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sharread That's a cool cover. 4y
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Nineteen Minutes | Jodi Picoult
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“In #nineteen minutes, you can order a pizza and get it delivered. You can read a story to a child or have your oil changed. You can walk two miles. You can sew a hem. In nineteen minutes, you can stop the world; or you can just jump off it.” Although I enjoyed this book, its plot contains a high school shooting and can be a trigger topic for some. #novemberbythenumbers

APLitlife Loved this book! One of my favorite authors! 7y
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Sweet Sixteen | Scott Ciencin
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November 19th is my son's birthday. 🎉🎈🎂 He is 16. 😯 😢 He's pretty happy about getting a Nintendo Switch.
#nineteen #novemberbythenumbers @JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads

TrishB Happy birthday 🎉🎉 7y
Liatrek My son turn 16 in October that‘s what he got too😊 7y
Owlizabeth My son is almost 16 and has that same t-shirt! 7y
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merelybookish @TrishB Thank you! ❤️ 7y
merelybookish @Liatrek Does he love it? My son rarely asks for anything but he asked for this! 7y
merelybookish @Owlizabeth My youngest picked out the T-shirt. 🙂 7y
vivastory Looks like a great birthday! 7y
Melkyl Happy Birthday to your son! Today is my daughter‘s birthday too! 7y
merelybookish @vivastory Especially if you like chocolate cake and video games. 🙂 7y
merelybookish @Melwilk Happy birthday to you daughter! 7y
saresmoore I feel old now. I don‘t even know what a Nintendo Switch is. But, a very happy birthday to your handsome young man! 7y
batsy Happy birthday to your son! 🎈🎂🎉 @saresmoore I only have a vague idea what the Switch is because of my nephews 😐 7y
Lmstraubie Happy birthday! 🎂 7y
Kalalalatja Congratulations! 7y
MinDea Happy Birthday! I love his shirt! 7y
LeahBergen Aww! Happy Bday to your boy! ❤️ 7y
kspenmoll Wonderful!!! Happy birthday to your son! You caught a happy moment! 🎂🎉🎁- that gift is my son‘s only Christmas wish! 7y
merelybookish @saresmoore Thank you! I live with a bunch of gamers. Not knowing about the Switch sounds kind of nice. ☺️ 7y
merelybookish @kspenmoll It does seem to be this year's it gift! How old is your son? 7y
readinginthedark Mine got to play on one of these the other day and now he wants one! 😭He‘s only five! I‘m just getting him new games for his Leappad. 😆 7y
Liatrek @merelybookish Oh he loves it 😊 all his games for Christmas are for the Switch. 7y
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Eighteen Years | Madisen Kuhn
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Nineteen Minutes | Jodi Picoult
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Frankenstein: ; Or, The Modern Prometheus | Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
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U.S.A. | John Dos Passos
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Reading through the #modernlibrarytop100 and this trilogy is still coming up.


AmyG This is on my tbr. My son loved it. 7y
twohectobooks @AmyG good to hear! I honestly have no idea what it‘s about (besides the USA obviously!) so not sure if I‘m looking forward to reading it or not hehe. 7y
AmyG My son is WAY smarter than me. He was also a history major in college. So him saying he liked it....I shall find out as I already have the books. ;) 7y
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I know a lot of wonderful men and I‘ve been fortunate in my life that that has been largely true. I feel that right now, however, it‘s hard for people to recognize International Men‘s Day - which is today. In that event, let me offer you a couple of suggestions. I think today is a reminder that as a people we need to do more - for men and women, boys and girls. Maybe we‘ll get there. I certainly hope so. #nineteen #NovemberByTheNumbers

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#nineteen #NovemberByTheNumbers #movietiein I haven‘t read this or seen the movie, so didn‘t realize this was a nonfiction account. sounds intriguing.

mangokittty The movie is pretty good. My boyfriend loves submarine movies and I enjoyed this one. I haven‘t read the book though. 7y
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