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Forest House | Marion Zimmer Bradley
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The Mists of Avalon | Marion Zimmer Bradley
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Aaaaand here‘s the incest. Just remember, this was a 15 or 16 year old girl coerced and tricked into having sex with her YOUNGER (11-13 year old) brother. Funny how that words out. That was Bradley‘s husband‘s preferred age range for “lovers” and about the time Bradley stopped molesting her daughter. Disgusting.
#MarionZimmerBradley #TheMistsOfAvalon #SciFiFantasyBookClub #BBBBC

TrishB I loved this book until I found out about the author and her husband 😡 4y
GingerAntics @TrishB these two were truly twisted human beings. I am utterly disgusted. 4y
TrishB I know people can separate the art from the person, but I can‘t with this. 4y
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GingerAntics @TrishB that was literally in my comments/review. I‘m open minded about separating the creation from the creator, but that ends at abuse of any kind for me, especially abuse of children. This is just deplorable. 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I can overlook a few dumb comments or dissenting opinion but not molestation. Gross. 4y
GingerAntics @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick right? There is just a limit here and Bradley blew right past that limit. 4y
Caroline2 @TrishB I wish I had known about the author before I started reading. 😢 It is all deeply disturbing!!!! 4y
TrishB @Caroline2 I nearly said something but I didn‘t know how to and don‘t like telling people what they should or shouldn‘t be reading. I‘d already read it when I found out. 😞 4y
Caroline2 @TrishB It‘s so difficult isn‘t it. But so awful. 4y
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The Mists of Avalon | Marion Zimmer Bradley
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Here it is, clear as day, in Bradley‘s own words. To think that this woman thought that a child opening her legs to a grown man is an “irresponsible force of nature.” Yeah, kids wrap their legs around adults when they‘re being carried or given a piggy back ride, but that‘s not naked and it‘s certainly not sex. This is.
#MarionZimmerBradley #TheMistsOfAvalon #SciFiFantasyBookClub #BBBBC

Texreader I read your links in the previous post. Tragic. So many people hurt so badly. 😭 4y
GingerAntics @Texreader it really is. For it to be open knowledge in their relationship for DECADES and the response is to move him to his own apartment?! So much that just blows the mind in this situation. 🤯 I feel better knowing. I think reading Moira‘s poetry really helped me, honestly. I would buy a book of that and support the ever loving 🤬 out of her. 4y
Caroline2 I am so embarrassed to admit that this scene didn‘t register with me?! I don‘t even remember this scene so I can only assume I skim read that part!! I am so angry with myself that I didn‘t pick up on this!!! 4y
GingerAntics @Caroline2 in all the things I read online, it seems this part slipped past a lot of people. I think it might have been the intent. The little girl is painted head to toe in blue, the MC is also painted in blue. The main story is not about this little girl. It‘s just slipped in. 4y
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The Mists of Avalon | Marion Zimmer Bradley
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I know too much about the Celtic old ways to not roll my eyes at the obvious, complete lack of understanding of those ways by Bradley.

I currently plan to finish this book, just to say that I did, but time will tell. This is a really long book for all of this cluelessness.
#MarionZimmerBradley #TheMistsOfAvalon #SciFiFantasyBookClub #BBBBC

julesG I read it before I turned 20. So long before I knew anything about the Celts. I think this was for the better. 😂😂 4y
GingerAntics @julesG it‘s so utterly wrong and so utterly boring. I want to be able to say I‘ve read it, but this is a bloody door stop. 4y
Bookwomble I had 'Mists of Avalon" TBR for a long time, but chucked it in the recycling bin when I found out Bradley sexually abused her children. Separation of creator from creation is something to consider, but for me not possible in this case. 4y
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GingerAntics @Bookwomble I‘m currently at the section that she wrote peodophilea into the book. I‘m currently reading her daughter‘s heart wrenching accounts and trying to calm down enough that my comments are not completely expletive riddled. I can‘t separate creator from creation in this case either, especially because she didn‘t. It‘s right there in black and white for her to see. 4y
Texreader Holy moly that‘s a chunkster!!! 4y
Texreader @Bookwomble Say what??? 😡 I agree; that‘s hard to separate from the creation. 4y
GingerAntics @Texreader it really is a chunkster. Yeah, there is a scene where a 14 or 15 year old girl is forced to have sex with an “old man” (her description) and is coerced into doing it. She doesn‘t want to, but they tell her she has to in order to save Avalon. Such rubbish. She sexually abused both her children and other girls and boys. 4y
GingerAntics @Texreader She apparently tied her daughter to a chair and attacked her with a pair of pliers, threatening to pull out all of her teeth. She apparently held her head under water because she didn‘t want to be her mother‘s lover. Her father sexually abused 22 boys Moira knew about and named to the cops. Bradley said in court she felt the kids were old enough to make their own decisions. They were like 10-12. 4y
GingerAntics @Texreader When Bradley‘s son was 15 she finally thought to ask him if his father ever tried to have sex with him (she knew about his peodophilea before they were married) and the son said “I‘m too old for him now.” 🤬🤦🏼‍♀️🥃 The whole thing is EPHED UP!!! 4y
GingerAntics @Texreader this is the link to the original blog post that broke the story, including emails and two poems directly from Moira Greyland. https://deirdre.net/2014/06/10/marion-zimmer-bradley-its-worse-than-i-knew/ 4y
GingerAntics @Texreader I read excerpts from her testimony at her own husband‘s trial for sex with a minor, and seriously this woman is TWISTED!!! Here is a link to her deposition (I read the excerpt version) and the deposition of her lover and the person now benefiting from Bradley‘s estate (I didn‘t read that one). These people are disgusting. “Children don‘t have erogenous zones” was possibly the most insane thing I ever heard. 4y
GingerAntics @Texreader http://www.marionzimmerbradley.com or this one just to jump to the excepts https://deirdre.net/marion-zimmer-bradley-excerpted-testimony/ this takes a strong stomach, honestly. (edited) 4y
GingerAntics @Texreader can you guess what I‘ve been reading all day? I feel like I should get some page count credit for this or something. 4y
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The Mists of Avalon | Marion Zimmer Bradley
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I‘ve done the math. If I read 17 pages a day, I‘ll be done by 25 February, in just enough time for the discussion.
#MarionZimmerBradley #TheMistsOfAvalon #SciFiFantasyBookClub #BBBBC

Caroline2 Oh I just started this last night too. 😀 4y
GingerAntics @Caroline2 this has been on my iPad for ages. I‘ve always put it off because of the length, but when others were reading it in January and February, it seemed the perfect time to finally read it. How are you liking it so far? 4y
Caroline2 Yes! I‘ve had it on my shelf for a couple of years now and the size is very intimidating! I love your 27pages a day idea tho! 😀 good thinking! I‘m really liking it although I‘m already struggling trying to remember who is who! 🙄 4y
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GingerAntics @Caroline2 yeah, 17 pages a day seems far more manageable than looking at the whole book. There are A LOT of women so far. I‘m glad I‘m not the only one struggling to keep track, especially when some of the women have very similar names. 4y
GingerAntics @Caroline2 I just read the first chapter and I‘m already ahead of the daily 17 pages, so I‘m feeling far more confident about this now. 4y
Caroline2 😆 that‘s good! 👍 4y
JazzFeathers This was once one of my favourite books. Been ages since last l read it. 4y
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A nice installment in the Avalon cycle, but it follows the general theme that the magic of Mists is lacking from these prequels.

The Fall of Atlantis | Marion Zimmer Bradley, James Baen

Okay so I had high hopes for this, being a big Darkover fan, but I just found that the way she throws the reader into this particular world to be super disconcerting and unappealing. After 100 pages I bailed and hit up the tbr. 🙄 #bailed #scifi #marionzimmerbradley #darkover

The Fall of Atlantis | Marion Zimmer Bradley, James Baen
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This has been sitting in my TBR for ages. I decided I needed a little easy fiction to break up #thingsnoonewilltellfatgirls and so here I am! So far it's just as delicious as Zimmer Bradley's other quasi historical fiction, but I'll leave the final assessment for later. 📖 #marionzimmerbradley #fantasy #scifi #atlantis