I thought I‘d catch up on posting my daughters #imaginationlibrary books. This was July‘s book. #dollyparton #dollypartonsimaginationlibrary #freebooks #diverselibrary #diversity #diversityinbooks
I thought I‘d catch up on posting my daughters #imaginationlibrary books. This was July‘s book. #dollyparton #dollypartonsimaginationlibrary #freebooks #diverselibrary #diversity #diversityinbooks
My daughter has accumulated quite the little collection of #DollyPartonsImaginationLibrary books! She just got her new book for October today, which is the tagged book. Perfect timing for #Day20 's #smallbooks
She is so excited every time a new one comes!
#31BookPics @howjessreads
My daughter's #ImaginationLibrary book for July came today! It's one of the cutest ones she's gotten so far! Love books made specially for bedtime ❤
#DollyPartonsImaginationLibrary #bookmail #RaisingReaders #TeachEmYoung
My daughter gets so excited every month to see which book she'll be getting in the mail. I absolutely love this program! #DollyPartonsImaginationLibrary
This was Parker's first book from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library that we got back in February. #imaginationlibrary #dollypartonsimaginationlibrary #childrensbooks
"Mom!! Read this to us!"
Great book for little ones! For each letter of the alphabet, there's an emotion that starts with the same letter and a photo of a baby whose expression matches that emotion. The text rhymes and gives a little explanation of each emotion.