is only a hero from one perspective. I mean he does go cut off Medusa's head. Poor Medusa. 3w
MallenNC @vlwelser I loved that chapter where she said “I bet you feel sorry for poor little Perseus” and then proceeds to destroy that idea. 3w
KathyWheeler @MallenNC That‘s my favorite chapter so far! I just love the way it‘s told. 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @MallenNC & @KathyWheeler Yes, loved that part. Normal hero myth, nope! Let me tell you the real story 😂 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DGRachel Exactly. They can be hard to retell just because of all the violence, but I also like that she is confronting it, but not dwelling, not just sweeping it under the rug. 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser I also liked that she is “humanizing” Hera a bit. Who is usually just jealous vindictive to all of her husband‘s bastard children. But they point out, she can‘t get revenge against him, so that‘s all she can do. Meanwhile how little Zeus cares.. ‘remember that girl you liked…which one…the one locked in a prison…ummm…the one you turned into rain to sleep with…oh yea, she was nice and lonely….she going to die.. oh…and your son….‘ ⤵️ 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ Hera thinks he cares, the woman sometimes thinks he cares and is watching over the kids, his new goddess daughter thinks he cares. Meanwhile he doesn‘t think about any of them, totally oblivious. 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I am waiting for Athena to grow up a bit. She‘s so young and needy yet here as a newborn goddess, I‘m waiting for her to grow into that wisdom bit. 3w
vlwelser He doesn't care even a tiny bit. He barely remembers any of them. They have to tell him a story with himself as the main character before he even remembers. 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser yes! Exactly! 😂 3w
KathyWheeler @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I think I forget about the newborn aspect of Athena. I hope she does grow into that wisdom. Right now, she‘s a brat. 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @KathyWheeler yes she is, guess they needed to find a reason for the curse from a wisdom Goddess 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Maybe the idea is, they are all brats, no matter their qualities. Plus someone once told me a different version of Medusa, maybe not so much a curse as a gift so no one could touch her again if she didn‘t want them too. Curious to see how this one spins it 3w
CatLass007 Last month I participated in the #LiteraryCrew buddy read of the author‘s A Thousand Ships, which I believe was excellent. It deals with the after effects of the Trojan War from the female perspective. Stone Blind also focuses on the perspectives of female characters and characters that are neither human nor Olympian, but something else entirely. I‘ve finished the book so I‘m making every effort to not spoil anything. Such a good book! 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 I‘m so glad you liked it! But yes, don‘t tell us… I‘m trying so hard not to read ahead with this one. 2w
CatLass007 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I have read several retellings of myths in the last couple of years. The two by Natalie Haynes have to be my favorites. 2w
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A Thousand Ships | Natalie Haynes
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Incredible story, beautifully told. The Trojan War from the women‘s point of view. Mesmerizing. Great choice for #LiteraryCrew, @Librarybelle !
#Pantone2024 @Lauredhel @BarbaraBB

BarbaraBB Nice 🧡 3w
Librarybelle Such a great book! 3w
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When We Were Enemies | Emily Bleeker
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June Stats.
Fiction:5 #Camplitsy24 #sundaybuddyread #literarycrew
Poetry: 1
Library book mysteries: 6 ; 2 historical mysteries #supportpubliclibraries
Kindle mysteries: 4 #readyourkindle #kindleunlimited
Audio mysteries : 2 #audiobooks
12/20 books some form of mysteries. Sounds like me.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome 👏🏻 ❤️📚 3w
Suet624 👏 👏 👏 👏 3w
Megabooks Fantastic!! 3w
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