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Cocaine Blues
Cocaine Blues: A Phryne Fisher Mystery | Kerry Greenwood
Phyrne Fisher heads for Melbourne, Australia, where she encounters a mystery involving poisoned wives, cocaine smuggling, corrupt cops, and communism.
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Holy cozies Batman!
I‘ve been in a cozy mood lately! Went to local bookstore to get that stack, and the rest were mostly ThriftBooks… and one maaaaaayy be my selection for #cbbc #coffeebeanbookclub 🤩☕️📚📖🫘🤎 (so excited)

PatriciaU That Juliet Blackwell series is one of my favorites 4d
Avanders @PatriciaU I know it‘s so great, isn‘t it?! 😄 4d
Chrissyreadit 🎉🎉🎉 4d
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A colonel and his wife ask Phryne to check on their daughter, who they worry is being poisoned by her husband. Phryne travels to Australia and finds herself investigating not only the situation with the colonel's daughter, but other crimes as well, including a drug ring involving a Russian ballet family.

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A good start to the series. Set in Melbourne, Australia, Miss Phryne Fisher investigates and solves multiple crimes. Liked her go-getter attitude.

IuliaC Such a beautiful cover! 9mo
Smarkies @IuliaC from what I have seen, the rest of the series are in the same style. 😁 9mo
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That 3 seconds of interest in unpacking a box also uncovered this bookmark that I think came from backing the Kickstarter for the Miss Fisher movie? It‘s signed by actor Nathan Page, who I feel so normal about 🤭

The screenwriters for this looked at book Jack and just said ABSOLUTELY NOT and normally I‘d be mad about it but they messed up book Phryne‘s main love interest (Lin Chung was maybe in 2 episodes?) so I just decided to enjoy it.

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I am a little late (who's counting? 😋), but I finally made Australian Anzac cookies for #foodandlit Australia🇦🇺

Very happy with the results, they're delicious! Now I can switch to all things Hungarian while munching on these😃

@Catsandbooks @Texreader

Texreader Looks yummy!! 12mo
Catsandbooks Yum! Looks so good! 12mo
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Not book related but one of my favorite gifts this year. From my daughter, who inherited my wacky sense of humor. I plan to put it in the guest bathroom of our new house, whenever we find a new house.

JamieArc 😆😆 2y
Sleepswithbooks Love!!! 2y
CarolynM 🤣🤣 2y
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#alphabetgame #letterC

This was my introduction to Phryne Fisher and I‘ve enjoyed her ever since!


If you haven‘t played, never too late!

erzascarletbookgasm I‘ve never read the books but I enjoyed the tv series! 2y
Lizpixie I was going to use this one! Oh well, there‘s plenty more in my favourites shelf. Very nice choice👏👏👏 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I love the covers!! 2y
Bklover @Lizpixie We can both choose it! Reading those books always has a “hanging out with Phryne” feeling! ❤️❤️ 2y
shanaqui I keep coming back to the Phryne books as comfort reading! Funny story: first time I read the first one, I really disliked it. I have no idea why now. 2y
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I was interested in reading Death in Daylesford only to find it is Phryne Fisher Mystery #21 😯 I might have some catching up to do! 😂 I really enjoyed the setting of 1920s Melbourne. We went for high tea at the Windsor Hotel for my Mum's birthday 😊 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

thegreensofa I did an Underground Cinema experience at the Windsor. I haven‘t read any Phrynn Fisher though, (I did watch the movie but that doesn‘t really count!). 3y
Cathy_J @thegreensofa That would be excellent! What a great setting! I went to a Dirty Dancing immersive cinema experience at Flemington and I loved it! I carried a watermelon 🍉😆 3y
Crazeedi I think I've read 9 or so. I need to get back, they are fun 3y
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leah152 Love these books! I'm slowly working my way through the series 😊📚 3y
PathfinderNicole I love Phryne so much! Both the books AND the show! 3y
MaureenMc I loved the tv show! Been meaning to start the book series. 😁 3y
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This was a fun little listen whist pulling pulling weeds! I‘d never heard of this series, but Phryne is fantastic and I will reading and listening to more of this series. Thank you, @Crinoline_Laphroaig for the recommendation!

Crinoline_Laphroaig Glad you enjoyed! 3y
Ericalambbrown @Crinoline_Laphroaig Phryne is just sort of independent lady I need to keep me company during my yard chores! She‘s amazing! 😊 3y
annahenke I like the tv series better than the books! 3y
Ericalambbrown @annahenke I‘m going to look for it! 3y
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(Censoring library info to protect SOME privacy.) This was a fun ride! I don't know if I want to read all 20-something books, but I was definitely captivated by how realistic the setting felt and how interesting Phryne was. #mystery #historicalfiction

SW-T I enjoyed the books and the tv series. 3y
kissmehardy @SW-T I'd like to try the TV show! 3y
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Book 142/2021. Finished 15/6/21 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Audiobook

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Finishing off both March & my #Booked2021 #Winter quarter with the tagged book as my #BakedGoodsOnCover If you look closely, there‘s a plate of bikkies on her table, so that counts right?☺️ A reread of an Aussie favourite. #Pop21 #PickYourPoison #ReadItAgainSam #HistoricalFiction #AussieAuthor21 #CozyMysteriesChallenge #CloakDaggerChal #Pageathon #BookishBingo #PennyPerPage #250c

Lizpixie 1. #SetInAustralia The Dry 2. #SFByAWoman The Galaxy & The Ground Within 3. #BakedGoodsOnCover Cocaine Blues 4. #CovidHeroes The Family Doctor 5. #MoustacheOnCover Murder On The Orient Express 6. #AuthorsFirstNameStartsWithC The Burning Girls. 3y
Cinfhen Woohoo ❣️❣️❣️You have until midnight, April 3 to fill out the first quarter form to be entered in our drawing ?
Lizpixie @Cinfhen Done! Thanks lovely😘❤️❤️❤️ 3y
Cinfhen Yay!!! Good luck 💚 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage That‘s the same book I used for baked goods! Also confirming we have your form! (edited) 3y
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Big fan of the show with Essie Davis, so I was a little worried. But this was a great read. If I were more of a mystery reader, I would gobble up the series.

It is set in 1920's Australia with a fun cast of secondary characters. Wealthy, free-spirited Phryne Fisher becomes a private investigator almost by accident. She is asked to check on an heiress who is suspected to be the victim of a poisoning attempt.


had to look it up. 🙂

Orotund: imposing and resonant.


here's a quotation:

“Anyone who could clothe a trite statement in such orotund periods was obviously born to be a politician.“


Reading the first book in the Phryne Fisher series. Absolutely delightful.

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I love the rebellious female sleuth Miss Phryne Fisher of Melbourne, Australia circa late 1920s! She really is a unique character and I especially like how Greenwood packs so much into a relatively short novel. The perfect palate cleanser! Can‘t wait to read more!

Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com #thebibliophage2021
#booked2021 #bakedgoodsoncover

Cinfhen Nice choice 💕 3y
TheKidUpstairs I haven't read these ones yet, but I love the television show. Essie Davis is fantastic! 3y
Carolyn11215 Love the tv series, love the full length movie. Need to read through the entire book series! 3y
youneverarrived This is a fun read! 3y
MaGoose Saw some of the TV series and enjoyed it. I may try to read the books 📚 but not very likely as I'm behind on my reading and book review blogging for this year already! 🤪 🙃 3y
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This was one of the books in my #cozyswap. Unconventional setting for a cozy mystery with a daring, rather than reluctant, amateur slooth; a nice change of pace from the typical format.

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Thanks so much @Nitpickyabouttrains ! I love it all. I even started eating the snacks before the picture lol #cozyswap opening day!

Chrissyreadit 🎃🍎🧡🧡😍 4y
Nitpickyabouttrains Yay! I am so glad you enjoyed! Have a cozy fall! 4y
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Having watched and loved the Phryne Fisher on the TV series “Miss Fisher‘s Murder Mysteries”, I decided it was time to read the books. It‘s apparent in this book the author is willing to address subject matter some may consider controversial. I like that in an author.

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Having watched the Miss Fisher mystery series on PBS, I was curious about the book series. If this first one is any indication, I‘m going to enjoy this series. Phryne Fisher is an absolutely fearless female on the brink of a career as a private detective. She‘s honest and forthright and absolutely a feminist. She‘s rich but has known abject poverty and never forgets it. This is a really good book. Another series. Yes! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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One of many reasons why we love Phryne.

barbwire I giggle every time now.... 4y
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#notthetaggedbook #fanfiction based on the TV series.

I'm sure reading bits about side characters doesn't actually count as a guilty pleasure if I don't feel the least bit guilty in doing so.

Friends and Relations

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Rewatching Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries in preparation for Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears on March 23rd!!!

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Kerry Greenwood obviously likes #GreenCovers!

#MarchMadness @Eggs

Eggs Love these💚💚 4y
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I love the TV series for this book series and the movie is supposed to be coming out soon. So Excited!!!!

thea-block I don‘t know if you saw this, but if you‘re in the US, the movie is showing in select locations in the next few weeks! I found the info here: (edited) 4y
thea-block I think it will be posted on Acorn TV soon also. 4y
BookishMe 😍😍 4y
Nute I‘m thinking about starting this series soon. It is well-liked by many folks.🙂 4y
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Phryne Fisher is fabulous - I loved reading this mystery. It was worth it just for the descriptions of her clothes alone!

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I saw this at the library and was reminded of @Lizpixie and her Phryne marathon. If @Lizpixie is re-reading the whole series then they must be good! I‘ve not read any of this series before and I‘m excited to start.


A beloved reread, just because I felt like it. Very enjoyable, as ever, and I do prefer Phryne to Carola Dunn's Daisy Dalrymple, whose adventures I've been reading more recently -- Phryne does very little by accident or guileless charm. They'd be unholy terrors together though.

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I stumbled across Ms. Fisher‘s Murder Mysteries on Netflix a while ago and have been meaning to check out the books ever since. This was such a fun read! The characters are fantastic, and I‘ve read very few books set in Australia so I enjoyed that as well. I‘m not great at reading series, but I can definitely see myself picking one of these up now and again.

#ReadtheWorld #ReadingtheWorld #Australia

Daisey Also, I hadn‘t originally planned to participate in #24B4Monday, but being pretty much caught up on school work and having a snow day yesterday convinced me to run a timer. I‘m at just over 14 hours so far. 4y
JazzFeathers It's a fan series, though some books are better then others. But the very funny thing is that l think the TV show is even better. 4y
Lizpixie You‘ve now joined a very exclusive club! #phryneappreciationclub 4y
Daisey @JazzFeathers I‘ll be curious to see what I think when I read more. It‘s hard to judge on just one, especially as I kept picturing the characters in the show as I read. 4y
Daisey @Lizpixie I‘m happy to do so! 4y
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Thank you, @Lizpixie for all the Christmas goodies! I‘m looking forward to reading Brinkley, Pritchett, Greenwood, and Bradley. Best wishes for a peaceful and happy holiday!

Lizpixie You‘re very welcome! Merry Xmas❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚 5y
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1920s socialite the #Honorable Phryne Fisher is a rather fabulous sleuth in this series from Australian writer Kerry Greenwood.

#DearDecember @Eggs

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Phryne is a savvy woman who knows how to solve problems. Though this took me awhile to get into, once I got into the rhythm of the narrative, I was hooked. I‘ll definitely continue the series, and it really, really makes me want to wish the Miss Fisher series! #WhoDunItTheSequel

I mailed this out to you today, @bookwrm526 !

This is also my #FemaleDetective for #Booked2019 .

Nute Nice book cover art! 5y
Librarybelle @Nute I thought so too! 5y
MallenNC I have not read the books but the TV show is so great. Worth watching if only for Miss Fisher‘s costumes! 5y
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Librarybelle @MallenNC I‘ve heard the show is fun! 5y
Cinfhen I watched this episode on Netflix series / it was enjoyable 5y
Librarybelle @Cinfhen I forgot at least part of the series was on Netflix. I‘ll have to check and see if it‘s still available. 5y
MaureenMc @Librarybelle Sadly, Miss Fisher is no longer available on Netflix. (It just left mid-September, before I could finish the series! 😩) 5y
Librarybelle Darn! Thanks for letting me know, @MaureenMc ! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Nice review. I‘m bummed to know the series isn‘t streaming anymore, though. 5y
Librarybelle Thanks, @BarbaraTheBibliophage ! It is a shame it is no longer streaming. 5y
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Cocaine Blues - TV tie-in | Kerry Greenwood
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I need to work on my pic collages 😂😂 oh well. While it is cut off, you get the idea. Been a wonky donkey day but nothing some carbs, seafood, a good martini, and the Honorable Miss Phryne Fischer can't fix. ♡

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I am rather enjoying the Phryne Fisher books. Accidentally stumbled on the second, so thought I‘d better start from the beginning. This is an excellent yarn involving a drugs ring, a poisoning and a botched backstreet abortion. Slightly fantastical - Phryne is just too amazing to be considered in anyway realistic, but then so is James Bond and he‘s been getting away with it for decades. Believable or not, I do rather like Phryne!

Crazeedi Yep! I love Phryne! She's so independent and outrageous and nonconforming!! ❤ 5y
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KarenUK 💙👌😊 5y
Cinfhen Perfect 😂😜 5y
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#wanderingjune @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB The Phryne Fisher mystery books take place #downunder in 1920s Australia. They‘re fun and she‘s a great character. The show Miss Fisher‘s Murder Mysteries is great too.

Cinfhen I saw a few episodes on Netflix/ they were very entertaining. Loved the set design and outfits 💕 5y
erzascarletbookgasm I enjoyed the tv series! 5y
Crazeedi I absolutely ❤❤❤ Phryne!! The books are fantastic! 5y
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I‘m a BIG fan of Miss Fisher‘s Murder Mysteries and have been going through a major withdrawal awaiting the film to conclude the series so I figured I‘d give the books a shot. I love the descriptions of the clothing and little details that build the atmosphere of Australia in the 20‘s. Phryne is a force to be reckoned with, as all who meet her soon learn, and her head for adventure and can do spirit puts her in precarious but exciting situations.

CrowCAH Welcome to the Litsy family!!! 📚 5y
Lynnsoprano The books are as much fun as the show 😄 We even have a #Phrynefanclub here on Litsy! 5y
Crazeedi Welcome to litsy!!🎉🎉 I love all the Phryne books!! 5y
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Crazeedi @Lynnsoprano I didnt know this!!! #phrynefanclub??? Yay! I loved these books!! 5y
tpixie Welcome to Litsy!🥳📚🥳 5y
Lynnsoprano @Crazeedi I think it was @Lizpixie who created the hashtag. She‘s the Litten I hold responsible for my fascination with the books 😄 5y
Crazeedi @Lizpixie you have excellent taste! Shes one of my heros!!! 5y
xxjenadanxx @Lynnsoprano Omgosh! I‘ll have to check that out for sure! 5y
xxjenadanxx @tpixie thanks! I love it here! 5y
Lynnsoprano @xxjenadanxx You‘ve reminded me that I haven‘t read any Phryne Fisher in a while, and I‘m overdue 😄 5y
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I did not expect such a strong female character in a setting in the 20s. But I really liked it. Sometimes I even asked myself, if it‘s not a bit over the top. But I will definitely read the second book. Yay new series!

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I love the Australian series "Miss Fisher murder mysteries". One of my favourite couple (in films and books) is Dottie and Hugh. #couple #marriage #tvseries

Do you know the series?

Picture by Pinterest

julesG Started watching the first series/season a few days ago. I can see myself binging on this series. 5y
PickwickPlockPlock Yes, I love the show! There will be a crowdfunded movie coming out this year (probably not in Germany, but hopefully I can get my grabby hands on a DVD) 5y
Moony @PickwickPlockPlock ohhh that would be so great! 5y
Moony @julesG yeeees! Have fun! 5y
julesG @PickwickPlockPlock @Moony I was made aware of the new series The Modern Ms Fisher Murder Mysteries by a friend and that was the perfect reason to eventually start the original series. 5y
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After seeing a few posts about this series I decided to check it out. I love her verve. I will definitely continue on.

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Drugs and #lustforlife. Well, Ms Fisher does have a humongous lust for life and there are drugs in this one. 😁
@Cinfhen @Lizpixie

Lizpixie She certainly does! #phryneappreciationclub 5y
gradcat @Lizpixie I love Phryne Fisher!! Only ever saw the television shows, however—haven‘t read the books. And @Lizpixie actually has a Phryne club—woo hoo! 5y
Lizpixie @gradcat I love the tv series but the books are so much better. Unless you love the Jack/Phryne sexual tension, in the books Jack has a wife & kids and Phryne has a lover called Lin Chung from Ruddy Gore onwards. And she has two adopted daughters. And Mr Butler has a Mrs Butler who is the cook.❤️ 5y
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gradcat @Lizpixie Wow—those are pretty big differences. Thanks for advising me! ❤️ 5y
Lizpixie @gradcat you really need to read the books, they‘re fantastic. 5y
gradcat @Lizpixie Okay—you‘ve convinced me—stacked!! 😂😂😂 5y
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What took me so long to start this one? So much fun and the audiobook was excellent. I will definitely be picking up more of Phryne‘s adventures!!! #MountTBR

Verity I‘m listening to this (for the umpteenth time!) right now! 5y
Aims42 I love the tv series, hadn‘t realized there were books too 5y
lahousewyfe Yum! Love Phryne! 5y
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LeeRHarry #ozfiction🇦🇺 💕 5y
PathfinderNicole Phryne is amazing! 5y
VioletMoonBooks I‘ve just finished watching it on Netflix 5y
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1. Like @tournevis I have a lot of them but here's one that is sure to scandalise many people - I think the Phryne Fisher books are very poorly written
2. I can't resist starting on sweet ones but don't have trouble stopping (not much, anyway) I can resist starting on salty ones but I can't stop once I start
3. Hugh and Norma, Angus and Annis
4. The Jungle Book
5. London


Kaye Angus and Annis. There should be a book about them. Cute couple of names v 5y
TrishB I haven‘t read any of those books! 5y
Cinfhen Preach!!!!! #1 5y
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thebacklistbook Had no idea those were books. Have only watched one episode on Netflix 5y
CarolynM @kaye Unfortunately I never met Angus, he died when my father was 10. Annis wanted me to be named after her but my mother couldn't be persauded, for which I am very grateful😂. My husband and I would have named our son Angus but we thought it sounded ridiculous with our very German surname. 5y
Kaye Yes I have a grandmother I never met nor seen a photo of. I often wonder what she was like. 5y
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Miss Fisher reading Lady Chatterley's Lover while traveling on a train. I haven't read this series of murder mysteries, but i am certainly loving the show. 📚📺

businessmermaid That show is such a delight! 5y
Tanisha_A @businessmermaid Yes! And, i love Dot. 😃 5y
LeahBergen It‘s such a fun show! 👏🏻 5y
Tanisha_A @LeahBergen Absobloominlutely! 😄 5y
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Food, fashion and frivolity go hand in hand with investigations of a backstreet abortionist and a cocaine ring. Love the series Miss Fisher‘s Murder Mysteries! Love the books even more as it turns out! #booked2019 cover with food and beverage prompt. @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage Also #readingwomenchallenge2019 #readingwomenchallenge book from a series

BarbaraTheBibliophage Great pick!! 5y
alisiakae I love the covers on the books in this series. 5y
Carolyn11215 @4thhouseontheleft the covers are amazing and the clothes in the TV series are just incredible!! 5y
Cinfhen I watched this episode on Netflix ~ it was really fun 😄great choice 5y
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