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Finding Sophie | Imran Mahmood
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The Mystery Guest | Nita Prose
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I always wonder if an authors second book is going to live up to their first. In the case of The Mystery Guest, Prose's second book, does live up to her first The Maid.

In The Mystery Guest, we are reunited with Molly, the maid. She is now head maid and takes her job seriously. While training Lily, a new maid, a guest of the Regency is murdered. Molly is thrust into the middle of the investigation by her friend, Angela. Of course, there ⬇️

Monica5 are times when Molly is misunderstood and she misunderstands.

Prose did a wonderful job in character development. Molly grew a lot, but the biggest growth came from Detective Stark. I love Molly. She is clearly the underdog most of the time, but she never gives up. Prose also expanded on the series, and left room for another book or two, by a couple of bombshells. There is a dual timeline in The Mystery Guest, but it works great and gives some info on one bombshell. I look forward to reading more about Molly and seeing where Prose takes all the characters.

If you haven't read the first book, The Maid, I would recommend you do before reading, The Mystery Guest. That way you want be lost, because this book builds on the first.

Tentative Publishing Date November 28, 2023

Thanks to Netgalley, Random House Publishing Group and Ballantine for the E-ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

🙂 Happy Reading 🙂

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The Drift | C. J. Tudor
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Multiple locked-room mystery scenarios set against the back drop of a plague-ridden dystopian future? Sign. Me. Up. This book was a win for me. The author cleverly wove together the storylines while creating compelling characters. I enjoyed how it all slowly unfolded and came together like a puzzle. #NetGalley #TheDrift #RandomHouse #Ballantine

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This author always totally blows my mind. Her books are so incredibly detailed. In this, she gives a history of the queens that lived during the crusades. Instead of telling the story of the kings, she focuses on the queens and takes an honest look at the material left behind from the period. 👸🙇👑

#BookSpinBingo square 13

#ARC from #Ballantine via #Netgalley
Pub date is 2/23/2021

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Neighbors: A Novel | Danielle Steel
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Decently written, pleasant and enjoyable, and had a nice theme of learning what‘s really important in life. Daniel Steel lovers, or those who like a light read, will love this one.
Publishing January 5, 2021.