Hear ye, hear ye! To all who can see this post, thy aid is desired! This wee little lad, under the tender care and tutelage of one @A1001Musings , this the #LitsyBookGnome, needs a proper naming to occur. What dost thou suggesteth he be dubbed henceforth? Careful reflection is incumbent upon thee for thy important determination. And ye are thanked a fortnight over for thy support in this most momentous of considerations. #LGP
JGadz11 Bilbo Baggins 8y
MMenefee Dewey 📚 8y
britt_brooke @JGadz11 How about Biblio Baggins? 😊 8y
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SusanInTiburon Tomten 8y
books_cats_art I'm all about Dewey @MMenefee ! 8y
Magdawrites @MrBook how about Gnosis? Means knowledge :) 8y
Chelsey Gnosis gets my vote! 8y
bellasocks Page 8y
Jlee745 I agree with @JGadz11 and @britt_brooke 8y
Bklover I like all of your votes! Sadly, the first name that popped into my head was David the Gnome. Not literary at all. Used to be a cartoon that I loved that was based on the book "The Secret Book of Gnomes". Most of you are probably too young to remember him. ? 8y
MamaGina Dewey ... That's cute, I like it @MMenefee 🤓 8y
Book_Gnome @MrBook you're an absolute star 💫🌟💫 8y
Shemac77 Gnomonic! 8y
OrangeMooseReads The Man Cub says "Dumbledwarf" and I say Darwin. 8y
Joriebooks I have to second Dumbledwarf 8y
Litlady Horatio or Hank ... Lol! 😉 😝 8y
Karkar There all so good 8y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Bibliogre? 8y
ShelfofUnreadBooks Many good suggestions on here - I think Dumbledwarf is probably my favourite so far though! 😂 8y
ATB Tome Gnome 8y
Abcdefghijklmnop ??? I'm split between @MMenefee "Dewey" & @OrangeMooseReads "Dumbledwarf" 8y
Krisjericho Dumbledorf for sure! Brilliant. 8y
Julsmarshall I like them all but my favorites are Biblio Baggins, Dewey, and Dumbledwarf ❤️ you are all so creative! 8y
Librarianaut Oh, Dumbledwarf...is perfect!! 8y
AmandaV Yes! Dumbledwarf! 8y
Kitta Will he travel? Gnomeo gnomeo where for art though gnomeo? Also love Dumbledwarf 8y
Jhullie I was trying to think of something clever but Dumblewarf has my vote instead. 8y
Cobscook I love Dumbledwarf! 8y
ElizabethAndino I'm all over the biblio baggins nomination! 8y
MrBook @JGadz11 @MMenefee @britt_brooke @SusanInTiburon @radishandhare @MysteryAuthor @Chelsey @bellasocks @Jlee745 @Bklover @MamaGina @Shemac77 @OrangeMooseReads @Joriebooks @Litlady @Karkar @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled.com @ShelfofUnreadBooks @ATB @Jess19 @Krisjericho @Julsmarshall @Librarianaut @AmandaV @Kitta @Jhullie @Cobscook @ElizabethAndino WOW! All magnificent! Well, @A1001Musings , there's no shortage of options for the #LitsyBookGnome 😎🙌🏻👍🏻! 8y
britt_brooke @ElizabethAndino 🙌🏻 8y
Book_Gnome @OrangeMooseReads aww man, that man cub has really got me loving a name. Dumbledwarf is pretty fantastic! 8y
OrangeMooseReads @A1001Musings I will let him know 😊 8year olds come up with some fun names 8y
Book_Gnome @OrangeMooseReads yes please let him know. I was going to wait and see what else came up, but when you know you know. Dumbledwarf is the perfect name for a literary gnome 😬 8y
MandaChittles A Casual Vacancy was my favourite read this year! I still think about the characters months later. Love the name suggestions! Can't go wrong with a Harry Potter or LoTR inspired name. 8y
MrBook @MandaChittles I enjoyed the book as well, which is saying a lot because I didn't find sympathy for any character really. And leave to Litsyans to come up with some great monikers 😊👍🏻. 8y
LitsyGoesPostal @A1001Musings Litsy Goes Postal finds the #Litsygnome adorable! 8y
JGadz11 @A1001Musings Ooh, I LOVE Dumbledwarf! 8y
JGadz11 @britt_brooke Biblio Baggins is way more creative! Love the double entendre! Have to say my vote goes to Dumbledwarf though- love it! 8y
britt_brooke @JGadz11 😉 8y