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Looking/Thinking Ahead.....

Would love to know what all of u think about me doing #FallBackIntoReading again for this coming fall? Let me know ur opinions! Thanks in advance!!!

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks What exactly is it? I must have missed it last year 🙃 3y
AkashaVampie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks it mostly was to help people get back into the swing of reading. I posted articles and quizzes to help find good books to read. 3y
AkashaVampie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I posted like 2 times a week for the whole fall season 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AkashaVampie ok cool!! Thank you for explaining ❤️ 3y
AkashaVampie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ur welcome sweetie. 3y
ElizaMarie I always love quizzes, but I felt like it was a lot for you take on. And you have a lot going on with your life right now. So maybe not? Or maybe very minimally? 3y
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie thanks sweetie. I don't really mind it when it's like a day or 2 in a week. 3y
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Quizzes | Sue Boylan
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Hello again Littens. Another type of postings I will be do is the #WeeklyQuiz. It seemed that alot of you guys liked when i did the quizzes for #FallBackIntoReading for the Fall. Thought I would try to keep that up with do one a week. Here is the first one. Hope you enjoy!


ElizaMarie You got 15 out of 16 right!
True Historian!
You know practically everything that ever happened. Whether it was historic art, science, or geography, if it took place in the past, you know about it. You are like a human World Book. Remember those?
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie great job!!! 3y
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Hello my lovely Littens. 2020 has been crappy! I know I haven't done my best with my obligations to my groups. So I thought I would try to schedule out my days for what needs to be done. I will be leaving the weekends for myself and my family.
More in comments!

AkashaVampie For Mondays, I thought I could add a couple of things to the list besides the Weekly Check-In. I noticed a lot of you loved the quizzes from #FallBackIntoReading and wanted to do some more of that. Also I planned to do some sort of Quote a week thing... maybe a quote from something you read the week before. Is there anything else you think I should add to this schedule?

#NWC #PLC #TBRCrew #NewYear_NewYou

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72
jb72 Sounds good! 4y
AkashaVampie @jb72 great!!! 4y
Crazeedi Weekly check in for my journal! Thanks for suggestion 4y
AkashaVampie @Crazeedi ur welcome sweetie 4y
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The_Heeler_Booklife I got Harry Potter 4y
CaffeineAndCandy Maze runner...maybe I should read it 4y
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AkashaVampie @CaffeineAndCandy the movie is good. I believe we are reading it in our #NWC group next yr 4y
Texreader I got Harry Potter 4y
Deifio Maze Runner?! Nope, I hated that series. 4y
Vansa Harry Potter, reasonably accurate :-) 4y
SteffK I feel like I'm too old to have taken the quiz. When they asked to take a cartoon from now I didn't know what any of them were LOL anyway, I got Twilight. Meh 4y
ElizaMarie @SteffK I recommend you watch Bob's Burgers. Its a great cartoon! Also, I got Twilight as well. 4y
The_Heeler_Booklife @SteffK I didn‘t know any cartoons either. 4y
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Autumn's Light | Aurora Rey
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ElizaMarie SCORE: 86%. Children's Lit Expert. - I am surprised I did so well.. My work as a pedi nurse did me well! 4y
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jb72 Classic literature 😂 4y
AkashaVampie @jb72 so is it trying to tell u nicely that u are old? Haha 4y
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jb72 @AkashaVampie Yep that is exactly what it says. 😂 4y
ElizaMarie You are YA fiction! That doesn't mean you're childish at all, but you can deal with serious life events without losing your youthful enthusiasm and drive! 4y
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Autumn's Light | Aurora Rey
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Hello Littens. It's #FallBackIntoReading day. Here is a quiz to see who your perfect book boyfriend is...



@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

ElizaMarie Wouldn't let me click anywhere to take the quiz. 4y
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie damn. I'm sorry. 4y
Mesica25 Darcy 4y
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MariaW I should read the Red Queen, which actually has been on my TBR for a while. 🤣 4y
AkashaVampie @MariaW its telling u to go and get on it! Haha 4y
ElizaMarie You should read FLAMECASTER!

Set in the world of the New York Times bestselling Seven Realms series, a generation later, this is a breathtaking story of dark magic, chilling threats, and two unforgettable characters walking a knife-sharp line between life and death. This dazzling beginning to a new series is indispensable for fans of Cinda Williams Chima and a perfect starting point for readers who are
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie ooh that sounds good! 4y
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Autumn's Light | Aurora Rey
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Hello Littens. It's #FallBackIntoReading day. Here is a quiz to see if the most anticipated YA books on your TBR...



@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

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Hello Littens. It's #FallBackIntoReading day. Here is a quiz to see if you can get past these boring descriptioins...



@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

The_Heeler_Booklife That was hard 4y
jb72 Nope. I didn‘t know any of them. All YA. 🤦🏼‍♀️ 4y
AkashaVampie @jb72 yeah they are all YA 4y
ElizaMarie Ha that was silly! I haven't read a lot of those books but even the ones I read I wasn't able to figure it out! 4y
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