so this was my first time reading this book and It was good I like how the plot begins and how it ends and it was really amazing how the action and adventure mixes in with eachother :))))
so this was my first time reading this book and It was good I like how the plot begins and how it ends and it was really amazing how the action and adventure mixes in with eachother :))))
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Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon series
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The recipe is ALWAYS wrong when it comes to garlic imho 😄
Some of the more iconic lines make more sense on the written page than they did on TV, but Charlie and Tao's confrontation in the bowling alley loos seems to me better motivated on TV, despite Imogen never having been a favourite character of mine. And although I like the focus on Nick and Charlie, I do miss Isaac.
This Monday finds me on the Planet Mars. It‘s only the second time I‘ve visited here in books, I think, having only previously read Andy Weir.
Some of my reading got really dark, so my husband handed me this. Quite an enjoyable, quick read, and a good #palettecleanser.
A lovely experience that makes me so, SO glad not to be in my twenties anymore! 😅 Well-known term or not (don't forget the Afterword), an Age of License is probably something that could happen at different times in your life as long as the confluence of factors, (feeling untethered from family and routine, having the resources and opportunity for travel, uncertain of long term plans), exist, but I think that more often happens 1/?