Slowly Slowly but good.....
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Slowly Slowly but good.....
#bookopoly #book #booklover #books #bookshelf #leggere #litsybook #libreria #libri #libro #litsy #goodreads #toread #bookly #bookworm #readingchallenge2024 #avalonsaga #marionzimmerbradley #ilciclodiavalon #harpercollins
One of my favourite's saga...
#book #books #bookopoly #bookly #goodreads #litsy #litsybook #bookshelf #bookworm #readingchallenge2024 #toread #libro #libri #leggere #avalon #marionzimmerbradley
Aaaaand here‘s the incest. Just remember, this was a 15 or 16 year old girl coerced and tricked into having sex with her YOUNGER (11-13 year old) brother. Funny how that words out. That was Bradley‘s husband‘s preferred age range for “lovers” and about the time Bradley stopped molesting her daughter. Disgusting.
#MarionZimmerBradley #TheMistsOfAvalon #SciFiFantasyBookClub #BBBBC
Here it is, clear as day, in Bradley‘s own words. To think that this woman thought that a child opening her legs to a grown man is an “irresponsible force of nature.” Yeah, kids wrap their legs around adults when they‘re being carried or given a piggy back ride, but that‘s not naked and it‘s certainly not sex. This is.
#MarionZimmerBradley #TheMistsOfAvalon #SciFiFantasyBookClub #BBBBC
I know too much about the Celtic old ways to not roll my eyes at the obvious, complete lack of understanding of those ways by Bradley.
I currently plan to finish this book, just to say that I did, but time will tell. This is a really long book for all of this cluelessness.
#MarionZimmerBradley #TheMistsOfAvalon #SciFiFantasyBookClub #BBBBC
I‘ve done the math. If I read 17 pages a day, I‘ll be done by 25 February, in just enough time for the discussion.
#MarionZimmerBradley #TheMistsOfAvalon #SciFiFantasyBookClub #BBBBC
A nice installment in the Avalon cycle, but it follows the general theme that the magic of Mists is lacking from these prequels.
Okay so I had high hopes for this, being a big Darkover fan, but I just found that the way she throws the reader into this particular world to be super disconcerting and unappealing. After 100 pages I bailed and hit up the tbr. 🙄 #bailed #scifi #marionzimmerbradley #darkover
This has been sitting in my TBR for ages. I decided I needed a little easy fiction to break up #thingsnoonewilltellfatgirls and so here I am! So far it's just as delicious as Zimmer Bradley's other quasi historical fiction, but I'll leave the final assessment for later. 📖 #marionzimmerbradley #fantasy #scifi #atlantis