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Book 31- 2021: Inspired by Valarie Kaur I‘m continuing to deepen my understanding of how to be a productive ally to marginalized groups. I‘m glad to say that my understanding and actions are already pretty in line with this book but it was still good to check in with myself and hold myself accountable. This was a short read (I did it in a day) but worth reading. Using for #booked2021 #antiracismbook

BarbaraTheBibliophage Good suggestion! 3y
Cinfhen Wonderful 3y
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Here‘s my #booked2021 second quarter wrap up. My favorite was The Lost City of Z. Hummingbird Salamander (my most anticipated) I sadly did not like at all. All the others I gave 3 and 3.5 stars.

#AuthorsFirstNameStartsWithABorC: Elantris
#MusicalInstrumentOnCover: Piranesi
#AntiracismBook: When They Call You a Terrorist
#ContainsPhotos: The Lost City of Z
#NewIn2021: Hummingbird Salamander
#UnderratedOrLesserKnownBook: Swimming in Darkness

Cinfhen Woohoo!!! Don‘t forget to fill out the form♥️You have until midnight, **July 3** to fill out the second quarter form? ?
Cinfhen I loved Lost City of Z too!!! It began my love affair with NF!!! Too bad the others were only meh 😕 3y
Zoes_Human I was disappointed with Hummingbird Salamander as well. Loved the idea but the execution fell short for me. 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job! I see your entry! 3y
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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LikelyLibrarian My favorites appear in the top row. It‘s been said before, but Piranesi is especially beautiful and unlike anything I‘ve ever read before.
The second row are good reads, 3+ stars all. Murmur of Bees is beautifully written, and Library of Legends gets a special shout-out for the gorgeous cover.
(edited) 3y
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Clear and direct articulation of white privilege and how it affects the world in which we live in.
Focuses on the experience of UK.
#booked2021 #antiracismbook

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Wow! Anyone who reads this book will not be able to deny the existence of racism in America. Very compelling and tough to swallow — this should be required reading.

#Booked2021 #AntiRacismBook

Cinfhen Great review!! It‘s going in my June #BoTM box 🤓 (edited) 3y
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Black, Listed | Jeffrey Boakye
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A book that‘s ‘just‘ a list of definitions of terms, some positive but many derogatory, used to refer to Black people doesn‘t sound that interesting but the author is insightful, warm and witty, drawing from his own experiences.

At one point, near the end, the author claims that his own book is ‘terrifying‘ and it is, because I have so much still to learn, but this book is a great insight into Black British culture.

#booked2021 #antiracismbook

Emilymdxn I loved this book! 3y
Cinfhen Sounds really interesting 3y
eraderneely This is sitting half-finished on my kindle! There aren‘t enough books like this from British authors. I need to get around to finishing this. 3y
squirrelbrain Yes, it was interesting to see a British perspective @eraderneely; most of the anti-racism books I‘ve read have a US POV (which is no less valid of course). 3y
TrishB Had this on my kindle for ages! Will get to one day.... 3y
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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What a wonderful book. I put it down exhausted from a compelling narrative but incredibly sad about the cruelty of slavery. Written in 1976, bicentennial (a commemorative coin appears) Dana ,a black woman is married to Kevin a white man to both families disgust. She is repeatedly transported to 1816 maryland creating a story of horror + compassion. Brilliant writing.
#AntiRacismBook #booked2021 @4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen Wonderful choice/ very powerful story / painful at times 3y
Texreader I agree. This is an awesome book 3y
ReadingEnvy This one really sticks with you. I particularly felt the analogy (or metaphor?) of marriage as slavery was clever for the era she wrote it. It starts to surface near the end. 3y
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andrew61 @ReadingEnvy yes jenny that is an interesting aspect of the story and the 5 years the husband spends in maryland is as is said something that probably suits him. The inter racial marriage and the tensions that creates is also well done. I listened to a podcast about her post reading and she sounds like a unique author well ahead of her time with one novel which presage trump. 3y
ReadingEnvy @andrew61 did your book club read this? It seems like it would be so great for discussion. 3y
andrew61 No jenny it was a bk I'd had for a while but hadn't read however I might suggest it as I would like to reread it and it would be a great discussion. We are doing silver sparrow and hamnet in June. August looks interesting I will miss it but still plan to read 'passing' nell larson and 'the vanishing half' brit bennett. 3y
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After listening to A Promised Land, this was a breeze! I think this is a great starter book for folks who are ready and willing to think about/talk about race. It was easy to listen to in the sense that it did feel conversational -- obviously the topics covered could be sad/frustrating/infuriating.

Another #Booked2021 prompt checked off! #antiracismbook

@4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Wonderful review 3y
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An immensely powerful book. Perhaps the most important book I‘ll read this year.

#AntiRacismBook #Booked2021

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Sometimes you either laugh or you‘ll cry and Lacey and Amber manage to find humor in many of the racist encounters Lacey has endured in her lifetime spent in Omaha. Some could never be funny no matter how they are told. Imagining facing this kind of ignorance and hostility every day makes me so sad and so angry. Really appreciated this book and I flew through the audio. #booked2021 #antiracismbook

Cinfhen I‘ve been meaning to listen to the audio since @Megabooks recommended it ❤️ 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen I think you‘d like it! 3y
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