I‘m home sick today and it‘s the first day of summer break, so the kiddos brought me their chapter books so we could have a read-a-thon
I‘m home sick today and it‘s the first day of summer break, so the kiddos brought me their chapter books so we could have a read-a-thon
I enjoyed this book so much. I suspect if I were to ever become a supervillain, I would be very similar to The Auditor.
“That‘ll put marzipan in your pie plate.”
Got to love a Buffy reference. But the nod to James Marsters who reads the audiobooks is even better. #BTVS #BuffyNerd
I can‘t believe I hadn‘t read this book until now. It made my little Latin nerd‘s heart so happy.
I just don‘t think I‘ll ever get enough of these characters.
I don‘t know if it‘s because I listened to the audiobook, but I really struggled to understand who was even speaking for much of this book and all of the stories didn‘t really seem to come together for me in the end. I‘m picky about magical realism and I‘m not sure if that‘s what the author was going for or if she was trying to make more of a modern fairy tale, but it just didn‘t work for me.
One part historical fiction one part modern fairy tale, this book is lyrical and haunting. Ms. Azar gives a voice to those who have been silenced while telling stories that feel like they‘ve been told and retold for generations. Truth, steeped with magic and lore.
I was disappointed that a book with such a fun premise and some genuinely funny moments also had such terrible characters. Pretty much every single character is unlikable and they all need lots of therapy.
I decided to give Book of the Month a try and I got these two beauties last week. I‘m very excited!
It was a slow month for me reading wise, partly because I have divided my focus and currently am at least halfway through three separate books. Hopefully I will be able to catch up next month.
The Ruthless Lady‘s Guide to Wizardry was the stand out read this month. I loved the world. It was fun, funny, and had a cute lesbian romance as a central subplot. Also magic!
#Read #AprilReads #MonthlyWrapUp
I can‘t decide if I detest both the main characters or if I secretly like them. I‘m guessing she does some great character development and if that‘s the case, I‘ll probably end up liking them. So far it is funny.
#CurrentlyListening #Audiobook
I finished this one the other day. I went into it thinking it was a romance; it‘s not. Although a romance is an important subplot. Overall I enjoyed it, but the world building wasn‘t the best and there were times that I had a hard time ignoring small details.
#SciFi #LGBTQ #Audiobook
Eh, this book was a tease. And kinda icky at times, but not in a hot way.
This has been on my TBR for decades and I‘m so glad I finally got around to it. It was absolutely delightful.
This is always delightful. I forgot how much I absolutely adore this book.
This was an excellent follow up. Everything I wanted it to be.
Reread to prepare for The Testaments. It was still so relevant.
This did not age well. I loved this book when I was younger. And the only reason that I gave it four stars instead of 3 was because Jane is such an amazing heroine. But the men in this book are terrible.
Excellent! Now it‘s time to reread the Parasol Protectorate.
Gail Carriger creates a delightful world with characters that I adore.
Excellent! So compelling and disturbing. I can‘t believe it took me so long to read King.
I‘ve been on a Gail Carriger kick lately. I do enjoy her books so much.
Oops, I loved the first book so much that in my eagerness to start the second, I forgot to post it. This was so much fun.
I am finding the Finishing School series absolutely delightful. It reminds me why I love Gail Carriger so much.
This book should be required reading in our schools. It is an important perspective that every person should read. #audiobook #45of65
I‘ve gotten a little behind on posting my books. I‘ve also abandoned all reading challenges because life is too short and my TBR is too long.
This book was a lot. But it was also excellent. It‘s the first King I‘ve read and now I want to read more.
#audiobook #44of65
This was a good middle grade book. It provided a good picture into what life is like for a girl in a Muslim country, but ended with an optimistic sense of agency.
#Booked2019 #DiverseMiddleGrade #PopSugarReadingChallenge #TwoWordTitle #42of65 #audiobook
This was excellent. An important voice in the Muslim feminist movement.
#MuslimAuthor #Booked2019 #BooksforAllies #AuthorFromAfrica #PopSugarReadingChallenge #AfricanAuthor #BookPassport #41of65 #audiobook
A friend gifted me Their Eyes Were Watching God and I‘ve been waiting read it for a while. I‘m most looking forward to it.
I didn‘t get to everything I wanted to read last month. But I did get to squeeze in a Dresden File book.
#June2019 #JuneWrapup #MonthlyWrapup #JuneReads
Finished Litsy Season Challenge for spring:
The Marrow Thieves was my favorite. Very interesting and well developed story. #booked2019
I‘ve been wanting to get back to this series for a while! #currentlylistening
This was not good. It was so homophobic, transphobic, and misogynistic. It reads like it was written 10 years before it was. On top of that it‘s full of plot holes and boring tropes.
#SocialMediaFocus #Booked2019 #29of65 #audiobook
An engaging story with complex characters. Baszile created empathy and understanding for unlikable characters.
#SugarInTheTitle #PopSugarReadingChallenge #38of65 #audiobook
So far I am enjoying this so much more than my first pick for #SugarInTheTitle prompt #CurrentlyListening #audiobook #Libby
This was very good. Overall it was a good memoir of a punk who also is trans.
#FeaturesAMuscian #BooksForAllies #Booked2019 #WrittenByAMuscian #PopSugarReadingChallenge #36of65 #audiobook
15 minutes into this book and I just can‘t. I don‘t often abandoned books. But this one is not for me.
I‘d seen someone say somewhere that they didn‘t care for this book and was prepared to dislike it. So I was even more pleased when I absolutely loved it. I can‘t wait to read the next in the series. Butler‘s Tale is fascinating and the characters are rich and complex.
#SetInSpace #PopSugarReadingChallenge #36of65 #audiobook
I‘m so excited to read Tranny. It‘s been on my TBR for a while now. #JuneTBR
I didn‘t read as much as I hoped to in May. Hopefully I can catch up in June.
The Marrow Thieves was a clear standout. While the New Jim Crow should be required reading, I absolutely adored The Marrow Thieves. Honorable mention also goes to The Power.
#May2019 #MayWrapup #MayReads #monthlywrapup
I‘m behind on my TBR for May. I might not be able to finish this today, but I‘m going to hopefully get a least a good chunk of it done! #CurrentlyListening
Overall I enjoyed the story. It is well written. But I found the portrayal of Lily‘s abusive father problematic.
#FoodOnCover #Booked2019 #OneMillionGoodreadsRatings #PopSugarReadingChallenge #35of65 #audiobook