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Quizzes | Sue Boylan
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Hello again Littens. Here is the #WeeklyQuiz for this week. Find out what your job would be in City of Ember with this fun little quiz. Hope you enjoy!


@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

umbrellagirl I haven‘t read it yet but I took the quiz anyway. Potato Peeler:
Everybody loves potatoes!
AkashaVampie @umbrellagirl haha thats true. But ur hands would really hurt after. 3y
RamsFan1963 Warehouse Clerk. Doesn't sound very exciting 3y
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ElizaMarie Never read this book but.. I am a “pipeworks laborer“ it says “you're a very fortunate girl. That is an important job.“ (edited) 3y
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie i havent read the book, but i have watched the movie. It wasn't too bad. Bill Murray is in it, if u like him. Did u type that wrong? I would think it would say pipeworks laborer, but i could be wrong. most of the time i am. haha 3y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie Ha! yes total typo - fixed it! 3y
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie haha thats ok. I just looked it up, if u are interest in it... the movie is on YouTube. i would suggest looking the trailer up first. 3y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie I will thanks! 3y
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie ur welcome! 3y
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Quizzes | Sue Boylan
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Hello again Littens. Here is the #WeeklyQuiz for this week. Find out who will be your soulmate with this fun little quiz. Hope you enjoy!


@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

AsYouWish I got Noah - not my first choice, but I will take it....🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
AkashaVampie @AsYouWish u don't like the notebook? 3y
AsYouWish I do that was my college obsession. My friend even made me a replica of the house with images from the movie in it, but there is another leading man that has stolen my heart!!! 3y
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AsYouWish Have you read The Choice? Travis - hands down my favorite Nicholas Sparks leading man!!! 3y
AkashaVampie @AsYouWish no I haven't. The Nicholas Sparks book/movie that I like best is A Walk To Remember 3y
AsYouWish A Walk to Remember always makes me cry, as soon as Landon starts his last monologue the tears start rolling. 3y
Halfbloodprincess20 I got John Tyre from Dear John. Would have preferred Landon 😂 3y
AsYouWish @Halfbloodprincess20 Dear John was my ugly cry book!!! I have refused to watch the movie for that very reason. 3y
ElizaMarie A decorated war hero, John fights for what and who he loves. A guy with excruciating passion, he falls fast and hard. Although your story has its ups and downs, your love has a ton of hope. 3y
ElizaMarie @AsYouWish never read that one ... recommend it? 3y
AsYouWish @ElizaMarie Yes!!!! The Choice is by far one of my favorite Nicolas Sparks books!!! I haven‘t watched the movie yet because I am afraid I won‘t like it as much as the book, but it is definitely on my To Be Watched list. 3y
ElizaMarie @AsYouWish ooo I got to look into it then! 3y
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Quizzes | Sue Boylan
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Hello again Littens. Here is the #WeeklyQuiz for this week. Find out what you should read next with this fun little quiz. Hope you enjoy!


@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

jb72 Yeah that quiz was way off base for me. This is not a book I would pick up. It gave me 3y
suvata It didn‘t pick a good one for me either. There weren‘t enough choices about the authors you like. 3y
Augustdana Picked a book I might not have initially thought about!! 3y
ElizaMarie Lex has spent years trying to forget her childhood and her family. Growing up in an extremely abusive house, she became known in the news as Girl A—the eldest sister who escaped and freed her older brother and four younger siblings. After her mother dies in prison and leaves Lex the family home, she finds she can't run from her past any longer. - doesn't sound bad 3y
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Hello again Littens. Here is the #WeeklyQuiz for this week. Find out what kind of Bookstagrammer you are with this fun little quiz. Hope you enjoy!


@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

Carla I‘m the Friendly Bookstagrammer❣️ 3y
Tera66 I'm also a Friendly Bookstagrammer! 3y
ElizaMarie I dont have a Bookstagram .. I had been thinking about it but I feel like I wouldn't be good at updating it and well I don't take great pics of anything in general. 3y
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Quizzes | Sue Boylan
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Hello again Littens. Here is the #WeeklyQuiz for this week. Find out if you can match the book to the author with this fun little quiz. Hope you enjoy!


@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

ElizaMarie 86% - Of all the people in the world who've taken this quiz, you're one of them.

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Quizzes | Sue Boylan
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Hello again Littens. Here is the #WeeklyQuiz for this week. Find out what book you are with this fun little quiz. Hope you enjoy!


@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

Patchshank The Secret of the Old Clock....totally describes your life!

This was the first book in the incredible popular Nancy Drew series. Basically an old man dies and the secret clue to his will is located in a dusty old, broken own clock. Nancy gets the tip and goes to investigate on the double! You may be hiding something locked inside and it can be something important that needs to come out so you can be your best life.
AkashaVampie @Patchshank that sounds interesting. Does it sound like ur life? Have u read any of Nancy Drew? 3y
ElizaMarie The Bungalow Mystery...This was the last and final Nancy Drew book published.
Your life is like living in a strange bungalow, you look around and you think, how did I get here? Your instinct may be to make it work, but no no. What you need my friend is an upgrade. I'm talkin' a split level, two story home. So just think, are you selling yourself short? What can you do to take yourself to the next level.
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Jari-chan The Bungalow Mystery: (...)Your life is like living in a strange bungalow, you look around and you think, how did I get here?(...)
That sums it up pretty well 😂
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie see it was telling u to make ur move. 3y
AkashaVampie @Jari-chan haha. 3y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie haha yes!!! 3y
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie haha ok u made the right choice.... also I heard Texas got some snow. I know snow can suck but I tend to laugh when southern states just get a dusting of snow and everything closes up. 3y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie Oh this was way more than a dusting in TX. It knocked out the power grid and shut down the water too. My mom had a couple of pipes freeze and burst. She was without power for close to 70 hours! It was intense! TX doesn't have the infrastructure to handle cold like that. We don't have the plows, salt, insulated pipes! Huge learning curve for the south to deal with winter! 3y
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie yeah I totally get that. My aunt used to live in Alabama and used to tell us how crazy it was when there was snow. She understood about snow becuz she and my dad were from Massachusetts. 3y
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Quizzes | Sue Boylan
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Hello again Littens. Here is the #WeeklyQuiz for this week. Find out what to read next with this fun little quiz. Hope you enjoy!


@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie have u read it yet? 3y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie No I haven't .. I didn't even really read the synopsis to see if I would like it.. I don't think its for “me“ 3y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie Ha stretch that... It might be kinda cute! 3y
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Quizzes | Sue Boylan
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Hello again Littens. Here is the #WeeklyQuiz for this week. Find out who you match up with, with this fun little quiz. Hope you enjoy!


@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

ElizaMarie You got: Alice from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
You're whimsical, inquisitive, and have a thirst for knowledge. Whether it's diving headfirst down the rabbit hole or enjoying a wild tea party, you're always the first to take a bite out of the “Eat Me“ cookie that we call life.

one of my fav characters!
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Quizzes | Sue Boylan
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Hello again Littens. Here is the #WeeklyQuiz for this week. Find out how you should organize your bookshelves with this fun little quiz. Hope you enjoy!


@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

smalldogs_bigbooks2419 I'm pretty sure my completely disorganized shelves would give some people in this group major anxiety. I need to figure out a system. At the very least, I think its an eyesore. 3y
Crazeedi Mine said "by color" 3y
jb72 My shelves are complete chaos. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 3y
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ShananigansReads I got by color which I admit looks very pretty but I‘d never be able to find my books. My memory is too terrible to add in spine colors. 3y
IndoorDame What a neat quiz! I‘m always changing my mind about that. I got by “genre” 3y
ElizaMarie I don't have shelves up yet in my new home but... I feel like this quiz totally got me it said by “author's last name“ which is what I used to do anyway ... :) 3y
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Quizzes | Sue Boylan
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Hello again Littens. Here is the #WeeklyQuiz for this week. Find our your next revengeful read with this fun little quiz. Hope you enjoy!


@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie it sounds awesome. I'm gunna stack it. 3y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie actually I‘m gonna stack it too 3y
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