Day 7 of #30DayBookChallenge is a book to listen to on a trip. The Hubs and I have done the Potter books, but this is a more recent one we both enjoyed!
Day 7 of #30DayBookChallenge is a book to listen to on a trip. The Hubs and I have done the Potter books, but this is a more recent one we both enjoyed!
Day 6 of the #30DayBookChallenge is a Book that broke your heart.
This book wrecked me, but did that stop me from immediately re-reading it when I finished it? No, no it did not. I NEVER do that anymore, I usually move on to the next book because my job is to read books, lots of them. But the story of a girl accidentally causing the death of her bestie, and then falling for the brother of bestie, just deliciously destroyed me.
Day 4: Book you remember from your childhood.
I was obsessed with Roald Dahl & his ‘The Witches‘ since I was able to read. And I remember this story absolutely terrifying me and giving me nightmares and fearing Norway. It wasn‘t until in University that I stopped fearing the country and fell in love with it and have placed it on my bucket list. 😂
I can‘t wait to read this story to my children 😍
Day 2: Favourite book by your favourite author.
This, hands down, will be my favourite book for a long time. One of the best written and told stories I have ever read that has impacted me in a way a book never has.
⭐️IM CATCHING UP!⭐️Day 1: Favourite book in a series.
I can‘t choose one but these are my tied favourites in the favourite book in a series from the #30daybookchallenge. I‘m such a sucker for #harrypotter ✨
🤘FUN FACT: I spent $250AUD on this special edition Harry Potter collection and I never plan on reading it. Ever. The covers are just too beautiful 😍#professionalreadingchallenge
Day 5 of the #30DayBookChallenge is a Favorite classic book. I struggled a bit with this question, because there's ones I love, but when I think of favorite, I think of something that I can always pick up and read. So, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe it is! To this day, it's hard to pass by an old wardrobe without wanting to check it (well, first for boggarts) for passage to Narnia.
Day 4 of the #30DayBookChallenge is a Book you remember from childhood. And while there are many, this one, and the whole series, remain my favorite! I was so excited when the 40th anniversary addition came out in 2019, and I got to A. Meet James Howe at BookExpo and B. sell the gorgeous new cover at the bookstore (where it remains on my Employee Staff Picks shelf), but this is the cover I grew up with and first adored. 😍
Day 1 of #30DayBookChallenge
This is my favorite Harry Potter book. I was so upset when the movie turned out to be disappointing.
Day 3 of #30DayBookChallenge is for a book you did not finish. I got over half way through this one, but it legit depressed me and gave me one very bad nightmare (that poor dog!) and I just had to dnf it. No regrets. It's been close to 7 or 8 years and I have no desire to try again. I've read other books by Ness, and I will say he likes things on the sad side.
#30DayBookChallenge Day 2 Favorite Book by Favorite Author. This one is a little hard, because Stephen King is probably my favorite author, but I can't pick just 1 book. However, The Night Circus is hands down my favorite book of all time, so it's my pick!