The book finally arrived from the library. I haven‘t read Nancy Drew since my teens so this was a trip down memory lane
Nancy gets interested in a missing will since this will stick it to two sisters from school she doesn‘t like
All the cliffhanger endings kept the story moving and I had to read on. It probably wasn‘t as scary as it would have been in my teens, but still an enjoyable read
#1930 #192025
Westmacott, aka Agatha Christie, writes a romance of passion, obsession, power, and in terms of “Giant,” genius. This covers so many aspects, from childhood to war to fame and fortune to loss that it almost feels like an epic novel. I think this is one to reread at some point to get further into the layers of the story - Westmacott/Christie certainly gives a lot of perspective and topics to ponder.
A month late, but finally finished for #LMWBR !
Amanda Quick/Jayne Ann Krentz used to be an auto buy for me. But over time, she started telling the same story every book & I gave up. I gave this one a try because of the #1930's & #Hollywood. The mystery was adequate & this wasn't total cookie cutter. But the speech patterns were very modern & sounded like her Jayne Ann Krentz stories. Also the interior dialogue was very similar to every other book she's done. #romantsy
This was was good, but not my favorite of the three I've read. It was an interesting historical mystery even if I was able to guess the killer. I was happy to see some development in Maisie's character in this one. #historicalmystery #maisiedobbs #1930 #fiction #mystery