Had to take a few minutes to add some HP to my day and Christmas season. It's not new, but it's still a fun new version that captures the magic of the Christmas segment of the Philosopher's Stone #71-2024
Had to take a few minutes to add some HP to my day and Christmas season. It's not new, but it's still a fun new version that captures the magic of the Christmas segment of the Philosopher's Stone #71-2024
Oooh I love sociopaths, especially when one has a God complex and they try to justify murder. The writing is fantastic and the plot was fun. I had a hard time putting down this paranormal, time jumping masterpiece. VE Schwab has done it again. Book #71 in 2024
I needed a fun, easy romance and this one was perfect. I liked most of the characters and really enjoyed Penny‘s clever humor. Full of laughs, quirky wit, and emotion….settle in and be prepared to devote your whole evening because you won‘t want to put this one down. Book #71 in 2023
McSweeney‘s #71: Horror Stories is GORGEOUS and triple slipcased. It‘s just a beautiful thing. Stories by M.T. Anderson and Stephen Graham Jones (among many others) were almost secondary, if I‘m honest. ❤️🎃🎃🎃❤️
There was potential here, but it ultimately fell flat for me. I didn‘t like Jane at all, she was unreliable, crazy (but not in an interesting way), and too needy. The seven lies were futile and added nothing to the story. Book #71 in 2022
Read these back to back on vacation. Super excited for the third one (that isnt out until February!!) So that I can finish the series.
This needs to be a three season TV show.
#71-2022, #72-2022
The spooky October dice selected two Ray Bradbury titles for me, so I switched one of them out for a different book 👻. Here‘s what I have to look forward to next month for #roll100:
#100 is The Martian Chronicles
#6 is The Tribes of Palos Verdes (chance of DNF is >50% since I added this as a teenager)
#71 is In Defense of Food
Thanks, as always, @PuddleJumper !