I didn‘t read as many in June as I do most months, but several were chunksters. I really enjoyed all of these except for COBAB.
I didn‘t read as many in June as I do most months, but several were chunksters. I really enjoyed all of these except for COBAB.
I didn‘t get to everything I wanted to read last month. But I did get to squeeze in a Dresden File book.
#June2019 #JuneWrapup #MonthlyWrapup #JuneReads
#junewrapup #junestats #june2019 #pagesreadgoal
Little bit of a slower reading month as life as kind of gotten in the way this month. Not terrible over all but definitely could have gotten a few more books in there I think. The tagged is my favorite from this month.
Part 2 of Read In June 2019. Miracle Creek and Disappearing Earth are must reads. #june2019 #somanygreatbookstoolittletime
I read 10 books in June. The joy of summer break. This is part 1 of my Read in June 2019. A Woman Is No Man and The Color Of Compromise are must reads. #june2019 #summerbreakisthebestkindofbreak
Paperback crush looks like a blast from the past!