Well my heart went boom... when I saw him standing there at his concert last year in Long Island. Paul McCartney still rocks! #HeyJune #Isawherstandingthere
Well my heart went boom... when I saw him standing there at his concert last year in Long Island. Paul McCartney still rocks! #HeyJune #Isawherstandingthere
For #ISawHerStandingThere, I decided to play on the number 17 and find a book on my shelves relating to the 17th century. Then I realized that this book, a very good 1960s biography, also fits because Charles' heart went boom for a LOT of ladies 🙄
Both of these books have a supernatural and creepy feel to them with the main character thinking #Isawherstandingthere 👻
This has always been one of my favorite Beatles songs. I must have played it a million times in 1964. If I remember correctly it was side one, track two on Meet the Beatles. #HeyJune #ISawHerStandingThere
#HeyJune Day 21: This has a very strong #ISawHerStandingThere vibe with the girl next door feel of the prompt. Llosa captured my heart in Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter (which I reviewed here: https://gatheringbooks.org/2016/10/08/saturday-reads-16/ ) - making this title here one of my most anticipated reads this year. So happy to score a review copy from my fave book distributor - and hardcover too!
A sad tale of forbidden love #Isawherstandingthere #heyjune
This is Paul during the March for Our Lives rally in NY a few months ago. When I saw him standing there (on my tv screen), I was sad and proud.