Wine isn't exactly the drink I love, but it's what we're having tonight. Though, I love my ouroboros glass. That Poe book is my absolute favorite.. so gorgeous!
#doorstoppers #riotgrams
#bookanddrinkIlove #17booklove @jess.how
Wine isn't exactly the drink I love, but it's what we're having tonight. Though, I love my ouroboros glass. That Poe book is my absolute favorite.. so gorgeous!
#doorstoppers #riotgrams
#bookanddrinkIlove #17booklove @jess.how
#hpchapteraday #17booklove #bookanddrinkilove
Some vanilla chai tea on this rainy evening as I finish book 3. I love that Harry has discovered a bit of his father within himself. Talk about all the feels.
For #bookanddrinkilove I'm using my brand new Lincoln and the Bardo and a nice glass of white wine! #17booklove
#17booklove @jess.how I am a man of simple pleasures #bookanddrinkilove
There are three things I can never get enough of: books, penguins, and tea! #BookandDrinkILove #tea #17BookLove
Almost done with Prisoner of Azkaban. Getting ready to start The Burning Pages. No matter what I'm reading it's always better with a cup of tea, usually green. #bookanddrinkIlove #17booklove @jess.how
#17booklove Day 27 - #bookanddrinkilove
I'm drinking chamomile tea and think I'll be asleep early tonight. The Oscars ended way past my bedtime, but it sure was entertaining!
For #BookAndDrinkILove, I have to go with my precious Dr. Pepper. I'm really going to miss it during Lent for the next several weeks. #17BookLove
#bookanddrinkilove. The wine will be waiting for when I get home after surviving Monday. The book is one of the few my former book group unanimously loved. #17booklove