I'm not sure if I'm really going to spend my afternoon with this one... I should finish #Therailwayman... Idk what to do 😅
#othellorevisited #tracychevalier #ebook #newboy
I'm not sure if I'm really going to spend my afternoon with this one... I should finish #Therailwayman... Idk what to do 😅
#othellorevisited #tracychevalier #ebook #newboy
An excellent reworking of ‘Othello‘, set in an elementary school in Washington DC. Marvellously observes and elegantly written, this is a great success, and my favourite volume so far in the Hogarth Shakespeare series to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Bard‘s death. #tracychevalier #newboy #shakespeare #hogarthshakeapeare #williamshakeapeare #othello #racism #prejudice #school #hatred #envy #jealousy #1974
Really caught up in this marvellous retelling of Othello, set in a Washington elementary school in 1974. Excellently written, and utterly engrossing. #tracychevalier #newboy #williamshakespeare #othello #washingtondc #1974 #literature #hogarthshakespeare #shakespeare #politics #racism #antisemitism #prejudice #workdbookday2018
If my life had a flavor, it would be #coffee & overdue books 😆♥️
This week I'm concentrating on reading #librarybooks so that I can avoid overdue fees.
#NewBoy by #traceychevalier is a retelling of #othello set in a 6th grade classroom. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#Agingout by #altoncarter is a true story from an #Oklahomaauthor about aging out of the foster care system but not being prepared in any way & living with the demons of his childhood.
Some of my faves so far this year #Americangods #acomaf #strangethedreamer #forgivemeleonardpeacock #themarshkingsdaughter #DoSaBsaga #humifyoudontknowthewords #empireofstorms #thekillingmoon #newboy