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I finished this yesterday (Week 3), but didn't have Wi-Fi in the airport. It's not as good as I remember it being (nor as good as I remember his other books being).

This is from my December TBR list for #WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers @StayCurious

#WrapItUpReadathon @keys_on_fire

Addition: A Novel | Toni Jordan
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And this boi.

BookDragonNotWorm 🦘🦘🦘 LOVE!!! 3y
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Addition: A Novel | Toni Jordan
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OK, my reading patio faces the other side of the building, but I‘m still gonna share these trees out the front of our motel room.

Chrissyreadit You are clearly somewhere pretty! 3y
Lauredhel @Chrissyreadit Denmark on the south coast of WA 3y
Chrissyreadit Ohhhh! 😍😍😍 3y
LeeRHarry Oh yes I remember the fabulous trees in Denmark 😊 3y
Lauredhel @LeeRHarry I love them all but this row is particularly beautiful! 3y
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Decent memoir/nonfiction about OCD in general and the author's experience. It isn't quite organized and he doesn't weave the generic and specific quite seamlessly and there are a few too many anecdotes that are present more for shock value than because that actual support the point. But it's ok.

#ReadHarder #ReadHarder2021 - demystifies a common mental illness

CorLie I listened to the audiobook for this. The reader made the choice to use an "accent" whenever the author quoted a non-British person (author, academic, subject, writer, etc.) But the reader isn't very good at accents so this came across vaguely racist and really off-putting. 3y
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New Litsy Here!👋🏻 Year of Books: Book 1
Loved this book, for anyone who has OCD or OCD tendencies - this book has an amazing, neurologically studied, coping process to help change your brain and help you not get stuck in the dreadful loop!

sprainedbrain Welcome! I hope you love it here. 😃 4y
BeeMagical @sprainedbrain Thank you!! 🧡☺️ 4y
Nute Welcome to Litsy! It‘s a warm and friendly community. I know that you will enjoy yourself here. I‘m looking forward to getting to know you!🙂 4y
BeeMagical @Nute Thank you so much!🥰 looking forward to getting to know you too!!🙌🏻 4y
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Alessandra Voltan
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Aborda o problema do TOC Transtorno obsessivo compulsivo. Saúde e Comportamento. Psicologia.

Addition: A Novel | Toni Jordan
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It all counts.

#BookHunt Round 1

Shadowshaper | Daniel Jos Older
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• Spent some time outside today in the bright January sunshine. 'Twas pretty chilly but wholly refreshing. The boy slept in his stroller after a brief walk through the neighborhood. Except for a nagging headache and OCD symptoms from hell, it's been a decent Wednesday. For some reason, Wednesdays are notoriously difficult for me •

#brain #OCD #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #today

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• OK, this isn't an easy read for me; this book has several passages that remind me of how it feels INTERNALLY to be a diagnosed OCD sufferer half my life. It might be fiction -- but there's more truth in here than most people could imagine 😔 •

#mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalillness #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #anxiety #fiction #novels #brain

Enchanted_Bibliophile John Green actually based a lot of this book on his own experience with OCD. Know you're not alone 🌹 5y
bibliobliss @Enchanted_Bibliophile I listened to a podcast a few months ago where he was interviewed, and he talked about his own struggles with OCD. It's true that we all have something to overcome in the game of life, but sometimes it feels like no one else will ever understand this particular strangeness. Thanks for reminding me that I'm not alone in the fight 😉 5y
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