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Current essay collection for daily reading “dips”

#CopperBopper #whpg #Griff #DogsofLitsy #ReadICT

QUESTION??? Do you think JOY is a virtue? To satisfy a challenge category…

Ruthiella No. It is an emotion. Sorry. 4mo
BkClubCare @Ruthiella - no apology needed. Is JOYFUL a virtue? Is the word “TRUE” able to fit a virtue category? (If yes, I can read (edited) 4mo
SpellboundReader I've seen virtue defined as 'an inherent character trait.' So I guess it depends on if you consider being joyful, a character trait? 🤷‍♀️ 4mo
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Ruthiella Honesty is a virtue, so would that work for ? (edited) 4mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
BkClubCare @Ruthiella - YES! Exactly the spin I need to make this book fit the category. TY 4mo
BkClubCare @BeeCurious - I do feel that capacity for joy is a fabulous character trait 🌟 4mo
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Look at this face! Nothing whatsoever to do with this book review but I don‘t have the energy to find the book and create the scene. #CopperBopper #Griff #whpg #TotalWeirdoDogLoveBug

I am giving this 5 star because it made me feel and made me think. It made me mad and it made my heart ache. It impressed me mightily as a debut! And I love that Elizabeth McCracken is one of the author‘s friends. (My dog is a weirdo, so am I.) & I embrace theme 👇

BkClubCare that women need friends and women are fierce and fierce friends are the best. 💪🙋🏻‍♀️🚺🧗‍♀️🦎 12mo
dabbe That photo would win a contest. Gorgeous boy! 🖤🐾🖤 12mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks He‘s so handsome 🐾💙 12mo
squirrelbrain Great review, and pup‘s face is sooo gorgeous! 12mo
BkClubCare @squirrelbrain - thx 😊 But was this *REALLY* a review? 😂 I liked it SO much better than this ordeal that Demon Copperhd is putting me thru so far and I think the comparison helped mightily in my rx. 12mo
BkClubCare Book 45 12mo
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Boooorrrrrrriiiiinnggggggg - not for me. I thought it would have more geese. #audiobook #tob2023 #itcouldbethatiamjusttired #feelingexhausted #longday

#DogsofLitsy #CopperBopper #whpg #griff 😴🥱

BkClubCare #readICT category friendship 1y
BkClubCare It is possible, very possible, that ToB discussions will show me how stupid and impatient I am when it comes to great literature 🤷🏻‍♀️ (edited) 1y
SamAnne 😂😂😂. More geese! More geese! I will be skipping this read. Thank you for the review. 1y
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BkClubCare @SamAnne - eeek! I always get nervous when people say they‘ll skip a book — But what if it would be perfect FOR YOU?! 🤣 I am at that point in the TOB list that I have too many books to read. #sigh And no motivation to give them “proper due” (proper DO?!) 1y
Larkken #thoughtitwouldhavemoregeese sums up my general ambivalence about this year‘s list, tbh. @BkClubCare I‘ve been much more impatient with the books on this years list than previous years, and it‘s surprising me! 1y
SamAnne @BkClubCare hah! My TBR is plenty big as it is. 1y
Chelsea.Poole lol!! Where‘s the goose emoji?? 🦆 close enough 🤷🏼‍♀️ 1y
BkClubCare @Chelsea.Poole LOL - I almost emoji-ed the 🦆 but thought I might be ridiculed 🤣 1y
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Bicycles: Love Poems | Nikki Giovanni
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Next up for my Poem Every Day Challenge. Posing Esther with the collection and a piece of art from when I was in High School. #PoemADay #PoetryMatters #EstherFest #DogsofLitsy #WHPG #Griff 🚲❤️

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The Mermaid Chair | Sue Monk Kidd
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In my quest to read everything by Sue Monk Kidd, because I really enjoyed her thoughts about how she came to write The Book of Longings. I set this as #FirstBook2022. Mostly because I had just lifted it off the shelf to fit #WiaN for Mythical Being category. And #ReadICT! But this had problems. I enjoyed reading with a more critical eye rather than a hope-to-love it expectation. #DogsofLitsy #EstherAssisting #Griff #WHPG

BkClubCare Book #1 2022 2y
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The Orphan Collector | Ellen Marie Wiseman
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This book didn‘t work for me. I felt the characters were flat; I was not at all hooked into the story - I found it tedious. I would let days go by or would pick it up, read a sentence and ...put it back down. Do I not like plot plot plot? Sigh. Marking this so-so, but truthfully, I wanted to bail. What I ended up doing was reading the last 20-30 pages, commented to myself that the book is TOOOO long, got annoyed by how many times the phrase 👇🏼

BkClubCare “But she sold babies!” was repeated, smiled with satisfaction that I skipped 200 pages and could fill in the gap holes with my imagination. (edited) 3y
Ruthiella So were you so annoyed you tore up all your flooring? 😂 3y
BkClubCare @Ruthiella - that is the detritus of tearing down a wall. We have 5 layers of wallpaper that won‘t be conquered unless destroyed 🤣 3y
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Housekeeping: A Novel | Marilynne Robinson
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If the TOB had been around in 1980 (81?), this would have been selected. What a weird odd story!! Not what I expected; cannot wait to watch the movie 🎥
I can‘t give it 5 slices of pie because it just confounded me at the last page but now, as I think about it, (and I realize she hd some very worthy pie mentions, ahem), I just may bump it up to a FIVE. Definitely a PICK 👏 But what WAS this? Mental health in families? Living on your own terms?!

annahenke This is a beautiful pic! What an adorable pup! 3y
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Rogue Protocol | Martha Wells
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I love these books and am enjoying the heck out of ‘em. This one seemed even more fun and snarky - I laughed out loud and shared pieces with my husband (who only raised his eyebrows at me; but didn‘t discourage me, so…) Dang humans. 🤖 #MurderBot #SciFi #DogsofLitsy 🐶 #EstherAssisting It was Esther‘s 11th birthday yesterday 🥳 #Griff #WHPG #Series #iRARELYreadseriesbooks

Ruthiella Happy Birthday Esther! 🐶❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️ (edited) 3y
Nute Hey Esther! Happy Birthday!🐶❤️ 3y
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One True Thing: A Novel | Anna Quindlen
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BkClubCare I never told Litsy that I was reading this! Breaking out of my typical Litsy-ing mode? 3y
BkClubCare Loved the movie, too! Book slightly better but a solid film, understandably adapted. 3y
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This had a slow build to a five slicer rating but I was enthralled and extremely pleased with the experience of reading this by the end, including through the acknowledgements. I loved thinking about what inspired Walter to research this, curious about his thoughts and creative process. My esteem for this author continues on a logarithmic scale! (LOL debating with husband how to spell that 🤣) History, strong female characters, empathy, craft. 👏

wanderinglynn What a cutie! ❤️🐶 3y
BkClubCare @wanderinglynn - she is. ❤️ It is funny how accommodating she is to “book photo time!” But her look says, “can we we get this over with?” 🥴🤣 3y
Amy_S My dad borrowed this through the Libby app we both share & I returned it early thinking it was my borrow! It was so thrilling to discover a non-sci-fi book we overlapped on! (and that he really enjoyed!) 3y
BkClubCare @Amy_S - That‘s great! Oh no on returning early - it had a decent wait list. My dad is a big reader and would likely enjoy this (but probably not via eBook, my mom and I read the same things often.) 3y
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