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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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So I‘m not a big Britney fan, but I enjoy audio memoirs for my commute. I enjoyed hearing her background and her story of her conservatorship. It was insane what her father did to her, and no one should have to endure this level of control from another adult. She seemed very naive for much of her life. I‘m glad she‘s free of that and hope she can rebuild her life in a positive way. Overall a pick for me #freebritney

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I really enjoyed this. I used to be really into celebrity gossip in Perez‘s peak. Here in the #freebritney era that‘s not that cool anymore, but picturing Perez working on his laptop at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and Nicole Richie coming in to cuss him out brings me joy. He does show some remorse and regret for the bridges he burned. He presents himself as somewhat oblivious to the power he has holding. I don‘t know about that, but it was not boring.

WJCintron Thanks for sharing! There's always gossip 🙄 and most of the time all of it isn't true. 😞 Unfortunately when you are in the public eye, you can't escape it. Then, when they die, they are posting how much they loved them and that they'll be missed. C'mmon! 😤
This world needs more humanity! 🙏 Rright?
5feet.of.fury @WJCintron it‘s true! He has a turning point he addresses in the book and someone brings up to him how he outed Clay Aiken …dude must have known that was wrong. Or how he was good friends with Amanda Bynes but burned bridges because “he had to report on her”. No. Didn‘t “have to” not really. 3y
WJCintron 👍 @5feet.of.fury 👍 3y
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I loved it. The twist is that this is more of an examination of our mental health penal system than a straight study of one specific crime. The imprecisions and sometimes injustices that come with how the mentally ill are treated is fascinating (and enraging) to me. (#FreeBritney) This is a good follow up for those that enjoyed Hidden Valley Road, but want a true crime twist. #Screamathon @4thhouseontheleft

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In 1934, at the height of eugenics, heiress Ann Cooper Hewitt‘s mother had her sterilized claiming that she was an oversexed imbecile when she was neither. Mom just wanted her inheritance. This book cover‘s Ann‘s life, the trial of the doctors who sterilized her, and also the broader issues of forced and coerced sterilization in the US up through today. The lack of control women still have over whether or when they have children so angers me!

Megabooks @Riveted_Reader_Melissa and @BarbaraTheBibliophage I think you‘d both find this book interesting! 3y
MallenNC I just heard about this case on the podcast Criminal. 3y
Megabooks @MallenNC what were their thoughts on it? 3y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Megabooks I do! stacking!!!! 3y
Cinfhen I think I bought this recently on a #DailyDeal - makes me think of poor Britney #FreeBritney 3y
Megabooks @Riveted_Reader_Melissa 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen yes!! I thought of that as well, in regards to it also being a high profile case. But I also thought about the whistleblower (that they discuss in this book too) that exposed all the Fallopian tube removals happening at some detention centers. I am just completely sick of any men thinking they know what‘s best for women/ppl with uteruses (individually or us as a group) when it comes to reproductive choices/health. 😡 3y
Jennifer3 Definitely, #FreeBritney! 3y
Megabooks @Jennifer3 💯💯💯 3y
BkClubCare Omg this sounds horrific 3y
Megabooks @BkClubCare it totally is. 3y
MallenNC @Megabooks I looked back and the author of this book was on the podcast. The show told Anne‘s story and how her mother did this to her without her knowing and against her will. I‘m going to look for this book. 3y
Megabooks @MallenNC I hope you enjoy it. The story is fascinating! Thanks for telling me about the podcast. 3y
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BOOKSHOPS | Jorge Carrion
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My small haul from the bookshop we went to yesterday; my total was only $25! I scored a fun murdery Victorian novel, a cute YA novel about a girl joining her local quidditch team (how cute!) and a #botm about a pop artist and basically her ride and fall, which seemed super relevant to me with the #freeBritney movement. I‘m about to start This is How We Fly since my heart is broken after The Four Winds 📖

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I don‘t like the comparisons to Daisy Jones. Daisy is a woman coming into her power through music. Cassidy is a girl seeing herself and her life through distorted funhouse mirrors of tabloids and hanger ons.

The members of Gloss are also better fleshed out characters than The Six. DJ is 3⭐️ CH is 4⭐️, imo.

In real life, Stevie Nicks had a lot more control over her image than Britney. #freebritney It was interesting to read each time novelized.

Megabooks I realize with each book‘s rating on here it‘s definitely an #unpopularopinion 4y
Cinfhen This was #MoreMehThanYeah for me 🙁Too much #SpiceGirls not enough #Britney but I‘m glad you found it entertaining 💕 4y
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Soubhiville I like your review, you‘ve influenced me to stack it! 4y
BarbaraBB That‘s a good comparison. Now you should read 😉 4y
Megabooks @Cinfhen the group and the other members of Gloss were Spice Girl-like but Cassidy‘s life was very Britney to me. Have you ever fallen into the #freebritney internet web? I did one night. Crazy! 4y
Megabooks @Soubhiville fantastic! I hope you enjoy it! 4y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB that is soooo long. I looked into it, and the audiobook is 27 hours, which is two to three times longer than my usual listen!! 4y
Cinfhen My daughter is OBSESSED!!! She talks about it endlessly!! I feel for Britney #FreeBritney and yes 😂, Cassidy was meant to be a riff on Britney but I felt like she was upstaged by Gloss 🙄 This book made me feel old 😂 4y
Megabooks @Cinfhen I spent two hours on it one night when I couldn‘t sleep, but it is crazy. I was a bit old for Britney; I can‘t remember any songs other than One More Time and Toxic, but I definitely remember her more from the tabloids. I subscribed to US Weekly in vet school because I needed something mindless! (And support magazines...🤪) 4y
Cinfhen My daughter grew up LOVING Britney/ we flew to Vegas for her 21 birthday to see Britney‘s show. It was probably the happiest day of my daughter‘s life. I‘m not even joking! And I used to LOVE US Weekly and People!!!!! 4y
Megabooks @Cinfhen I‘ve never been much of a concert person. (Can we still be friends??) The only “big name” amphitheater concert I‘ve seen is REM, which definitely squares me as older. 😂🤪😂 The BFF is a huge REM fan, and I still can still sing all the words to End of the World As We Know It! 4y
Cinfhen We‘ll always be friends xxx How‘s your dad doing? 4y
Megabooks @Cinfhen yay!! 😘😘 he is making huge progress! He can walk over 250 feet with the help of a hemi cane. He can grip things with his left hand. All the therapists want to work with him because he just works so hard and is so motivated. We are really proud of him!! We think he‘ll come home sometime in the second half of September, but mom and I have his room ready as of yesterday! 4y
Megabooks @Cinfhen thanks for asking!!! 4y
Cinfhen I‘m sure he‘s a fighter/ just like you 💪🏼 4y
Megabooks @Cinfhen thanks!! We‘re a tough family! 4y
Andrew65 Brilliant 🙌🙌🙌 4y
Megabooks @Andrew65 thanks!! 4y
CarolynM Stacking this one (I wasn't mad about Daisy Jones either). Glad to hear about your Dad's progress. Wishing him well with the rehab and keeping his motivation strong🤗 4y
Megabooks @CarolynM thank you so much!! 💜💜 I hope you enjoy the book. 4y
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