I just finished reading this book. I borrowed the book from my stepdad. It was an interesting book to read. I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars. I have completed book 4 for #JoysofJune hosted by @Andrew65
I just finished reading this book. I borrowed the book from my stepdad. It was an interesting book to read. I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars. I have completed book 4 for #JoysofJune hosted by @Andrew65
I read this almost twenty years ago when I was on a Civil War kick. Very interesting story. He was shunned because he did not say Lee was an idol, but made mistakes.
I am a Southern woman, born with revolutionary blood in my veins.
This is a bibliography about Rose O‘Neale Greenhow, a confederate spy. The author provides multiple pieces of evidence of documentation of original sources like diaries and letters. I liked how the author's style was readable and the background information blended naturally with the narrative.
I would not use this book in my future classroom, because the topic would not be interesting to children when presented this way. I could maybe use this book for quotes or quick context about her and then plan lessons off it.
American Civil War scholars would argue that Andersonville was one of the most notoriously horrific prisoner of war camps during the war. Starvation, disease, limited shelter - for those Northern soldiers sent to this camp, survival was a struggle. The commander of the camp was convicted and executed for war crimes after the war. #HighwayToHell #MarchIntoThe70s
BTW...Elmira was the equivalent for Confederate soldiers.
Visiting Wilson's Creek battlefield, I was overcome by its beauty & its tale. Growing up Iowa & since a life long resident of Missouri, this history teacher was surprised at how little I knew of the first major battle west of the Mississippi that claimed the life of the first Union General, Nathaniel Lyons. In fact, Missouri is only 2nd to Virginia in number of Civil War battles--now that isn't something you read in most history books.
#OneWayOrAnother the Hunley would be raised. The US Civil War saw a lot of technological innovations. Submarine warfare was one of them; remember, this was 1861-1865. The Confederacy had a successful submarine named the Hunley...successful, but was lost during its last mission. This book chronicles the search and discovery of the Hunley. #OctoberXFiles
Started this today for my Public History class. Not a big fan of the author himself. He refers to his rural home in Virginia as a village and his wife picked the spot because it is what she thought the American back country looks like. He also reinforces heteronormativity and sexism by referring to the Civil War reenactors as a "gay subculture" because of their attention to authentic detail.
#HistoryIGuess #CivilWarHistory #PopCulture