I know, I know. James and The Giant Peach seems like an unlikely choice for #firsthorror, but come on. It's a giant peach filled with giant insects! And Aunts Spiker and Sponge? Nightmares. #allhallowsread
I know, I know. James and The Giant Peach seems like an unlikely choice for #firsthorror, but come on. It's a giant peach filled with giant insects! And Aunts Spiker and Sponge? Nightmares. #allhallowsread
The #firsthorror story I read as a kid seems to be a popular one for lots of you littens, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. This book was terrifying! And the images 😱😱😱 Seriously haunted me for ages. Just look at how creepy this is. 💀 #AllHallowsRead
I'm almost positive that this is my first horror book. I don't own a copy of it though. 😔😔 #allhallowsread #firsthorror
My #FirstHorror novel. I read this when I was five. I didn't understand a lot of it. I stole my mother's copy because I wanted to see the movie and wasn't allowed to. Now I teach it in my American Horror class. #AllHallowsRead
I am too old and have read too many to remember my #firsthorror but I'm certain it was one of that holy 80s trinity of John Saul, Dean Koontz and Stephen King. Once I started I couldn't stop and they are still among my favorites. Nathaniel really creeped me out! and I learned that I like being creeped out 😲 My book is a lttle worse for wear -I've had it forever. #AllHallowsReads
I think that Carrie is probably the first horror that I ever read when I was probably in my early teens. I don't recall finding it particularly scary, but I felt really bad for Carrie and how she was treated at home and at school. I was the odd girl out in elementary school and junior high so I felt like I could relate (minus the telekinesis). #AllHallowsRead #GiveaScaryBook #FirstHorror
Companions of the Night is a lot like how Twilight should have been. A bit spooky and a much more realistic take on a teen girl's experience with a vampire. #allhallowsread #firsthorror #scarystories
#firsthorror #Allhallowsread I was probably 10 when I read this. Probably way too young but this is the copy my parents were reading and I just picked it up and started reading. #Giveascarybook
I just recently got into horror novels, so the first real "horror" type book I read was Haunted and it was absolutely disgusting! A great book, but a gross book as well ?#firsthorror #allhallowsread #photoadaychallenge #scaryreads