A memoir of the author's year doing anthropological field work amongst the Domayo people of Cameroon. Although it had its moments, it wasn't as funny or interesting as his book about his time in Tanah Toraja.
A memoir of the author's year doing anthropological field work amongst the Domayo people of Cameroon. Although it had its moments, it wasn't as funny or interesting as his book about his time in Tanah Toraja.
"‘Why not go on fieldwork then?‘ The question was posed by a colleague at the end of a somewhat bibulous review of the state of the art of anthropology, university teaching and academic life in general."
I got some Inauguration Day themed book mail today (usps really did deliver on a Sunday! Who knew?!), and I‘m so excited to have these in my budding new collection. Field Work was one of my favourites from last year. I can‘t wait to check out the tagged book and Opened Ground.
@CBee this is literal Joetry (unless he actually wrote some, but I think he‘s a little busy right now). #SeamusHeaney #FieldWork #HumanChain #OpenedGround #Joetry2021
This collection has a wonderful combination of straight forward poetry and more abstract poetry. This is a great bridge between more obvious poetry collections and more abstract collections. Reminded me of Whitman in places.
#SeamusHeaney #FieldWork #Poetry
Had to do some fancy editing to get the whole poem in, but it was necessary. I quite like this look at autumn.
#SeamusHeaney #FieldWork #Poetry
Trying to figure out if this is about making out or not.
#SeamusHeaney #FieldWork #Poetry