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#GuessWhat is this #iconic cover?

Post a close up detail of a memorable cover to see if we can guess what book it is ... Type your answers with a spoiler tag (Please DON'T use a book tag -- they are not hidden in the web interface).

Liz_M Lolita 5y
vivastory Lolita 5y
Cinfhen Love this image / I couldn‘t think of the correct book 5y
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batsy Oooh I'm going with Lolita 5y
BarbaraBB I think it belongs to one of my favorites, Lolita 5y
Liz_M @Cinfhen It is a great cover! 5y
Liz_M @batsy Well done! 5y
Liz_M @BarbaraBB 🙂 Jeremy Iron narrates the BEST audio book version ever. 5y
vivastory Just FYI I sent you a Goodreads message just now 5y
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#GuessWhat is this #iconic cover?

Post a close up detail of a memorable cover to see if we can guess what book it is ... Type your answers with a spoiler tag (Please DON'T use a book tag -- they are not hidden in the web interface).

Liz_M The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time 5y
Billypar A Curious Incident of a Dog in the Nighttime I think that's it... not 100% I have all the words right.. 5y
Cinfhen Yup!! This one I easily recognized 5y
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batsy @Billypar @Cinfhen @erzascarletbookgasm I peeked! Well done, you guys 😎 5y
BarbaraBB Wild guess: The curious incident of the dog in the night ?? 5y
BarbaraBB Oh wow, I am a bit proud of myself 😀 5y
Liz_M @Billypar 😉 Close enough! 5y
Liz_M @Cinfhen For my second round, I sorted my goodreads library by most popular 😃 5y
Liz_M @erzascarletbookgasm Yes! And your book tag, unlike most others IS hidden. Weird. 5y
Billypar Mine suggests it is just one curious dog incident in the nighttime among many 😁 5y
Liz_M @BarbaraBB Nice! 5y
Cinfhen Ha!!! That seemed to work!!! 5y
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Can you #guesswhat this iconic cover is from this extreme close up? (Be sure to use a spoiler tag)

Great idea @BarbaraBB 😁

quirkyreader Crime and Punishment 5y
ljuliel I‘m not good at these. I haven‘t guessed any of them ! 5y
saresmoore Heck yes! Love this gory cover of C&P. 5y
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readordierachel @ljuliel Some of them have been hard! I've only gotten a couple. 5y
ValerieAndBooks I knew @vivastory and @saresmoore would recognize this, too 😂 5y
Liz_M Crime and Punishment? 5y
readordierachel @Liz_M Yup! You got it. 5y
GingerAntics Crime and Punishment, isn‘t it? (edited) 5y
GingerAntics That is the creepiest cover! 5y
readordierachel @GingerAntics especially in close up 😮 5y
Cinfhen Nope!!! Great image. Well played 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @ValerieAndBooks I bet you @batsy would never ever not recognise this cover! 😄 #littleraskols 5y
batsy Nice one! Our good friend Dosty! 5y
batsy Yup @vivastory 😆🙌🏽 5y
BarbaraBB I recognize if from the buddyread some of you posted about not too long ago! I still must read this book myself: 5y
youneverarrived Crime and Punishment? 5y
readordierachel @BarbaraBB @youneverarrived Yep I knew this one would be kinda easy for this crowd 😉 5y
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#GuessWhat is this #iconic cover?

Post a close up detail of a memorable cover to see if we can guess what book it is ... Type your answers with a spoiler tag (Please DON'T use a book tag -- they are not hidden in the web interface).

Liz_M The Satanic Verses 5y
saresmoore It‘s a Rushdie book that I bailed on! 😅 The Satanic Verses (edited) 5y
ValerieAndBooks Midnight‘s Children by Rushdie 5y
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ValerieAndBooks Oh! I was close! My (wrong) guess has a similar cover. My cover of Satanic Verses (still TBR!) has a very different cover. 5y
Billypar Satanic Verses! I have the same edition- gorgeous cover. 5y
batsy Oooh it was a group read in the past :) Salman Rushdie, The Satanic Verses 5y
SconsinBookyBadger Satanic Verses? 5y
Cinfhen This looks like a Rushdie 5y
BarbaraBB This must be a Rushdie! I go for my all time favorite The Satanic Verses 5y
BarbaraBB Great choice Liz! 5y
Liz_M @saresmoore Oh no! It was a tough read, but I loved it. 🙂 5y
Liz_M @ValerieAndBooks Oh right, the most popular edition of this does have a very different cover. Nice work guessing the author! 5y
Liz_M @batsy That must have been an excellent group read! 5y
Liz_M @AnansiGirl Well done! 5y
Liz_M @Cinfhen Looks like the author's works are recognizable, even if the exact title isn't. 😁 5y
Liz_M @BarbaraBB yep, I started with posing my favorites, because they should be everyone's favorites. 😆 5y
BarbaraBB I knew it is yours too. So that made this one a bit easier for me 😉 5y
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#GuessWhat is this #iconic cover?

Post a close up detail of a memorable cover to see if we can guess what book it is ... Type your answers with a spoiler tag (Please DON'T use a book tag -- they are not hidden in the web interface).

Liz_M Doctor Faustus by Thomas Mann 5y
Tamra I don‘t know, but that looks like a Fender Rhodes keyboard, ala early 80s? Ha! Probably not. (I peeked at the answer.) (edited) 5y
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batsy Oooh... I don't know! 🧐 5y
Billypar It looks like a piano...but could be part of an organ maybe? I'll go with Phantom of the Opera... no other guesses anyhow. 5y
Liz_M Sigh, 😕 my iconic is everyone else's “huh?“ 😁 (edited) 5y
Billypar Fun to play though👍 I was hoping one of my random guesses would hit the mark but not even close, lol. 5y
Cinfhen I guessed the same as @Billypar 🤪 5y
BarbaraBB I have no idea... the piano reminds me of the horrible The Piano Teacher 5y
BarbaraBB Ooh... haven‘t read this one yet. @vivastory was close! 👍🏼 5y
Liz_M @vivastory Excellen guess! 5y
Liz_M @Tamra Wow, you know enough to talk keyboards! If you like Faust re-tellings where Faust is a composer in 1930s German, this is the book for you! 😉 (edited) 5y
Liz_M @Billypar I love your guesses! 😊 5y
Liz_M @Cinfhen 😁 5y
Liz_M @BarbaraBB I love Faust re-tellings, so I enjoyed it immensely -- with the help of online annotations, of course. (edited) 5y
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#GuessWhat is this (hopefully iconic) cover?

Post a close up detail of a memorable cover to see if we can guess what book it is ... Type your answers with a spoiler tag (Please DON'T use a book tag -- they are not hidden in the web interface).

Liz_M Your Face Tomorrow: Dance and Dream (Vol. 2) 5y
batsy I was stumped and gonna say Harry Potter... Lololol 5y
Billypar Grapes of Wrath? Total blind guess. 5y
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Liz_M I love the designs for these, but guessed the work is not popular enough to be recognizable. 5y
Cinfhen Never even heard of the book 🙄 5y
BarbaraBB I really don‘t know. I have to peek 😊 5y
BarbaraBB Bailed on the book, but I read it in Dutch so I probably had a completely different cover! 5y
Liz_M @BarbaraBB Of course! 5y
Liz_M @batsy When all else fails, guess HP? 😅 5y
Liz_M @Cinfhen I wouldn't have known this book if not for a list, but it was one of my best finds from said list. 🙂 5y
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#GuessWhat is this #iconic cover?

Post a close up detail of a memorable cover to see if we can guess what book it is ... Type your answers with a spoiler tag (Please DON'T use a book tag -- they are not hidden in the web interface).

Liz_M Angels in America 5y
Billypar Paradise Lost? Another blind stab 🤷‍♀️ 5y
Billypar Ahhh... that was gettable! It looks older by itself for some reason. 5y
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BarbaraBB Angels in America? 5y
Liz_M @BarbaraBB Thank goodness someone got this! I may have cried otherwise. 😁 5y
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Last one for a while but #GuessWhat Can you name the title of this book by its extreme closeup.

Be sure to hide your answer behind a spoiler warning.

BarbaraBB Ooh you‘re making this difficult! I‘m going to peek what @vivastory wrote 😀 5y
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BarbaraBB Wow, I don‘t know this cover for that book. Great one! 5y
Meaw_catlady Fahrenheit 451 5y
batsy Fahrenheit 451! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm 🤷‍♀️ 5y
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#guesswhat. Can you name this classic by an extreme close up of the cover?

CoffeeCatsBooks Charlotte‘s Web? 5y
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Bookwormjillk Is it Charlotte‘s Web? 5y
batsy Charlotte's Web? 5y
Cinfhen I got it!!! Fun one!!🕸🕷🐷 5y
erzascarletbookgasm I think I know.. Charlotte‘s Webb 5y
Sace Woot! I knew this one. 5y
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#guesswhat can you name this classic by its extreme closeup.

Be sure to hide your answer behind a spoiler warning.

LibrarianRyan @wanderinglynn dang. I thought for sure that would trip someone up. Great job. 5y
BarbaraBB I really had no idea! Well played @wanderinglynn ! 5y
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RowReads1 Shucks! I had it. 5y
batsy Oooh nice @wanderinglynn ! 5y
wanderinglynn @LibrarianRyan that was just a guess. Saw the wheel and Beverly Cleary popped into my head! 5y
Cinfhen Well done @wanderinglynn I had no clue but now I see it!!!! 5y
Sace I'm seeing a pattern to my book cover knowledge 🤣 5y
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