Today is moving day- from one temporary place to another temporary place. ☹️😬🙄 The hubby offered to “store” my books in his office...no. I NEED those with me. #comfort #thanksbutnothanks #donttouchmybooks #backawayslowly
Today is moving day- from one temporary place to another temporary place. ☹️😬🙄 The hubby offered to “store” my books in his office...no. I NEED those with me. #comfort #thanksbutnothanks #donttouchmybooks #backawayslowly
✨ I get asked alot if someone can borrow my books, and I have yet to actually let anyone borrow one of my babies. I literally have a two paged contract that you have to sign, otherwise, go buy the damn thing yourself! Or hey! Library's are still magical place and library cards are very useful. No need for book borrowing. ✨📚😈🙅❌
A favorite corner of my home library featuring my Harry Potter collection and my library goddess. She guards my books for me and keeps my husband from noticing when new books arrive on the shelves. 😀 #aprilbookshowers #shelfie #ivebeensortedintohufflepuff #andidontgiveahufflefuck #donttouchmybooks