More wise words to ponder for this Lenten season.
More wise words to ponder for this Lenten season.
@talkthattalk_rarity on Insta - Spoken word that puts a fire in your belly. Highly recommend.
This was a nice collection of poetry and two Essays about nature, and more specifically various species of birds. I enjoyed most of them, but my favorite was “Wild Geese“
My only criticism is reading through her second essay about finding an injured gull, and instead of taking it to a wildlife facility or the vet, she and her partner started caring for it. It isn't what you fo with injured wildlife. You don't keep them as pets.
Recent acquisition:
📖 Collected Plays of W.B. Yeats
This is my favorite line so far in this section, “The Evolution of the Poem.” Even after works were published, they weren‘t always safe from further revisions by Tolkien.
“As a rule, indeed, no manuscript of my father‘s could be regarded as ‘final‘ until it had safely left his hands.”
#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien
I haven‘t had a lot of reading time this past week, so my priority was finishing The History of Love. Now that it‘s done, I finally settled in to start “The Evolution of the Poem” this evening with supper. Also, crazy Missouri weather was in the 60s yesterday and back in the 30s today, so it was chili for supper again.
#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien #ReadAndEat
📕Still reading the tagged for the poetry prompt for #OffMyShelf
📗Encyclopedia Brown is this month‘s #EBBR
📘Not at Home is for #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub
📙Das Achte Leben I pulled down on a whim. It‘s gonna take me a few months to finish but it‘ll work for #ChunksterChallenge2025 and #AllergictoChunksters